Of course !!

An absolute horror - thank you.

In summary - one more US (and Israel) genocide….

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Think about it – A Genocide in YOUR Name !!

A “temporary” pier US is building in Gaza is -- to export intentionally starved and utterly desperate Palestinians to, perhaps St. Helena or northern Pakistan – but out of Palestine. A Nakba-2 horror.

The ones who remain will – die, according to Nazi-dominated Israeli government.

US-Israel cabal is implementing Hitler’s “Final Solution” – we are watching it in real time on TV.


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“Easily disproven global warming narrative.” Right. You are a lying sack of excrement who needs to be in Rafa in a tent, drinking sewage.

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And one more thing Andrew ...

Please don't you ever again put words in my mouth ...

I NEVER suggested that we DO NOT have a bit of climate crisis ...

My contention is only that climate change does not pose an existential threat to us.

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You’re wrong about that, too. But, forgiven, as the time humans had to change our behavior in order to put an end to the climate crisis that our behavior caused ran out about 25 years ago. By the time we found out in 1989 how far along the climate crisis already was, we had ten years. The disinformation PR that was sitting there for years, waiting to be needed, went into action immediately. It was successful. The deal has done gone down. One of the very few things Chris is overly optimistic about. I guess he needs some kind of hope to sustain him. I wish I had some.

But, come on, PITA C. An obvious DELIBERATE GENOCIDE starts on October 7, and Chris decides it is the most critical thing to write about for the last 5+ months, and you trash him for it? And then get all bent about my suggestion that maybe YOU need to experience what he is outraged about? Chris Hedges is one of about a half dozen people writing in English who has really serious courage, decency, intelligence, integrity, and knowledge about what he writes about. And you yammer about his being ‘holier than thou’ and ‘self righteous’? He IS holier, and far more righteous, than you. AND ME. He NEVER would have responded to your trolling of him the way I did.

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A troll antagonizes and degrades the discourse just for the hell of it ...

And I'm not here to convince you ... Hedges threw the constitution and the U.S. working class under the bus with COVID on AUG 27, 2021 ... but it doesn't matter if it were COVID or climate change ... Hedges will no longer address the most urgent issues facing Americans ... I'm outraged also by GAZA, but Hedges has deserted us and I'm here to call him on it.

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If you are not a troll, you do a very good imitation of one. I don’t know who the ‘us’ is you think Chris Hedges has deserted, but that group does not include me. For Pete’s sake, if you don’t find Chris worth reading, then stop reading him. I am sure we both have lists of those we no longer pay attention to because of what each of us see as shortcomings that make them unworthy of our attention. Just let it go. And, if you have any ideas of who might be worthy of our attention, please share them.

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"Just let it go" ...

Ha! ... yes sir, but only with your permission of course!

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Just reported your nasty comment to Substack Admin ...

We all maintain our diginity and composure here, even when we disagree ...

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Not a liar, Andrew ...

And you know it ... Hedges looked us all in the eye in that interview with Krystal & Kyle on JAN 1, 2022 and pushed the "safe & effective" narrative on us ... it's all there in black and white ...

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Thank you Chris.

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RIGHT! They'll be shipped to US bases in Cyprus, Greece, Italy -and then let loose into the EU. The EU is the dumping ground of failed US/Israel wars.

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I now count over 70 pieces Hedges has posted here since OCT 7, and all but 6 addressed issues other than the ISR-Palestinian conflict ... after doing a token piece on Biden's role in supposedly paving the way for Trump-loving Christians to regain power via the NOV election, Hedges returns to his new home here to write yet another piece on Gaza ...

I'm calling out Hedges on two points:

My research suggests he now has 85k SUBS here, up from 60k since OCT 7 ...

1) Why can't Hedges drop the names of several GAZA support orgs? ... why not?

He's in a perfect position to extend his influence by simply mentioning these orgs OR even better, leading an effort to establish a support fund in his name ...

2) Why can't he alternate his writings between Assange/Gaza and those issues that are now crushing "his" U.S. working class? ...

Chris Hedges refused to stand with us against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports, pushed the "safe & effective" narrative on us just 30 days after the explosive, court-ordered FDA FOIA release and continues to protect the phony climate existential threat narrative.

In 2009, Al Gore predicted the polar ice caps may disappear in 5-7 yrs ...



In 2022 Hedges referred to the now easily-disproven global warming narrative as ...

"the greatest existential crisis facing the human species."

SALON: https://www.salon.com/2022/07/26/dawn-of-the-apocalypse-existential-for-our-species-is-right-here-right-now/

There was a time when Hedges would set the record straight, but not anymore.

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I agree we need a Climate Change retrospective. Many of the papers fall apart on basic scrutiny, who peer reviewed them! We have decades of forcast to see forecast/actual. And the current strategy of closing a highly regulated factory in Germany powered by Natural Gas and shipping it to unregulated India powered by coal is a good thing. Meanwhile particle and water pollution are killing millions yearly. Meanwhile particle and water pollution are killing millions yearly. I sometimes wonder if Climate Change is a Koch Brothers deflection.

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Excerpt from Chris Hedges intro for interview with John Vailant, Author of "FIRE WEATHER": "... if left unchecked, (the toxic chemicals from the Fort McMurray tar sands) will SOON render the planet uninhabitable" ...

Oh really? ... how soon Mr. Hedges? ... when? ... handicap it for us, give us a time window ... you've actually said this many times Mr Hedges, but this old world just keeps on turning.

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The basic physics is there:


The climate is changing and rare extreme events are becoming more commonplace. When it comes to when specific things like the arctic ice completely disappearing in the summer, that’s hard to accurately predict. Since the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the world and the extent of the ice is shrinking, it will probably happen eventually.

Everybody wants a Hollywood disaster movie scenario. It’ll be a slow frog boiling hot tub but disastrous nonetheless. A catastrophe in slow motion:


The world may not end but civilization might, and we might. I definitely think the party is coming to an end and we’re seeing the beginnings of it. I’ll take Chris Hedges’ perspective over the “don’t worry, be happy” folks.

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Would have liked to see you either expound upon or refute Hedges' claim ...

I've taken exception here to him confidently saying that the toxic fumes from the Fort McMurray tar sands alone "will SOON render the planet uninhabitable"... Hedges did not really add any depth to this discussion and the supposed objectivity of Harvard as a reliable voice on climate change can be easily challenged by simply following the money: https://www.wbur.org/cognoscenti/2019/04/26/harvard-divest-from-fossil-fuels-climate-change-ilana-cohen

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I am more concerned about Hedges’ quote from Hansen. Hansen said it’s “game over” if the tar sands are burnt. What happens if tar sands are burnt? Following are my crude, primitive back-of-the-envelope calculations for a ballpark concept:

Barrels Oil in Canadian Tar Sands: 1.80E+12

Tons CO2 from burning one barrel oil: 0.45

Potential CO2 from Tar Sands: 8.10E+11

Tons CO2 in the atmosphere: 3.00E+12

Tons CO2 in the atmosphere + Tar Sand CO2: 3.81E+12

Present Atmospheric Concentration CO2 ppm: 420

Atmospheric Concentration CO2 w/ tar sands: 533

Estimated warming ⁰C per 10 ppm increase: 0.1

Estimated warming ⁰C from burnt tars sands: 1.1

Temperature increase ⁰C wrt pre-industrial: 1.2

Temperature increase ⁰Cwith tar sands CO2 2.3

Present percentage Tar Sands available: 0.1

Fraction CO2 absorbed by ocean: 0.3

Adjusted warming ⁰C: 0.3

Adjusted Temp increase ⁰C wrt pre-industrial: 1.5

So if all tar sands were burnt and inserted into the atmosphere, we could reach 2.3⁰C warming which is bad. Only 10% of the oil is available with existing methods (I’m sure they are working on improving that). 30% of the CO2 is absorbed by the oceans (this will reduce as ocean temperatures warm and oceans become more saturated with CO2). Correcting for this, we go from 2.3⁰C warming down to 1.5⁰C which is the recommended limit before things get really, really bad. But this is on top of all the good, old-fashioned “low-hanging-fruit” oil that will definitely be burnt. Tar sands and fracked oil that have to be troubled out of the earth will push us much further into the catastrophic. I believe this is what Hansen meant.

As for Hedges saying “soon”, let’s say it’s 50-100 years from now. Geologically, that’s immediate. In the written history of the human race, that’s pretty soon. For a human, not soon. But every kilogram of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere is a multi-millennia commitment. At some point, you’re locked in. One doesn’t die the instant one drives off a cliff, but the outcome is pretty fixed once you do. It takes at least ten years for the effects of “new” CO2 to be felt. We keep committing to worse and worse scenarios and unknowns.

Last year, for the first time in 75 years, I was in Pennsylvania watching an orange sky with Canadian wildfire smoke. I used to like disaster movies. Now, I get to be an extra in one.

Hansen is at the more pessimistic end of the scale when it comes to climatologists. That doesn't mean that he will be wrong.

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This was an excellent contribution to this thread Stan, thx ...

But a more urgent short-term issue is now in our face, and I'm betting most of Hedges' SUBs don't know it ... we've got those scary amendments to the WHO pandemic treaty going to a vote in just two months ... Hedges has now got 85k SUBs here in Substack, but he'd never consider doing a piece on it ... this - among other things, is the problem with Hedges ... his writings are rarely actionable ... he doesn't write to empower us, he just writes to entertain us with hopeless darkness ...

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Ok, PITA. Two more things. Unfortunately, giving money to groups trying to get aid into Gaza is a fool’s errand, at this stage. Nothing, or virtually nothing, can get in. If you want to know, just google Gaza aid groups. Secondly, neither Chris nor anyone else can be all things to all people all of the time. He writes about what he thinks is important, or what he knows. Horrible one-sided wars are something he knows all too well. It is understandable that he is laser focused at the moment on Gaza.

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It's not a temporary pier or it would already be operational - that is a canard. It's also not for delivering aid and ultimately not really for deporting that which is already set up for a final solution.

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When I see the macabre results of Zionism in Israel, I have to confront with horror my thoughts that perhaps it would have been better that Hitler had accomplished the final solution and avoid the proliferation of this breed of murderous Israelis. Of course, I'm ashamed of this thought because I'm aware of the good that normal Jewish people have always brought to the world. The problem, in my opinion, is when Christian and Jewish fundamentalist try to enforce God's "gift" of land to Israel. When Islam ruled the Outremer, both Jews and Christians were allowed to live in peace and practice their faith. But then...

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The thing is that it isn't any one "breed" of any particular people that makes this awful stuff happen that one might eliminate to solve the problem - it's the whole species. And even in this particular case there are so many hands stirring the pot that "murderous Israelis" is probably just the half of it.

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Fully agreed. What we are witnessing is the dark side of our homo sapiens species that probably will end up in ashes after its nuclear self annihilation.

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I live in Stanstead Quebec Canada. Hockeytown and home to Stanstead College a cancer in our community a parasite destroying our community a Wesleyan College . A ghetto of wealth inside a community destroyed by grEed avarice and paranoia. lESS THAN AN HOUR FROM sT jOHNSBURY vERMONT HOME TOWN OF cHRIS THE MOST HOLY hEDGES. tHE cHRISTIAN HOLIER THAN THOU SELF REIGHTEOUS.

i KNOW WHERE kAMALA hARRIS GREW UP. sHE KNOWS ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST. i AM 76 TOMORROW AND I know the scars mental and physical and know the Vermont Chris Grew up in . I was in Vermont before Bernie; my wife went from the University of Chicago with a Master's degree in Science Education to Hyde Park Academy in Woodlawn. I lived in Woodlawn. It needs schools not shrines to wealth and power. my father came to Montreal in 1926 I met my great grandparents in Montreal my grandfather was a baker in our ghetto. I remember the Vermont that had Gentiles Only signs. My father called Vermont Mississippi North.

Chris can take his Harvard and stick it.

The Holocaust started in HAVANA in 1939 or shall it the final solution/.



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"Chris can take his Harvard and stick it." What do you mean by this, Moe? what about Hannah Arendt and her thoughts? Should the following comments also be treated the same way by her?

The link provided leads to an article about a letter written by notable Jewish intellectuals, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt, to the New York Times on December 4, 1948. This letter, written in response to Menachem Begin's visit to the United States, discusses the political party he represented and its similarities to fascist parties. It also mentions the Deir Yassin massacre which occurred in April 1948.


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Excellent report and art piece by Mr. Fish. Thank you both of you. I rely in reports like those of Mr. Hedges for good information. Decades ago I quit watching network news and I don't know what are they telling today, but I imagine it is the same lying as always. I only watch democracynow.org for professional reporting.

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