After many many years of being insulted and called anti semitic for my opposition to Israel nd to Zionism generally I am saddened to be relieved of those charges. Saddened because of the countless thousands of lives it has taken to get t o the point of a majority beginning to realise that Zionism is not a jewish political organisation but fascism using a Jewish cover.

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I simply cannot fathom the idea that so many of the people whom I really respected and read every word that they wrote, have turned into such haters. All of them seem not to care bit that 2-year-old Palestinian children who cannot vote for Hamas r a r e somehow guilty and deserve to be bombed and killed. I have had to cancel my subscription to many substats and also some of podcasts because I no longer can read about how Palestinians deserve to be killed and all Jewish lives are more valuable than palestinian. Does Israel have a right to exist? Of course. But can it only exist by genocide against another people. Chris thank you for your work, it gives me some pride that there is someone out there like you

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I’ll explain. If you believe Israel has a right to exist. Then you will have to accept the fact that shit Israel put down all their guns and close their entire military that it’s a guarantee that World War III will repeat. However, you must agree should Gaza or Hamas or Palestinians, or whoever put down their guns, nothing will happen to them, and they will live in peace. Don’t forget who supplied Gazza with the most water and electricity. Forget the fact that the Palestinians that were the best of the best were those who got passes to come and work in Israel they were integrated into the economy which Chris Hedges has explained hundreds of times how important it is quoting Emmeul Durkheim on his book of suicide.

Unfortunately, every single war civilian casualties and if you want to be naïve and believe that Israel can take out Hamas with out the civilian casualties I highly suggest you go to Gaza and tell them how to do it and I can personally guarantee you that if your plan is feasible not only will they do it, but they will be happy to do it. Israel is now in fact, building more precise, guided missiles in an effort not to kill civilians.

You have to once, and for all put yourself in a position of the leader of Israel. What exactly would you tell the leader of Israel if he would ask you after October 7 what he is supposed to do now? I know it will start doing what everyone does by justifying it based on everything that happened in the past, but That is the reason I don’t look at the past. I look at one thing at a time I don’t mix a match. Israel understands very well if they do not retaliate it will be repeated and repeated again and again, and they also understand that the only way they can save Israel, which belongs to them is if they do retaliate.

It’s the same for those. Why are so many Black people in prison and why is the more Black people than white people in prison. I know it’s very sad I like Black people as much as I like white people, but for some other reason, they just commit more crimes, and all the evidence shows that way. Maybe the question should be why they commit more crimes and see how to fix that part but you cannot deny the fact that people of color commit more crimes it’s on camera. The only Black people in prison that did not commit crimes are Chris hedges students, but other than that, unfortunately that’s not the case I wish it was. And my biggest wish is there should not be or even exist the idea of a prison, especially when it’s owned by private equity firms.

The point is people are very good in coming up with all kinds of ideas and solutions the south every problem and if they can’t, they just go back and use logic and logic says very simple. Hamas killed you so you only have the right to kill Hamas. Nobody seems to demonstrate how exactly Israel is supposed to do that! I also find it very interesting why the Palestinians didn’t condemn Hamas for what they did on October 7, and why they don’t protest the overthrow from governing them.

But I finally have video if you give me an email I’ll send it to you. We are many people in Gaza are finally for the first time protesting not against Israel, but against Hamas.

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Same thing here.

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The majority are learning that the caring left hates Jews.

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Frankly Lee the world is learning the "caring" right do not exist at all! The biblical story of Jesus in the wilderness, doesn't faze them in the least. Have a cold drink of water today and think of a Palestinian child being murdered every ten minutes and increasing. Thousands of mothers are spontaneously aborting from the bombing and shell shock, so much for their "right to life" Should the fetuses be included in the death toll? Do they call the IDF baby killers? C sections on the over crowded hospital floor without anesthesia. They probably fire up the Alice Cooper song "Dead Babies" watching Palestinian Muslims being slaughtered with blood thirsty ears and ravenous eyes of hate!

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My version of Alice's song "Dead Babies" "Little Fatima ate a pound of IDF shrapnel, Served hot through her bedroom wall, Fatima's mommy wasn't there to save her, She didn't hear her baby call, Her head was crushed by a laser guided missile, Dead babies can't take care of themselves, Dead babies can't dodge bullets or IDF shells, Dead babies don't need water, Israeli's don't care at all, Daddy was burnt to death yesterday by a US made phosphorus shell, His crime was seeking out water to help make mothers milk, Little Fatima is sleeping in the grave yard, Living in her white sheet shroud, Goodbye little Fatima, Goodbye little Ahmed we barely knew you at all, So long brothers and sisters who were born in this Zionist Hell, Your story we must remember, your story we must tell, Goodbye little Fatima you deserved so much more!

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Well Jimbo, I live in both worlds unlike you in your lefty thought bubble tribal safe space cocoon. I hang with those conservative Billy-Bobs and Joe the Plumbers, and also with those uppity educated coastal liberals. And there is absolutely no question that the former demonstrates much more real grace and caring than does the latter. The latter has great language and rhetorical skills with actions of darkness. The former lacks those linguistic strengths but routinely demonstrates the individual help and charity in the model of Jesus.

It is so ironic with your tribe's spewing of antisemitism that your would have the stones to use the image of Jesus in your attack. Don't cha think? Maybe you don't.

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AS an atheist Auto mechanic, I used their own hypocrisy. The Christian father the son and the holy ghost. Sanctioned slavery, rape, land theft, anti Semitism and most of all WAR! Jesus the Jewish man was a heretic that hated phony organized religion. The best of his teachings of turn the other cheek or love the neighbor, do unto others, discarded without a thought. The old Testament God of eye for an eye and Hellfire is a racist , jealous God, from my perspective Neo Con/Neo Liberals use it to murder any and all "barbarian's", "savages" "terrorists" they name as such. Frankly Lee your Muslim-phobia is showing.

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“Frank Lee” does not live in two worlds. She lives in one world and posts the bile that comes with her carefully taught but ultimately useless factional posturing into Chris Hedges’ comments site. I often wonder if she’s paid to do so by some Trumpist monied sponsor, given the time she spends on here, and that anyone else who was so repelled by Hedges’ supporters as she appears to be over so long a period of time, might just bail.

I see she has turned clinician. We should be careful in case anyone should mistake her for someone able to rule against an even more deranged right-thinking perfectionist getting a gun licence. She’d likely buy them some more guns.

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The new threat of Christian Nationalism is laughable. Since the turn of the century, Christians have been leaving the churches in droves. Consumerism, Progressivism, Materialism have run roughshod over the country. even the Evangelical churches are admitting it. I guess the collectivist Regime is running out of boogeymen?

American Theocracy in 2003? maybe.

American Theocracy in 2023? gimme a break...

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Wow. And atheist, Christian hating, Jew hating auto mechanic that projects biblical knowledge and supports Islamist terrorism. Now there is a unique identity. Does any of your family invite you to holiday dinners? I bet you are a hoot at a party.

Funny though, in the red states where much of my family lives there is a lot of neighborly love. In the coastal liberal community I live in, the neighbors barely talk to each other.

Went to see Riley Gaines speak about women’s rights and the event needed 50 police and security guards to protect everyone from your political tribe loving thy neighbor.

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The hate is all yours Frank. The only hate I have is for Christian hypocrisy. KKK leaders were Methodists and Evangelicals, No? The Bible sanctioned slavery, No? The Christian fascist Speaker of the House oozes hate for Palestinian's and Muslims, No? US and Israeli Terror is supported by most of them, No? Your "Tribe" was brought up in the Jim Crow South, they oh so hope to bring back, No? Why does your welcoming tribes have white only churches? Word has it there were two bibles in the southern courts to swear in on, one for black hands one for white. The white juries who swore in had no qualms about bearing false witness proves your delusion, No? If you were born before Christ was invented, the "Gods" on hand would have been rammed down your throat, much the same way. Tell me where have all the dead Gods gone? As for hoots Mike Pence looks like a laugh in a half!

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You should watch you are saying. You are insulting me and a lot of caring left Jews.

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The statistic don't lie. I will admit though that it is clear that the Jew hating is dividing the Democrat party. The brainwashed campus youth have been programmed to hate people with an identity outside of the the certified victim label and Jews are all down there with white males, Christians' and conservatives. Maybe you are the other side of that. The problem you have is that the majority of Democrats in polls agree that Israel should go away... and by proxy they are clearly saying that they prefer Jews go away too. And as we have in every attempted global genocide of Jews, a percentage of Jews that join the enemy for reasons of self-loathing or strategic survival.


Go to the page that shows the poll from the question "In general in this conflict, do you side more with Israel or Hamas?”

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Last I heard Noam Chomsky is Jewish, along with Albert Einstein who considered a Jewish ONLY Nation state as abhorrent! I seem to remember hearing of at least one Pope leading Christian's into battle demanding to drink the blood of his enemies! The Koran pales in comparison to the Christian crusades and the Spanish inquisition! The so called Heathens had there own God and beliefs. The Christian God sold to them offered salvation in their own dispossession and subjugation. The Spanish Conquistadors were doing Gods work, raping and pillaging to fill their ships with gold! Head chopping, hand chopping, garroting and hanging waited for those who did not. The first things erected after Columbus arrived in paradise was a thirteen step, thirteen noose gallows!

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Self loathing Jews are a thing.

Christianity had a reformation, I hope one day you too will have one. You need it.

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"The problem you have is that the majority of Democrats in polls agree that Israel should go away..."

If you got that from the link you provided, you didn't read the presentation carefully. Nothing in that survey remotely supports the above.

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Nov 4, 2023
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Oh sweetie, you would not recognize a real fascist if it was staring back at you from the mirror.

And try to be a better person in the comment sections. Posting something intelligent on the topic instead of second grade name calling.

Democrat antisemitism on display is a real bummer for their election hopes. It gets added to their basket of evil along with their absurd gender ideology that harms children, and attempted destruction of women's rights.

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Sweet Frankie Lee. WE all see or should I say hear the fascist in our midst. Why can't you? No mirrors in your house?

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LOL. You are a dimwit.

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Coming from a half wit? Priceless!

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Zieg Heil,

Perhaps if you would have read Orwell you might understand your ignorance. The Holocaust and Gaza were designed in London by Lord Beaverbrook. The Orwell Foundation 1945 Notes on Nationalism

Zionism will become Fascist.


We are all Gazans.


Stop waiting for the Messiah there is no such thing as half man half God that is a Roman belief. We're on Planet Earth and there is no where to go and we either live in peace or stop worrying about tomorrow because tomorrow will never come.

Don't mind me I am just another Piano player in Vlady Zelenskiy's piano playing orchestra.

I am a Zionist my great grandfather was Zionist they believed everywhere was holy and believed Zion was anywhere that offers refuge. I live in Quebec. I born here 75 years ago when we were the Devil incarnate and now we are Quebec 100% citizens. As Chief Dan George once said it is a good day to die. My Ancestors were residents of the Basque in 1492 and fled for their lives as Rome looked for new Jews to sacrifice to their idol across the ocean. Their God seems addicted to Jewish Blood.

Heneni Here I am

This is Quebec's Final Solution.

In Quebec there are no Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Atheists, Catholics., Protestants, or Holy rollers in Politics. There are no MALES or females there are no Africans, or Asians, or Caucasians only Humans with human rights in a liberal democracy where healthcare, education and welfare are human rights and human responsibility and we pray in our closets so everyone can dance in the sunlight. Would you like to buy a church we are have a clearance sale and our inventory is beyond any demand for seating? I suspect Canada would not exist in month if the Supreme Court overturned Quebec 21


Gaza is stupid but the blame lies in New York, Toronto, Moscow, Washington, Rome, Istanbul and London not Tel Aviv or Jerusalem Bibi is an American Fascist not a Jewish Fascist his father was an historian and history is rather painful. Jewish history is written as allegory not fictional narrative. I am 75 and use only the words I spoke as a child. They say I am a genius at analytics and I failed Kindergarten. The say I am wide spectrum autistically disordered and high functioning. What does that mean? I am 75 blind in eye survived an aggressive malignancy ten years ago my urologist is an observant hijab wearer what am I to make of the New World Order?

From Doubter's Companion John Ralston Saul Viking Press A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense

NEW WORLD ORDER A sweeping vision of a changed world in which life will be both different and better. This concept projects the assured resonance of ideology although devoid of ideological content, as well as of sweep, as well as of content. In the past the word "new "has usually been inserted into political programs when the intent is to erase all memory of past experience. The use of the word "world " betrays a certain megalomania. And "order" resonates with a long history of para-military projects.

Chris reviewed Voltaire's Bastards 20ieth anniversary edition.

Obviously he read John's Dictionary. He didn't understand a single word word John said:" The World is a comedy for those that think."Horace Walpole 4th Earl of Orford ( the name of a local ski resort) 1717-1797 he lived to 80 bet he ate well and got plenty of exercise and went to the best schools.

I live in my own home with my PhD American wife who never went to senior high because they needed her at the University of Chicago.

Is it dysfunctional to spend more on books than on food and eat better than the greatest Emperors in history at age of 85 and 75.

I live in a REAL democracy with a free and independent media I subscribe and I still pay taxes and our retirement income is usually modest but years of disaster have provided us with excess. How is that for dysfunction. I am happy I want peace and everybody to win. Doesn't everyone read Twain's War Prayer?


It is hard to imagine this on Nebraska Public Television in 2023 there would be public lynching sponsored by Chik Fil A. In Quebec Chik Fil A is against the law and we have not a single Cracker Barrel.

I remember the Alamo. America invaded Mexico and Occupied Texas and reintroduced slavery and made Roman Catholics second class citizens and nothing has changed in 170 years.

My Canadian historian was named Irving Abella he wrote my people's history of Canada. He called it None is Too Many


You want it Darker?


We worshipped in synagogues in Ukraine before Russia had Patriarchs. You probably support the Russian Genocide in Crimea just like in 1881 when my maternal grandmother fled for her life.😒

Why don't you read Jefferson's American Bible: He wrote it for Jews and Palestinians and Hindus and Atheists. He called it The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth and he actually read the Koran and Hebrew scripture because in time of King James Jews could NOT live in England. Jefferson called the constitution an abomination because he used Johnson's English Dictionary not law books written in Greek and Latin. Jefferson didn't believe in Heaven and Hell he was a Deist he believed in evolution. They had a Jew Roast to Celebrate Richard's return from Jerusalem and Jews were not allowed in England until the end of the British Civil war which involved only English Protestants who argued about how hellish was Hell and how Blissful was heaven and it was the greatest slaughter in English history which makes the Texas Chainsaw Massacre look like Saturday morning cartoons. Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary and I've writing for 25 years and I love to write but it took me 70 years to learn Why I Write my favourite book by Orwell after 1984 where I first told my classmates I wasn't a deaf mute and 1984 wasn't science fiction.

I live in Zion . No gods are not permitted in Zion we have people to look after.

The damn deities can look after themselves.

I will close with this from the Alan Lomax collection.

I love sitting on Top of the World it ain't exactly a celebration


Perhaps I should have been more kind and just played Ode to Louse


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i share in that sadness

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Exactly 👏

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I’ve learned more from your last two reports than in my previous decades reading the MSM. Chris. you’re an invaluable gem.

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Meanwhile - our corrupt politicians want to shovel our cash to racist Israeli murderers.

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Our bribed congressmen do not want to give Israel the 14.3 billion they just passed in the house, they have to do it as a tribute tax from the most powerful nation in the world to a small developed country as if we were their vassals . Every year, we taxpayers are forced to give them 3.8 billions to murder Palestinians otherwise our "patriotic" politicians cannot receive donations from AIPAC for their election campaigns. It is immoral, antidemocratic and utterly humiliating.

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I have been talking to those who will listen to the facts, comparing Israel to pre Holocaust Germany since their founding in 1948. Ze'ev Jabotinsky's Iron Wall and Einstein's NY Times letter usually makes their heads spin. Not enough go to the trouble though. That said in conversation with those who have no clue about Zionist Hasbara, they still believe the "beheaded babies" story, even here in Canada. I read Haaretz daily and consider it and Aljazeera a must to understand the ME, along with you of course Chris. Haaretz has given the names of those killed on the Oct 7 massacre, they list 18 children from 4 to 15, so far. But not one baby, wouldn't this fact put the story in a better light? If there actually was a baby murdered wouldn't they be the first ones listed? Finding the truth sooner rather than later would do a lot in tamping down the rage of the ignorant sheep. The US media's coverage proves they are going full fascist themselves. Nodding heads of approval for IDF war crimes is disgusting! They don't even criticize the banning of water!

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I spoke with a Jewish acquaintance yesterday and she told me about the beheaded babies, proof that if the media throws out a false story it doesn't die easily . When you have a president who repeats these stories without checking their veracity, it is way worse. Plus the fact that people believe what they want to believe.

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Haaretz's list of victims does not come close to 1,400 claimed dead and about 1/3 were NOT civilians, but were military, police, or settler militia's. There were also many victims of friendly fire. See the Grayzone coverage of Haaretz's reporting.

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Thank you for that belly laugh. Oh, that's so refreshing.

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What's so funny or refreshing?

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To quote:

That said in conversation with those who have no clue about Zionist Hasbara, they still believe the "beheaded babies" story, even here in Canada. I read Haaretz daily and consider it and Aljazeera a must to understand the ME, along with you of course Chris. Haaretz has given the names of those killed on the Oct 7 massacre, they list 18 children from 4 to 15, so far. But not one baby, wouldn't this fact put the story in a better light? If there actually was a baby murdered wouldn't they be the first ones listed?

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Oh your laughing at the sheep who believe IDF spokesman. Yes it is a belly laugh. Like when I hear Blinkety Blinken say "2 State solution"...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA 2 STATES AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

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Blinkety Blink. I like that. You hear Max Blumenthal on him? Jeesh.

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I have deplored Israel's ethnic cleansing of upwards of 750,000 Palestinians and its devastation and bulldozing of their villages, and opposed both in published journalism and in activism its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Those old enough to remember Israel in the 1970s (I am 83) and of my perspective may recall Rabbi Yeshayahu Leibowitz, a renowned dissident, who warned that Israel's occupations would produce a fascist Israel. His term was "Judeofascist." And so it has come to pass. Our own country has criminally - as in its relations with Indonesia and support of Indonesia's genocide in Timor\, as in its relations with other "client" nations - supported Israel to the hilt, hypocritically criticizing the settlements in the West Bank (and Gaza) but fulsomely funding Israel every year. The catastrophe underway now is the result.

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Chris, your last two articles are the most explosive you've written that I've read. More insightful than most others, save Caitlin Johnstone. May your words travel far and wide, and may they affect people in power, though at present, those leaders are the worst of the worst. Can anything stop this madness?

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I enjoy Caitlin's writing, but please don't even try to suggest she is in any way comparable to Hedges, who is an intellectual and long time experienced front line truth teller.

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I understand why you say that. I meant Caitlin has an ability to make a point clearly, and often stunningly, in fewer words than anyone else.

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I don’t believe in destiny, but it is not possible to see this developing holocaust without the historical geography of the region. It’s like a horror movie where the objects control the people. I stood once in the Old City of Jerusalem, not far from the great Mosque, and not from the wailing wall. Not so far either from Bethlehem. I imagined thousands of years of thought, emotion, and events that transpired there. The three great religions, all converging on this territory. And we try to understand the power of that. It would make a great horror movie, but instead it’s making simply a great horror.

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I've stood at that spot, too. While there I thought about the Palestinians who lived there in peace with a handful of Jews until, via the British, Palestine was simply given away FOR NO GOOD REASON to another people who decide from day one to exterminate all other people except Jews. In otherwise. They've never deviated from that goal. The odious US and its minions back up the slaughter. Ask yourself, why are Israelis/war (Ukrainians, too) more important to the US president, et.al., than the healthcare for all US citizens?

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NPR has a Morning Editor host in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. He described the Israeli's and Palestinians living in the West Bank as a "parallel universe" - APARTHEID.

It's all so disgusting to me.

Hedges knows exactly what's going on and that first link to his December 2022 column is beyond prescient.

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Chris is an incredibly hard working man. A person cannot achieve his caliber without hard work and sacrifice. It’s impossible. Intellectuals aren’t just born; they are organic in nature, made from an inner drive, fueled by compassion, curiosity and a strong desire to understand the world as it really is. Not afraid to get his hands dirty or skirt the front line, Chris has big balls like Hemingway, a rawness like London; not stranger to the battle field or breaking bread with the conscripts.

Like Franklin, a true public asset, Chris possesses the willingness and the drive to put in the hard work so that we can understand what is really going on around us. That, in and of itself, is hard work.

Chis Hedges: A strong man. A good man. An intellectual maverick. 👏

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Jack London is a hero of mine! He had a far tougher life than Hedges, but they share many virtues!

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I wouldn't believe a thing NPR has to say on this subject. They were captured in Clinton's agreement in 1995 with Gingrich. They've been so biased they just fill your head with garbage.

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You missed my point. I was criticizing NPR, not believing them. Instead of calling it apartheid, they used "parallel universe".

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Sorry. I'm so disgusted with NPR I turn the radio off when they cover Israel. Did you notice quite a few years ago when the broadcaster--I've forgotten his name now--who used to do Weekend Edition stated that Palestinian issues should be considered as well as the Israelis' and suddenly, seemed like it was within hours, there was an announcement he had handed in notice to spend time with his family or something. I think about him often and wonder what's he's up to now.

Dianne Rehm used to cut off people talking about Palestinian issues, if she even took their call. She would block the call and say, "Oops! We must have had a bad connection." Ya THINK?

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NPR is the government media. They have very good programs but when dealing with the politics of the White House they stink. I prefer community radio.

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Memo to current day Israel: Might does not make right. If you go down this road you will vanish, and soon. Go BDS, down with apartheid, religious discrimination and racism.

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Iran and Israel are nothing alike, except that they subscribe to a national religion. For one thing, Iran has been Persian for millenia. Israel is a Western colonialist experiment gone awry, largely thanks to the American pro-Israeli lobby and American Jews who could not see straight due to indoctrinated trauma. It isn't even one century old. My house is older than that. The solution for American Jews to disengage Congress from the pro-Israeli lobby. American Jews created this mess. They need to clean it up. And fast.

Also, Iran wouldn't be a theocracy were it not for the American (and European) manipulation of their democratic processes in the 1950's which resulted in a CIA-controlled Shah who happily decimated their self-sufficient economy. Without their intervention there never would have been a Revolution. The mullahs would not have seized power (since the CIA got rid of all competing parties, thank you very much). And because Congress is captured by Israel, there has been no reasonable negotiation between the U.S. and Iran at the command of Israel. As far as I know, they still hold onto some of the money the Shah stole from the Iranian people before he was ousted.

The IDF are attacking Hasidic Jews in Israel who are demonstrating against the carpet bombing of Gaza because they know genocide when they see it. This is crazy. Israel has gone off the deep bend. Someone needs to put Netanyahu in a straitjacket.

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Security for Israel does not follow the Bibi-script. Even if Hamas is disabled, Gaza children learn what Israel teaches them: 'you will not live free, ever.' So the kids learn how to die.

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Wow Frank! The caring left do not hate Jews.What we dislike and fear are the Zionists. The majority of Jews all around the world also see Zionism as a liability .Zionism invented in the 19th Century by a small minority of Jews is more like the Nazi cult than the advanced thinking of the majority of the world's Jewish population. Some US Zionists in leading positions are actually white gentiles with a bent towards violence . I know' that his is a cliche but many of my friends are Jews. Left leaning Jews of course.

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Wednesday, 12th July 2006

Contact Report 429


Israel, with its war-politics, murder-politics and criminal-politics sits in the nettles more and more and produces more and more enemies world-wide in the Islamic world and in their circle of friends.

What will be murderously, criminally and irresponsibly plotted through Israel there, for war on Hezbollah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, is a very dangerous situation and can, where possible, lead to a widespread conflagration through which quite especially Israel can properly fall on its snout.

That, quite especially then, if the Islamic world suddenly openly unites against Israel and razes it to the ground, as it has been brought to expression in various prophecies since ancient times.

If the enemies, ...

In Jerusalem the few still living people will wade in ankle-deep human blood.


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Thanks Chris for your historical update statement. That will stand times to comes. So clarified and honest, agreed 100 %.

I wish strengh to you to continue breaking silencing efforts.

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I don't know where you are going with this Mo. But it is ironic that you should advise me to read George Orwell. And I don 't think there was an Orwell foundation in. 1945. George and his wife Eileen were both employed by by the BBC Indian section as çritics and writers . I Am well conversant with the life and thoughts of Blair/Orwell .

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It's a horrible mess over there. I think Hamas hoped its murderous raid and hostage taking would cause Israel tp invade Gaza. Time will tell if Gaza is a trap, a kill zone, a graveyard for Israel's soldiers, as well as for lots of other people. I doubt Hamas gives a tinker's damn what Israel, America, Europe, etc. think about it. They are terrorists. The way Israel is going about it looks like terrorism to me. Who has a solution for it? I don't see anyone with a solution. I don't think there is a solution. Unless, say, Israel nukes the whole place and there is no more so-called holy land to fight over, and Armageddon has arrived, and the three religions that believe they are God's chosen people are finding out that God has nothing to do with any of it.

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Hamas is a resistance movement, not terrorists. You cannot be terrorists if you are being illegally occupied and you resist. Hamas is legal; Israel is not.

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What people do determines what they are. The Hamas murderous attack and hostage taking in Israel was a terrorist attack. It was no different from 9/11. It was bait, to get Israel to do just what it is doing now. Hamas doesn't give a shit about Palestinians that simply want to live a decent life. I am no fan of Israel. I think the worst possible thing that could have happened over there was the creation of Israel. Western Europe and America blew it, showed their true colors, when they did not offer WWII Jewish refugees safe harbor in their countries. The entire mess over there is rooted in the three Abrahamic religions claiming they are God's chosen people, thus whatever they do over there, God is on their side. The Devil loves it, God has nothing to do with it.

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I am not a conspiracy person, but there is something off about the ease with which Hamas got into israel. Israel is one of the most secure countries in the world in terms of safety and yet no one was at the secure fence even though Hamas supposedly had been planning this incursion for a year no one was there to stop them the entire Fiasco sounds an awful lot like the Epstein suicide when all the cameras were off and the guards were either asleep or gone away. I wouldn't put it past Netanyahu from wanting this as a good excuse to get rid of Gaza as he has always wanted to do. Otherwise how is it that guards are all over the place all the time and yet missed this. It just doesn't make sense to me

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I can't imagine Israel's generals being on board with something like that, if they knew a great deal of Gaza was underground Hamas tunnels buffered by heavily populated civilian shields. Look at how it went for America in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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I agree with several of your points. Religion, for example. I hate to tell you (well, that's actually a lie: I am DELIGHTED to inform you) that 9/11 was an inside job, as I said when it was happening. It was obviously an inside job and only many decades of anti-Arab/anti-Muslim propaganda in your news and entertainment industries prepared you to believe the official story of terrorists, blahblahblah. And Israel was clearly involved. You aren't a terrorist if you are resisting an illegal occupation, which is what Hamas is doing. And the U.S. and quite a few other countries including Australia offered land for a Jewish homeland during WWII. In fact roughly one million Jews were murdered in the death camps who needn't have been--the U.S. offered them asylum but the friggin' Zionists in Palestine said NO, they have to come to Palestine because they wanted more land. You could not make this shit up.

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I have no doubt the American government somehow was involved in 9/11, but the hijackers were Saudis, and they were under Osama bin Laden's command. I read in an American news media article, a letter from Osama to America, maybe in 2003?, in which Osama told Americans their president was easy to bait and they needed to replace him. America had no way to stop the killings in the Nazi death camps, before Hitler and his military were defeated. America indeed declined to accept the European Jewish refugees. I wonder if the wonderful pro-Israel patriotic Americans today ever will offer the people in Israel safe harbor in their red, white and blue cities, counties an states? I wonder if the people in Israel would accept that offer? You remind me of the fanatics in the American right and left. You are so sure you are right. Anyone who takes a side in this mess is missing the whole picture, for which we have the three Abrahamic religions to thank.

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You sound pretty self-assured yourself. A lot of Israelis have dual American citizenship. In fact a lot of Israelis were born in NYC. And I grew up in the M.E. so know a bit more than your average American. But 9/11 most definitely was an inside job. Don't be so naive. Do some research. There are new reports that have been published recently. Didn't they just pass a bill whereby Israelis don't even need visas to come here? Maybe it's not true. I heard it on--you guessed it!--NPR!

Most recent report I watched indicated Cheney and Rumsfeld were behind the 9/11 caper. Bush Jr. obviously knew about it, as did the Secret Service. He just carried on reading a children's book about goats. Yup. American citizens killed by their own government just as Israeli citizens were recently killed by the Israeli government. Nothing new. And then, ooh, let's go decimate Iraq and maybe Afghanistan while we're at it. But first we need to destroy Iraq. That makes a lot of sense, don't you think? Now they want to use Hamas taking POWs as an excuse to destroy Iran. Our aircraft carriers are in the PERSIAN Gulf. Did you notice I called it the PERSIAN Gulf??? Believe what you want, Sloan.

The Israeli/Palestinian thing is not about religion. Give it a rest.

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Surely many americans have dual citizenship and use it in our disadvantage. A good example is Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz who was the architect of the war against Iraq who resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people and the destruction of the only nation in the region capable of containing the madness of Israel leaving it to the Palestinians to fight for their freedom with their rock throwing teenagers.

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Unfortunately, the I/P thing is completely about religion. If I were President Biden, or the Speaker of the U.S. House or Senate, I would propose that America cut off all money and military aid to Israel pronto, with an offer for all people in Israel to come live in America and end the religious war in the so-called holy land, which began in Old Testament times. Make no mistake, Hamas started this recent conflagration. Make no mistake, if Israel feels sufficiently threatened, It will unleash is nuclear arsenal on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

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This Israeli makes a lot of sense. He comes from a family that was very connected to the establishment of the state of Israel. Yet he believes the only solution is a truly democratic state of Palestine which includes both Palestinians and Israelis (if they can get used to the idea that they are NOT superior to Palestinians). Period. You should really watch this. It's old--four weeks ago. I doubt the U.S. government could stand it. From the "Bad Faith" podcast which is terrific.


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HAMAS is committed to the destruction of Israel. The murder of civilians on 10/7/2023, is not resistance, it is genocide.

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Nope. Hamas has neither the manpower nor the weaponry to commit genocide. Stop throwing that word around. Hamas is committed to ensuring Palestinian rights are honored. Israel is committed to committing genocide of Palestinians. Resistance against an illegally occupying power is completely legal. We will have to wait until there's an impartial investigation (which I doubt will ever happen, given that it's Israel we're talking about) to find out who killed the Israeli civilians. Obviously the IDF killed a lot of them. You can keep repeating the above, but it is no more truthful the umpteenth time you say it than it was the first time you got it from your PR handlers.

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"Hamas has neither the manpower nor the weaponry to commit genocide."

A convenient rhetorical device. Repeating it ad infinitum will never make it true.

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Seriously, Rick? You're gong to compare the Palestinian's resources to Israel's? Try dealing with reality for a few minutes.

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American Jews need to tell Congress to take a fucking stand and stop giving Israel the freedom to do anything they want. Enough already.

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Congress, President Biden, and President Trump before that have had no control over what Israel does. Where America keeps screwing up is giving Israel lots oƒ money and weapons. Israel would not exist, but for what's in the Bible's Old Testament. This is all about three religions that descended from Abraham. Judaism and Christendom from Isaac, Islam from Ishmael. Each of those religions claim they alone are God's chosen people. Good luck resolving that with reason, common sense, prayer, hope, beliefs, mediation, etc. The closest anyone came to it was Jimmy Carter, and look at how the American Christian war hawks, who never heard of turn the other cheek and do good to and pray for your enemies, thanked him.

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Christianity comes from Christ, not Isaac. And Islam comes from Mohammad, not Ishmael. Don't try to teach me theology. I apparently know more about THAT than you do..

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Jesus was a Jew, who descended from Moses, who descended from Abraham's sone, Isaac.. Muhammed descended from Abrahama's other son, Ishmael. This is in the Jewish scriptures, the Bible's Old Testament, and the Koran - except Islam believes Ishmael was the son God promised Abraham, and, if you read Genesis, you see God told Abraham that Ishmael's seed would become a great nation andt would cause Isaac's seed trouble. Islam apparently took that to heart. There is no way to understand what is going on here, if you ignore the Scriptures of Judaism, Christendom and Islam.

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Sloan--I'm the daughter of theologians. Enough.

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Then, you know this history, if your parents taught it to you.

I wonder what your parents would do with this?

Three nights before 9/11, Archangel Michael asked me in my sleep, "Will you make a prayer for a Divine Intervention for all of humanity?" I woke up, wondered what that was about, made the prayer. On 9/11, my concern was America would get into an another Vietnam-like war it could not win. It didn't occur to me that America would get into two such wars. But I get ahead of myself. A few days after 9/11, as I walked out of U.S. Post Office, Michael told me, "America should get out of the Middle East altogether and let Islam and Israel work it out, or fight it out, and in that way learn which, if either, are God's chosen people.

I do not attend church. I belong to no religion, nor to any political party. If Americans and/or Christians heard what angels tell me and a friend of mine about America, religion, etc. they just might convince themselves it was the Devil talking to them :-).

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For those who remember their Kipling (that old bastard), one Law of the Jungle is "We be of one blood, ye and I". Bibi, Biden and their errand-boy Blinken have sunk well below that level, and they've dragged us down with them. I have never been so ashamed of my country.

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Kipling was an F'ing colonialist. Don't quote him now.

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What do you think Israel is Nosey? What do you think the USA is? There should be a massive Holocaust Center for Indigenous First Nations commemorating the US and Canada's original sin! A Palestinian Holocaust center in Jerusalem should be the first visit by foreign dignitaries like Yad Vashem!

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