Of course !!

An absolute horror - thank you.

In summary - one more US (and Israel) genocide….

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Mar 21·edited Mar 22

Think about it – A Genocide in YOUR Name !!

A “temporary” pier US is building in Gaza is -- to export intentionally starved and utterly desperate Palestinians to, perhaps St. Helena or northern Pakistan – but out of Palestine. A Nakba-2 horror.

The ones who remain will – die, according to Nazi-dominated Israeli government.

US-Israel cabal is implementing Hitler’s “Final Solution” – we are watching it in real time on TV.


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“Easily disproven global warming narrative.” Right. You are a lying sack of excrement who needs to be in Rafa in a tent, drinking sewage.

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Thank you Chris.

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RIGHT! They'll be shipped to US bases in Cyprus, Greece, Italy -and then let loose into the EU. The EU is the dumping ground of failed US/Israel wars.

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I now count over 70 pieces Hedges has posted here since OCT 7, and all but 6 addressed issues other than the ISR-Palestinian conflict ... after doing a token piece on Biden's role in supposedly paving the way for Trump-loving Christians to regain power via the NOV election, Hedges returns to his new home here to write yet another piece on Gaza ...

I'm calling out Hedges on two points:

My research suggests he now has 85k SUBS here, up from 60k since OCT 7 ...

1) Why can't Hedges drop the names of several GAZA support orgs? ... why not?

He's in a perfect position to extend his influence by simply mentioning these orgs OR even better, leading an effort to establish a support fund in his name ...

2) Why can't he alternate his writings between Assange/Gaza and those issues that are now crushing "his" U.S. working class? ...

Chris Hedges refused to stand with us against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports, pushed the "safe & effective" narrative on us just 30 days after the explosive, court-ordered FDA FOIA release and continues to protect the phony climate existential threat narrative.

In 2009, Al Gore predicted the polar ice caps may disappear in 5-7 yrs ...



In 2022 Hedges referred to the now easily-disproven global warming narrative as ...

"the greatest existential crisis facing the human species."

SALON: https://www.salon.com/2022/07/26/dawn-of-the-apocalypse-existential-for-our-species-is-right-here-right-now/

There was a time when Hedges would set the record straight, but not anymore.

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Ok, PITA. Two more things. Unfortunately, giving money to groups trying to get aid into Gaza is a fool’s errand, at this stage. Nothing, or virtually nothing, can get in. If you want to know, just google Gaza aid groups. Secondly, neither Chris nor anyone else can be all things to all people all of the time. He writes about what he thinks is important, or what he knows. Horrible one-sided wars are something he knows all too well. It is understandable that he is laser focused at the moment on Gaza.

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It's not a temporary pier or it would already be operational - that is a canard. It's also not for delivering aid and ultimately not really for deporting that which is already set up for a final solution.

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I live in Stanstead Quebec Canada. Hockeytown and home to Stanstead College a cancer in our community a parasite destroying our community a Wesleyan College . A ghetto of wealth inside a community destroyed by grEed avarice and paranoia. lESS THAN AN HOUR FROM sT jOHNSBURY vERMONT HOME TOWN OF cHRIS THE MOST HOLY hEDGES. tHE cHRISTIAN HOLIER THAN THOU SELF REIGHTEOUS.

i KNOW WHERE kAMALA hARRIS GREW UP. sHE KNOWS ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST. i AM 76 TOMORROW AND I know the scars mental and physical and know the Vermont Chris Grew up in . I was in Vermont before Bernie; my wife went from the University of Chicago with a Master's degree in Science Education to Hyde Park Academy in Woodlawn. I lived in Woodlawn. It needs schools not shrines to wealth and power. my father came to Montreal in 1926 I met my great grandparents in Montreal my grandfather was a baker in our ghetto. I remember the Vermont that had Gentiles Only signs. My father called Vermont Mississippi North.

Chris can take his Harvard and stick it.

The Holocaust started in HAVANA in 1939 or shall it the final solution/.



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Excellent report and art piece by Mr. Fish. Thank you both of you. I rely in reports like those of Mr. Hedges for good information. Decades ago I quit watching network news and I don't know what are they telling today, but I imagine it is the same lying as always. I only watch democracynow.org for professional reporting.

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