I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I also take on the issue in my main comment. The blind spot to their own arrogance drives me crazy. Not to mention BIPOC peoples are not going to quietly step aside after decades of battles just so left theorists can have their short-sighted beliefs validated. Besides, to diss "woke" without even mentioning the origin of the word is inexcusable.
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I also take on the issue in my main comment. The blind spot to their own arrogance drives me crazy. Not to mention BIPOC peoples are not going to quietly step aside after decades of battles just so left theorists can have their short-sighted beliefs validated. Besides, to diss "woke" without even mentioning the origin of the word is inexcusable.
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I also take on the issue in my main comment. The blind spot to their own arrogance drives me crazy. Not to mention BIPOC peoples are not going to quietly step aside after decades of battles just so left theorists can have their short-sighted beliefs validated. Besides, to diss "woke" without even mentioning the origin of the word is inexcusable.