Now we know perhaps, why we don't hear, see, or even contemplate other technological civilizations in our Universe.

In order to develop evolutionary, we/they brought along some deceitful and dangerous Archetypes along with our commendable ability to cooperate with each other, until we/they destroyed ourselves/ themselves.

It takes 72 MINUTES, at this point of weapons development, to destroy civilization on Earth as we've known it (according to Annie Jacobsen's recent book Nuclear War).

A look at Mars, or the hell-scape of Venus with its runaway temperatures, to envision an ecological disaster that has happened there... but not yet here.

If that doesn't unsettle us, we're already dead.

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Fascism in the U.S. has thoroughly bipartisan roots, and I’m grateful to finally hear someone with a national audience acknowledge that.

It is also sadly nothing new. The longevity and depravity of America’s history of human rights violations are rivaled only by the public ignorance surrounding them.

I ran for Congress—and won a congressional primary in 2020–based on my concerns about the documented complicity of the Democratic party in fascism. Since leaving politics, I wrote at some length about this theme nearly a year ago, and deeply appreciate Hedges bringing a similar analysis to a wider community. https://open.substack.com/pub/shahidbuttar/p/fears-of-a-fascist-future-overlook?r=97w99&utm_medium=ios

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Thank you for the succinct summary of your witness and forewarnings along with the noted, others who also tolled the bell for so, so many years. There. Done.

One interesting aspect I have noticed since the election was that friends who are of the upperclass dems have reacted similarly in that they too are 'checking out' with the lower class hopeless and are now just focusing on what happy events they can attend (not wrestling or mindless social media) with more 'meaningful' distractions, theatre, science lectures, and hobbies.

And the band played on while the Titanic sank.

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Yes very powerful. Much to think about. I've had these thoughts many of them anyway just not the ability to write them down in such a dignified way. Thank you Sir. And thank you Mrs. Wong.

so where from here? what's the next waypoint? how can all this be fixed? I always thought America led the world by example. Not so much anymore... scary. Disappointing.

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Since I was knee high, I was told how great America was. As I grew up and observed the world thru my own eyes and senses, I could plainly see we weren't who we were told we are - far from it actually. That's when I started to look to those willing to tell the truth, as none of it was coming from those is power. Truth tellers are inevitably denounced and cancelled (Snowden, Assange, Hedges, etc.) and worse for their efforts to inform us beyond the lie. What amazes me is that any thinking person still believes those in power at all. Consider that the most vile action of genocide was / is sold to us by a party whose leadership enables and supports it because the other guy is worse - they created a reason to support the murder of innocents with genocide. The positive result of the recent election is 7-million less votes were cast for the D-party (genocide supporter and denier candidate) than the previous election charade. The down-side is that we end up with Trump. Democrats still appear confused by their loss - refuse criticism and abuse those of us who see it for what it is. To borrow from LaVerne K. in her spot-on comment: " . . . the hubris, ignorance and arrogance . . . massive propaganda telling everyone . . . how wonderful America is . . . " Stop listening to the deniers and look to those who have been marginalized and cancelled - you will be amazed - the truth liberates if you let it sink in.

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Think about your statement that you 'always thought America led the world by example', but the US hasn't fought a war of defence since WWII and even that is questionable considering what led up to the Pearl harbor attack. The US has been at almost continuous war throughout it's history, by it's actions it has shown that it is predatory and everything it touches dies, the only reason anyone could think that's a good example is because of the hubris, ignorance and arrogance fomented by massive propaganda telling everyone, including Americans, how wonderful America is. That's one hell of an example

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you're right. We've been on a war economy my whole life I'm 64 years old. That's a long time.

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Does our hundreds of millions of guns factor in to this cheery end?

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This explains perfectly why the West does not care about Gaza and the Palestinians. Money and power (plus oil and gas reserves in the Mediterranean) lie with Israel, our ally.

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The similarities between the “Mango Mussolini” (Trump’s) and Hitler’s thinking continue to multiply. Now Trump needs Lebensraum in Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal. The only suggested impediment to the coming dictatorship was that he might not be able to take the oath of office. But if he were to look in the Bible he was about to be impeded from swearing on, it says not to swear by heaven, because it is God’s throne, nor by earth, for it is his footstool, but to let your yes be yes and your no be no and that anything more is from the Devil. If anyone around Trump knows this it will surely be used to point out that the oath of office is not a prerequisite for holding the office.

I am saying goodbye in my mind to buying American here In the UK if that’s the best leader your country can foist upon us. It’s like being forced to watch, say, tennis with all the players being John McEnroe and doing nothing but to scream at the umpire. You have to impeach Trump properly. Using the evidence this time. It’s not worthy enough of America. You know he’s going to initiate a few pogroms and head for the golf course while saying that he’s personally against war.

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@ChrisHedges and others--I think I first heard about the Powell Memo from either Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! OR in some of Hedges' original work, but David Sirota's group's original reporting on the Powell Memo which does add new information, is really well worth listening to. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/master-plan/id1723377799?i=1000668127115

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Predictably, Chris Hedges avoids the reality of the 11.22.63 coup d'etat. Does he believe the Warren Report? Or, does he believe the State assassination of President Kennedy, and State assassinations of MLKJr, Malcolm X, RFK, Huey Newton...just isn't relevant to how facism came?

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Your evaluation of our situation presents a gloomy picture and forecast for the future. Do you have any ideas of what we can do as Americans to reverse this?

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“Bushrod Lake”, who is it that doesn’t hear, see or even contemplate other technological civilisations in our universe? It’s the subject of our primary researches in Astrophysics, a good proportion of writing and film, the most guarded secrets in the military, and, with the creatures of folklore transforming seemlessly from human interpretation of them as hominids and monsters with magical powers into being seen as the aliens of today with technological powers, seeing that our interpretations have changed but the faces remain the same, they make up the bulk of mystery folklore, which is after all visual sightings which enter society by word of mouth and are the proper subject of study.

‘Better have your children checked for “missing time”, “screen” memories, nosebleeds, hypervigilance, skin scoop marks, rectal pain and “paranoia”, although all fear may be rations if it has some basis in instinctual or subconscious worst-case scenario awareness of our true vulnerability. If you go to the window there’s a large thing outside called the sky, and there’s no more than a window between you and what’s in it. Just pray that the “drones” over New Jersey pass on, still unexplained, and aren’t part of something bigger, before you wave away one of society’s major causes for concern. As Whitley Strieber said, we’re all going to be very surprised.

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