I want to cry. I want to accuse Chris of being an alarmist, a conspiracy theorist, a so-called journalist spouting science fiction nonsense.

But I have followed Chris for too many years. If he’s preaching it, it’s most likely gospel truth.

Besides, the fact that this scenario is right out of a sci-fi novel really only ads credibility. SciFi authors have gotten it right more often than not.

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It IS a conspiracy. Take heart! This is the global wake-up we need.

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After reading (sometimes trudging through) Whitney Webb's two volumes, I recall diverse connections to just about all the areas of "Israeli endeavour" that Chris refers to. With the added bonus of Epstein/ human trafficking connections. This is truly some putrid rubbish.

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Yep orwellian AF, and I'm quite sure true AF

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Every time Chris connects the dots, my thinking is changed forever. Now it would seem that it’s not really “hate” we are fighting, (except amongst ourselves, distracted as we are from the real agenda), we are fighting the cold calculations of profit and loss, and control and domination by the few over the many. I guess I am late to this realization--so caught up in my moral outrage. Now what do we do about it all?

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Protest and vanquish bribed politicians at the polls.

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Agreed but fuck, these choices are grim bad or worse, hard to say which is which. War Hawk death monger or fascist.

I'll take Jill Cornell or Claudia over any of the 2 parties being shoved down our collective throats.

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Yes--I am on it.

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This post is as much an indictment against the USA as it is against the Israeli State. This post reveals the evil that can develop in both the supposed greatest democracy on Earth as well as a state of survivors of one of the greatest genocides in history. It defies belief. The story as told exemplifies profits and death over empathy and love, over peace and humanity. This message should resonate every second in our minds and hearts until we cry out, enough, stop, in an unified voice that can be heard in the deepest darkest places on Earth.

This is the story of Empire and its puppets. Of Empire that appears to be at the end of its century of greatness, that is now overextended, corrupted and soon to turn its force of suppression on its own citizens as they rebel against repression.

I stand with the oppressed. I detest the corporate monied powerful interests whose god is money and power. I detest the Arms Industry death machine.

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This is a painful, scathing, and important read. The role reversal embraced by Israelis over the time since the Holocaust is terrifying, and has implications well beyond Israel.

In the same way that Israel has been experimenting on Palestinians to refine its surveillance and crowd control technology, it has also exported the results of its experiments to the United States, where Black Americans remain subject to paramilitary policing tactics developed by Israel’s so-called innovations.

My recent writing on Substack has focused on disinformation from Washington in Tel Aviv, the recent history of genocide within the United States, the three labor leaders who could force Biden‘s hands to end the genocide unfolding in Gaza, and how whatever passes for “democracy” in America is revealed by this moment to be simply a veneer for unaccountable bipartisan military empire. But this post is probably the most relevant to the points you raise here. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/from-ferguson-to-jerusalem

Thank you for your writing, your investigations, and above all, your independence and willingness to challenge the propaganda promoted by so many of your former colleagues!

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I'm liking your work, I got you on my list of people I hope to afford to upgrade on. Keep up the good work! Hedges is the only one I have as of yet been able to afford, but your work deserves support!! Thank you for what you do as well, we need all the truth tellers we can find.

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That means a great deal to me! Thank you for reading, for sharing your feedback, and for embracing the critical thinking necessary to see through the lies we’ve all been told.

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There is so many lies!

I dig your song too, I read the lyrics and fully concur!

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Question: what’s the difference between a nazi and a Zionist? Answer: not much.

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And what is the difference between a true Jew of conscience and an ignorant Zionist? Answer: the whole world.

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Keep talking. Let’s draw all of you Jew haters out. You’re taking the bait.

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Soon enough you hasbara snakes will be sued for defamation every time you attempt to roll out that bullshit smear. The day is coming soon when AIPAC will be declared an agency of a foreign government and barred from lobbying our corrupt politicians

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Eric, I have no idea what you are talking about. No one here gives af what form of diety you believe in. The pograms, the assaults, the attempted genocide of a faith community is appalling to all decent people. We aren’t discussing the people who follow the Jewish faith, nor those born into it. We are apeaking of a nation attempting to ethnical cleanse another people; a nation shameful enough to use the deaths of six million of their own people as a sheild to justify their wholly irreligious agenda. “Never Again” should apply to every child on the planet, whether Jew or Christian or Muslim or anything else. That is is Israel committing these crimes simply shocks the senses, and makes this whole situation even more heartbreaking.

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You are completely correct. The men directing this mass murder are no more religious than my cat. They use the Holocaust to deflect outrage at their actions and cynically exploit the West’s collective guilt.

They’re overplaying their hand. The assault on the hospitals in Gaza are equivalent to the Jews Crystal Night prior to WW2 — the same wanton destruction, disregard for suffering and righteous entitlement to persecute defenseless people. And the people in their communities who are appalled at this violence are frightened into silence.

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Anti Zionism is not antisemitism. You racists keep pushing that Zionism is Judaism which is bullshit. You’re the Jew hater you fascist

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This is astounding. The Intercept reported on Google's Project Nimbus recently. Employees have been protesting about it for years... This world they have created and blackmailed American Taxpayers into funding it - truly appalling. This is not the America that most of us want. We have to get out from under this mess. We should be funding creative and generative technologies that deal with more important, less destructive concerns. Look at what funding CRISPR has done to solve for a disease like sickle-cell. That is the kind of thing that deserves our collective taxpayer dollars for innovation in technology.

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It's always worse than we think it is when it comes to controlling the wealth of a dying planet with war and the weapons of war. Most of us don't think past the present crisis.....but I followed to some extent the American backed destruction of countries in the global south.......and by now it should be much more clear, to more of us...........who these war machines serve, and what they are going to bring to all our children, sooner or later.

Climate change won't be halted; the War Mongers don't want to have to give up their toys, or the obscene lifestyles their destruction of other people's lands brings them. War is the ultimate fueler of global heating........

And unless all of us join a Peace Movement that understands the role War plays in destroying the future, we're toast.

In spite of all the good news coming out of the renewable sector just now....solar farms and windmills will be targets as well as population centres.

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What bothers me is that Chris is so good at calling out and embarrassing some of the most vicious individuals on the planet. How long before some powerful individual or interest decides it's worthwhile to silence him? I remember the gruesome story of ARIZONA REPUBLIC reporter Don Bolles, who in 1976 was ordered killed by a liquor executive whom Bolles had embarrassed (along with the governor). It's a concern.

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You and the rest of the meyer kahana loving racist need to understand this fact: you have lost this battle. Everyone knows that Zionism is NOT Judaism you hasbara bozo

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More like the SS decided to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto.

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Israelis are like the SS you say? This is why Never Again is so meaningful to Jews. At least Chris, unlike his commenters, is informed.

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By their fruits ye shall know them.

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"Never Again" is engraved within any society victimized by genocide, especially now among the Palestinians. It is sad the Israelis reflect in such a crime as something committed to them but don't see their own crimes. I hope that you don't equate antisemitism with criticizing Israel as you suggest you are very well informed.

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Not Israelis but Zionists, numerous Jewish scholars were ringing the bells of the similarities of Zionism to Nazism years and years ago. Check out Norm Finkelsteins work, he is Jewish & his parents were in the Warsaw ghetto. I have learned the majority of what I just referenced from all Jewish scholars. But you came into this comment section looking to denigrate and show hostility towards whoever it looks like. I'm sure you have plenty bad to say to me as well, what u won't find is me giving a fuck if you do.

So carry on & have a lovely day. I will in fact have a beer if Jon won't... So cheers 🍻

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This morning, NPR gave Netanyahu a platform to spout lies and genocidal filth ("animals") against the Palestinians and lies to justify murderous assaults on hospitals. No pushback at all. So sickening.

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Thanks, again, for your clarity describing a dire situation accurately.

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And we thought Dr. Mengele was bad? The Fourth Reich comprised of GB, America and Israel have human clones they are using right now. Every deep underground military base hides ghoulish experiments, splicing of humans and animals, development of better more efficient killing devices, and all sorts of exotic ET technologies that we should be told of. Congress must move swiftly to investigate and inspect all deep underground military bases wherever they exist. It will find horrific experiments, in areas that we would never allow. The DEEP STATE is the most evil enterprise on the planet. Humanity must eliminate secrecy. All secrecy does is allow these evil enterprises to first get a foothold and then to metastasize. The people have the immediate need to know all.

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Ah, the wonders of market capitalism. The people designing and manufacturing these products will pay with their eroded souls.

Billionaires, hell is well warmed up for your arrival.

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Yeah, but the billionaires will manage to bribe Satan too.

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Wonderful article - thank you Mr Hedges, nothing to add to our depravity and bottomless hypocrisy !

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Let's keep it 💯

As you most certainly are Chris!

From MK Ultra to this latest iteration that has been largely tin foiled and described as conspiracy theory thanks to state sponsored articles in the NYT and others but this whole Targeted Individuals is real as well. Both of those are examples of America using innocent civilians as guinea pigs, testing surveillance tech and directed energy weapon tech and taking well documented Stasi methods known as Zersetzung, when the wall fell we hired the Stasi to train what would become DHS in these methods of psychological torture. The NYT described people who talking about being "targeted individuals" as people experiencing "mass psychosis" that's ridiculous, it's like when the government used the term "mass hallucination" to describe a UFO sighting. Neither of those things are real, nobody experiences psychosis exactly like another human, and a mass hallucination is patently ridiculous AF. They saw something that is certain.

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These days we call the NYT, The New York Crimes.

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💯 straight up

The are like the guardian in the UK, printing state approved, practically state written pieces.

Perfect name no doubt

Fuck em

Once a good source, or at least I think so, maybe really not, it's possible my eyes have opened & I changed but they did not

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