Lucky young girl meeting Tommy. To bad the religious anti Communist Corporate fascism of Manning Sr. set up Alberta as an extreme right wing Oil Oligarchy Province. The far right Manning Center set up by Preston has done more harm than most Canadians know. The corporate power in Calgary Center is murdering the Planet and throwing any cha…
Lucky young girl meeting Tommy. To bad the religious anti Communist Corporate fascism of Manning Sr. set up Alberta as an extreme right wing Oil Oligarchy Province. The far right Manning Center set up by Preston has done more harm than most Canadians know. The corporate power in Calgary Center is murdering the Planet and throwing any chance at fighting climate change, when they vomit up people like Harper, Smith and P.P. ! Ardent unquestioning Christian Zionists!
What's amazing is how few people know how lethal Manning is...everything is done in the back room, money flows to shrink tanks like the Fraser Institute, and for years, even our CBC reported their findings as if they'd done research.
I wonder how long it will be before the method of starting with your conclusions and then gathering up 'evidence' from where ever to support those called out as the propaganda it is. As a teacher, I remember some of the FRaser's evaluation of good schools and bad schools.....done up with no mention of the fact that you could substitute rich schools ad poor schools..............if you really wanted to know why the educational outcomes were what they were.
They do math in the same dishonest that a rise in corporate tax from 8% to 11% becomes a 34% rise......sad part is no one in the msm spends much time fact checking....or calling them out. Kind of like the Zionist mafia that's active throughout the western democracies.......right wing none sense gets a pass.
I'm sometimes afraid that by the time we wise up, we'll be in situations not much different from what the Palestinians are facing today.........helpless behind a wall of lies and armaments.
Lucky young girl meeting Tommy. To bad the religious anti Communist Corporate fascism of Manning Sr. set up Alberta as an extreme right wing Oil Oligarchy Province. The far right Manning Center set up by Preston has done more harm than most Canadians know. The corporate power in Calgary Center is murdering the Planet and throwing any chance at fighting climate change, when they vomit up people like Harper, Smith and P.P. ! Ardent unquestioning Christian Zionists!
What's amazing is how few people know how lethal Manning is...everything is done in the back room, money flows to shrink tanks like the Fraser Institute, and for years, even our CBC reported their findings as if they'd done research.
I wonder how long it will be before the method of starting with your conclusions and then gathering up 'evidence' from where ever to support those called out as the propaganda it is. As a teacher, I remember some of the FRaser's evaluation of good schools and bad schools.....done up with no mention of the fact that you could substitute rich schools ad poor schools..............if you really wanted to know why the educational outcomes were what they were.
They do math in the same dishonest that a rise in corporate tax from 8% to 11% becomes a 34% rise......sad part is no one in the msm spends much time fact checking....or calling them out. Kind of like the Zionist mafia that's active throughout the western democracies.......right wing none sense gets a pass.
I'm sometimes afraid that by the time we wise up, we'll be in situations not much different from what the Palestinians are facing today.........helpless behind a wall of lies and armaments.