"Nothing is off limits. Hospitals. Mosques. Churches. Homes. Apartment blocks. Refugee camps. Schools. Universities. Media offices. Banks. Sewer systems. Telecommunications infrastructure. Water treatment plants. Libraries. Wheat mills. Bakeries. Markets. Entire neighborhoods. Israel’s intent is to destroy Gaza’s infrastructure and daily kill or wound hundreds of Palestinians. Gaza is to become a wasteland, a dead zone that will be incapable of sustaining life."

All of this is entirely intentional, as the recent article in the Israeli publication +972 confirms.

The question remains - what is anyone going to do about it?

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I hate to say this, truly, but I will. My father who escaped the Third Reich in a shipping crate, lost his own father at Dachau. Later, he was present as the Israelis destroyed Arab villages and stole their country. He left in 1950, disgusted. Years later he told me, (and the thought was not unique to him), that if the Jews had not been Hitler’s victims, they would have been his most enthusiastic aids.

It’s a terrible thought, but he would not I suppose, be surprised by what Mr. Hedges describes here.

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Not much to add. This madness needs to stop now. Contact your so-called representatives in Congress, go to demonstrations, boycott Israel-made products and services, stop paying taxes, do whatever you can. Stop the barbarism NOW. No justice, no peace.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

Well it seems the Nazi’s won after all. Like some twisted horror sci-fi plot, Nazi Germany transferred itself into what passes for the Israeli state. It is beyond sadness that many Jews apparently identified with their oppressors and have become just like them now. Instead of the Jews facing extermination in WWII, now the Jews are exterminating the Palestinians. I am a lover of dark comedy, but this war on Palestine is dark tragedy. And unlike Nazi Germany when the world fought against it, the world is giving Israel a free pass to commit genocide. And the country of my birth the oh so “exceptional” USA is the greatest contributor to such genocide. I detest my country and what it stands for. Death and destruction is what the USA does.

And regarding the “founding” of Israel which was nothing more than stealing Palestinian land, I have to ask, why the HELL didn’t Europe carve out a space among their nations to create the new Israel state. At least in that scenario Israel would not have been able to expand and eradicate an entire people while stealing their land. Instead we have an entire populace being subjected to the loss of their nation and genocide all thanks to Western Nations who never cared about the Palestinians.

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I wonder how Biden can think that he will get a 2nd term after this. I can't see it! All he had to do was condition aid, or stop the weapons from flowing. But that is the viciousness of capitalism.

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All Israel stands to "win" is becoming a pariah ethnostate, like the "cleansed" parts of the former Yugoslavia. These are backwaters, almost empty of people, with no economy to speak of. Their descriptions and pictures remind me of the set of a post-nuclear war B movie. That is the main prize.

Secondary prizes are further loss of Israeli humanity, as evidenced by many, many online videos, where average Israelis happily relate to reporters that genocide is fantastic, and there can never be too much.

Chris is right that the war is just beginning. It will never end, only grow larger, and more hideous.

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The UN needs to send in peace keeping forces and occupy Gaza for as long as is necessary.

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1,200 Israelis killed on October 7. Each death a personal tragedy.

10,000 Palestinian women and children slaughtered in Gaza. A statistic.

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Contact Report 870

The Plejaren extraterrestrial Quetzal


This Netanyahu is no better than Adolf Hitler was, as I have learnt from records of what happened around him during the World War from 1939 to 1945.

I also see that in the overall reporting of the war between Israel and Hamas, everything is held in the same manner as it is in the Ukraine war, namely that there is only one-sided and biased reporting.

With regard to Ukraine, only the entire actions of the Ukrainian army are publicised by the media, but not what is happening on the Russian side.

Similarly, in the Middle East, only Israel is reported on, but not the other side, which means that the media also takes sides here, and only in favour of Israel, which also rages much worse than the attackers.

I also saw how Israeli military personnel hid firearms etc. in a hospital, which they then allegedly found and had photographed by war journalists, with the untruthful claim that these weapons had been stored there by the other side.

And that atrocities were also committed by the Israeli army, as well as by the attackers, which you have observed together with me, so you know what is really happening.

And it continues to happen on a large scale, with the 'great leader' Netanyahu, as a paragon of Adolf Hitler, fuelling the whole thing in full hatred.

That is what corresponds to the truth.


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It is said that the victorious write the history. In the case of the European theater of WWII, that was not the case. The Germans, not the Russians described the tactics Russia supposedly employed to defeat Germany. This miswriting of history has hamstrung the West to this day.

Since for this massacre, there really will be no victor, I hope that history will not spare the neglect of the U.S. to use its considerable leverage over Israel to stop this genocide.

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Madness and cruelty beyond measure and comprehension.

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Palestinians need a home, and one that is NOT OCCUPIED by Israel. My thought is that Palestinians in Gaza should be relocated to the West Bank and Golan Heights and Israel should withdraw from there. A reformed Palestinian Authority should then have governance with aid until they are on their feet. Until the Palestinians have dignity, security and peace, they will never stop fighting against oppression...would you?

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There must be a permanent ceasefire, not under oppressive conditions, but to build a place where all live with peace and equality. Pope Francis is said to have called the bombing of Gaza 'terrorism.' It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

It is vital to change the current narrative that leads only to more death and destruction. Retribution cannot lead to life.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


This is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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I don't know much of anything about Mister Fish, but he is one hell of a great illustrator!

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This is the mindset the imperial west supports.......to the tune of billions of dollars better spent fighting the climate crisis........and this is the lesson it hopes the entire world will learn: IT IS FUTILE TO OPPOSE US.

Trouble is, while it might be a hard slog standing up against American sanctioned violence, if there is to be a world left that is worth living in..........and a climate that will support that worthwhile life..........we all have to stand up against Israel war crimes AND the American Empire that supports them.

Because the very best scenario for an end of world outcome is just this.........brutal genocidal exterminations here, there and wherever an American ally sees fit, and a rapidly warming world, still running on fossil fuels......the price of which is kept artificially high by those same wars of extermination.

This is not just the way Palestine ends........this is the way the World Ends.

A lot of big bangs, and not very many voices raised or governments toppled.

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Apparently, there's untapped oil and gas off the Gazan coast...does that mean once Netanyahu has obliterated all semblance of Palestinian life, he will access this black gold? On another note: "Biden’s cabinet is already stacked with war-mongers like Lloyd Austin, who sat on the board of Raytheon, and Antony Blinken, the co-founder of the secretive firm WestExec Advisors, which serves clients linked to the military-industrial complex." (codepink Dec 1, 2023)Doesn't this suggest Blinken may have more than one iron in the fire to encourage the Israeli thug? Biden's embrace of this slaughter appalls and disgusts. It certainly takes on special meaning when it comes to electing a President. It will figure in my contemplations. He's brought shame upon us all by actively, openly feeding the Israeli thug a dark feast of guns and bombs - in our name to complete the massacre.

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