Their new book, THE MYTH OF NORMAL makes a good case for how much illness is caused by a lifetime of trying to fit into that idiotic 'bell curve'. Diversity is a key to a healthy ecosphere....but the universalizing goons in the dept of math destruction use numbers to convince us of dumb ideas....and we kill ouselves trying to get in underl their normalized umbrella.
Their new book, THE MYTH OF NORMAL makes a good case for how much illness is caused by a lifetime of trying to fit into that idiotic 'bell curve'. Diversity is a key to a healthy ecosphere....but the universalizing goons in the dept of math destruction use numbers to convince us of dumb ideas....and we kill ouselves trying to get in underl their normalized umbrella.
The individuals need for authenticity and attachment, and the conflicts between them, is the source of the trauma. I read the book and it's not about bell curve statistics. Aaron Mate is not a co-author.
Let's not forget the need of the entitled to correct every damn one of us. I taught school....and when I started that damn bell curve was what the know it alls used to tell us there could only be one or three A students in a class of 35..........its the normalizing graph used to measure populations...and at large numbers it more or less can be predictive.....
Of things so general that down here on the ground where we all live...its largely irrelevant. The Bell curve is an instrument of control...what Mate discusses is our tendency to try to fit into another kind of normal......which Foucault more thoroughly exposed in much of his writing.
The docile body is first and foremost a female body.......but in some instances, the drugs don't work. In those instances, we women who run with the wolves learn pretty deeply who it is wants to tell us what's what.
We mostly Ignore them. A life of doing our homework and speaking up showed us pretty clearly who didn't intend for us to be anything but drudgery.
Their new book, THE MYTH OF NORMAL makes a good case for how much illness is caused by a lifetime of trying to fit into that idiotic 'bell curve'. Diversity is a key to a healthy ecosphere....but the universalizing goons in the dept of math destruction use numbers to convince us of dumb ideas....and we kill ouselves trying to get in underl their normalized umbrella.
The individuals need for authenticity and attachment, and the conflicts between them, is the source of the trauma. I read the book and it's not about bell curve statistics. Aaron Mate is not a co-author.
Let's not forget the need of the entitled to correct every damn one of us. I taught school....and when I started that damn bell curve was what the know it alls used to tell us there could only be one or three A students in a class of 35..........its the normalizing graph used to measure populations...and at large numbers it more or less can be predictive.....
Of things so general that down here on the ground where we all live...its largely irrelevant. The Bell curve is an instrument of control...what Mate discusses is our tendency to try to fit into another kind of normal......which Foucault more thoroughly exposed in much of his writing.
The docile body is first and foremost a female body.......but in some instances, the drugs don't work. In those instances, we women who run with the wolves learn pretty deeply who it is wants to tell us what's what.
We mostly Ignore them. A life of doing our homework and speaking up showed us pretty clearly who didn't intend for us to be anything but drudgery.