Julian Assange is another boogy man for the U.S. right, like Edward Snowden. They dared to tell the truth and the bullies from the U.S. couldn't have that so they want to bury these people in a dark hole, never to be heard from again. The U.S. has every reason to want to cover up the truth. They have been guilty of war crimes since WWII (The firebombing of Dresden, Germany for example). As a nation, they have gotten away with so much because of their military might. Exposing some of that is the best thing that could have happened. It takes them down a peg off of their high ladder for once or twice. It's a shame that these people will pay with their lives if they set foot on U.S. soil. And people think the U.S. is better than Russia. They are no different than Putin in a lot of ways. The biggest difference is that Russia has one man in charge. The U.S. has presidents and whole congresses behind their war crimes and they make their political enemies disappear as much as the Russians and Chinese do. But the United States are the good guys in the white cowboy hats that ride off into the sunset at the end of their movies, just ask them.

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Julian's extradition must be stopped at all costs: Join the movement to save Assange from American injustice. Fight as if his life depended on it, because it does! He is one of the bravest and most conscientious men in the world. He stood up to the giant MIC. Few have ever done that before!

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It's not really a left-right situation. Obama is the one who first started going after Assange. H. Res 934 is sponsored by 8 representatives, six of whom are Republicans. I'm not sure if there is a newer version with more sponsors, I hope so.

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It's not a left-right situation for sure. Either side acts both ways--even when their actions contradict themselves. For example, didn't Obama go after prosecuting Bradly Manning under the Espionage Act (for supplying--amongst other info--collateral damage video evidence to Assange)...then turn right around and pardon Chelsea Manning at the end of his term? If so, how much American taxpayer coin was wasted paying for political/legal wheel spinning there? What, did he think nobody would notice due to a gender and name change? Then The Donald wasted more tax dollars while violating her civil rights by sticking her in solitary confinement in an Alexandria City jail for contempt of court hoping nobody would notice the illegal double jeopardy when she wouldn't tell the prosecutor exactly what they wanted to hear during a secret Grand Jury hearing. It would be funny if the legal antics weren't so egregious and life threatening.

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Its not a left-right situation for sure. Either side acts both ways--even when their actions contradict themselves. For example, didn't Obama go after prosecuting Bradly Manning under the Espionage Act (for supplying--amongst other info--collateral damage video evidence to Assange)...then turn right around and pardon Chelsea Manning at the end of his term? If so, how much American taxpayer coin was wasted paying for political/legal wheel spinning there? What, did he think nobody would notice due to a gender and name change? Then The Donald wasted more tax dollars while violating her civil rights by sticking her in solitary confinement in an Alexandria City jail for contempt of court hoping nobody would notice the illegal double jeopardy when she wouldn't tell the prosecutor exactly what they wanted to hear during a secret Grand Jury hearing. It would be funny if the legal antics weren't so egregious and life threatening.

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President Obama was mostly a wuss when it came to the military industrial complex. I agreed with a handful of things he did but mostly not. with regard to national security. On the other hand, his war hawks in congress haven't changed through the years. They still believe that the U.S. should be the world's biggest and baddest superpower and should be allowed to to do anything they want, whenever they want, and coerce others to follow along or be punished. Punishing whistleblowers is just another dictatoral method to continue the terrorism. That is one of the things that the Americans are very good at. Selling their image to everyone around the world. They are the good guys and don't you forgert it. The U.S. will do whatever it takes to maintain that facade because of the money it brings in. People like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and other lesser characters who have dared to buck the system have to be punished to keep that image untarnished at all costs. "It's all about the money stupid" to paraphrase a famous quote. The U.S. has to maintain that image of the benevelent giant with more money than anyone else. If you control all of the money, you control the world. They need to maintain that image of the good guys always ready to lend a helping hand unless you cross them. Which quite a few countries have found out the hard way in the last several decades. The rich American elitests are addicted to trying to rule the world with their money=power stategy and they aren't going to give that up easily. Much like a bad addiction. It's too bad that people who try to do the right thing get in the way. The U.S. is guilty of doing the same thing the dictators do to anyone who dares go against their system, like getting rid of dissenters and activists. Not much different than Putin or Xi. The Americans just use better subterfuge, more smoke and mirrors to do the same thing.

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It would be appreciated if there could be a Zoom ( with tickets ) available for this event

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In today’s NYT there are at least four articles about Aleksei Navalny, but there has been none, that I can remember, about Julian Assange for months, perhaps even years, who is also a political prisoner who is being held in dire conditions where he is in danger of dying. This is done to support the anti Russian bias and to coverup the abusive nature of our security establishment for which the NYT is a propaganda outlet. This is a good example of the corruption and the dire condition of journalism today.

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Is H.Res 934 getting more sponsors? I only see 8 according to this, and they signed up in the first two days: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-resolution/934/cosponsors,

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It just got my support (in a letter requesting my rep. cosponsor the resolution immediately). Thanks for linking D.O.! This is the kind of action that needs to brought to people's attention and followed through on repetitively and in masse. Again, Bravo D.O.!

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Thank you for your work, Chris! Greetings from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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I think the Internet was the beginning of The New World Order. People like Assange will always be muzzled (or worse) in an oppressive world. I used to foolishly think the US was the only country to do this, but now I think it's part of the world picture. And I refuse to blame myself for not paying closer attention. I have connected the dots for years.

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