This psychotic drive to dominate cannot be bridled or checked. Our insane and rabid power elite will have its way. The sooner open world war comes, the better now. Nothing less will give the Empire and its whore, The West, what it deserves. The innocents will suffer? Can you imagine they have not been suffering, around the world at our murderous hands. It's time for us and our own people to reap the misery they have allowed to be sown.

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"It's time for us and our own people to reap the misery they have allowed to be sown." I didn't allow it, never, so why should my life, or others suffer the consequences of decisions made by a Biden, or a Blinken or all those that preceded them, like Obama or a Cheney? The man who plowed his car into a crowd in New Orleans, killing innocents is no different then those referenced above that implement death for money and power.

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You have allowed it, as all Americans have, by not rebelling against vicious tyranny.

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Reminds me of a joke that circulated in the '60s. The Lone Ranger and Tonto (U.S. TV) are surrounded by what appear to be hostile Indians. The Lone Ranger says "we have to fight them, Tonto!" To which Tonto replies "what's this WE, white man?!"

No, it isn't "all Americans," despite how you seem to believe you're entitled to label us as one size fits all.

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Why then do only 60% of Americans decry the war in Ukraine and I'd suggest the number for the genocide is even lower, where are the people in the streets and admittedly, it's no better in Canada or anywhere else in the West. The problem is we are surrounded by huge moats and have never really seen war imposed on US. With that said, I can't for the life of me, understand why the Europeans want to go all out on another war with Russia.

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60% is a huge number considering how little info there is through the MSM. And it reinforces my point above--we're not all the same.

What I wanted to get across was the brazen assumption that the critic could proclaim blanket guilt. And/or ignore the viewpoints of BIPOC cultures. And/or speak for us. By "us" I mean both working class and BIPOC. Well- intentioned doesn't matter; it's offensive. Recognize us first; then we'll talk solidarity.

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I don't see where there was any allusion to BIPOC, you can want there to be something to be offended by but I didn't see that, what I saw was a reference to the population as a whole.

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Funny and interesting. As a kid I use to watch those old cowboy and Indian movies knowing the land belonged to the Indians first, so I never understood why the cowboys were the good guys and the Indians were bad. No one helped me out with that one, but the light dawned and I realized my government lies to me. When we pledged the flag I never said with liberty and justice for all, since I was seven and decided the government is not my country, but the people are, and my allegiance is to them.

On another note, I read a post on Aljazeera, where 2, 70 year old women were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank due to the carnage Israel is implementing there which brought a retaliatory response by Israel's finance minister, Smotrich, where he called for all out violence against the Palestinians communities in the West Bank akin to what they have implemented in Gaza. Well, at least he told the truth about what the Israeli's are doing in Gaza.

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Your idealism sounds self-righteous, but it's not realistic. As "Fran" states, why should I, or my precious loved ones pay with blood for what others like Biden, et al, have allowed? I HAVE confronted against Tyranny. Who are YOU to decide I haven't done enough, so therefore I should pay a price? YOU go dive into that first

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During the 1970 Cambodia-Kent State-Jackson State anti-war protests, I was part of a group from a (working class) community college. The local big deal SDS leader yelled at us to "charge that police line!" I yelled back "we'll be right behind you!" Left elitism is just as disgusting as the smug superiority of right wingers. Both think they can order us lessers to do their dirty work.

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Not only the Americans - I am European and DID NOTHING too - you are right! We ARE ALL TO BLAME!

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Jan 6Edited

You don't know me, yet you have the nerve to think you can define who and what I am. How arrogant!!!!!!!!!!!

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To me, just another form of white guy thinking his views are normative and that as an intellectual superior, he's entitled to speak for us.

A common right wing assumption, but not uncommon on the left, either. Self-appointed vanguards to tell us inferiors how we should feel and what we should be doing. Ugh.

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PS--Read the joke above.

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Yes they are. One initiated this insane violence and profits handsomely from it. The other is reacting to this insane technologically superior violence and a development model that rewards investors in it.

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Yvonne not clear on your position. I am not going to hold the average American citizen culpable for what is going on in Gaza, or our many wars in the Middle East. No one is saying that our elected officials aren't bought off by the corporate world, which the Supreme Court made possible, or that AIPAC has got to go, so our elected officials aren't on their feet applauding a genocidal monster.

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If we lessers were part of the decision making process, then we might be culpable. But the dual aspect monoparty precludes having any choice. And peasants don't get to question aristocracy and monarchy.

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The ultimate answer to tyranny is rebellion. Not comfortable; not safe. Frequently fatal. Or you can stay on your knees, and keep what you've got

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Jan 6Edited

What type of rebellion are you talking about? I come from a home in which my father was a scary, abusive bastard. He was not going to win, and I didn't need to take a knife to his back, and never was on my knees. and no one died. I had a good support team who saw reality, and that awareness and that support won the day. You need a growing awareness of what is going on in this world, so that the people of a country can be a united front against the horrors implemented by the few. The world has to see who and what Israel is, instead of lapping up propaganda pushed for many, many decades that solely defined her as the victim.

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Depends on the type of rebellion. I was a blue collar worker for 30 years and I still fight econopathy and empire. I reject any vanguard elite telling us how to run our own revolution. Having stood many a picket line and as the grandkid of a Wobbly, this is no mere theoretical abstraction to me.

I'm not at all saying "don't fight." Only that the 1%er/corporate elite sees themselves as de facto royalty and us workers as serfs.

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Paul, have you been a rebel? I have not, I am a coward I fight only with my vote and my talking to people.

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This article gives me great anxiety. Is there no way to stop this horror? I cannot be silent and allow the thugs to ruin the middle east and the world.

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Jan 6Edited

Nothing is going to stop this since it's been a long time in the making. What were all our Middle Eastern wars about? Only one country left to target, Iran, and all the killing, destruction and death primarily for Israel's benefit. Look up Richard Perle and a Clean Break, or a project for a new American Century. Jeffery Sachs is also great at explaining this. All was meant to be, and planned decades before.

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Are we supposed to just accept this?

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Did I say that? No!!!!!!!!!

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No, you didn't. IMHO you're describing what's likely to happen. Not at all saying that's what SHOULD happen. The negative comments you're getting seem to me unwarranted and unfair.

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Thanks Rafi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you because I cant.

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Then dont. Find similar valued people and become active in the resistance.

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I am active.

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Once you kill someone's mother, father, brother, sister, friend, son, daughter, husband, wife, then you have planted the seeds of hatred for generations. It is the most basic of human nature. To think otherwise is just foolish

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Greetings from Canada

As always Chris, we are in your debt. The scenario you describe is unbearable. How anyone in a position to bring closure to the massacres in Gaza and elsewhere, can face themselves in the mirror, is beyond comprehension. Anyone who unequivocally supports Israel and the U.S., is morally bankrupt.

Israel and the U.S. are becoming increasingly isolated around the world and the sooner the Empire sees its final days, the better it will be for all of us.

It is a tragic commentary that those who need to listen to you, Noam Chomsky, Jeffrey Sachs and so many others, are deaf. Thank you for all that you do.


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G'day Wayne, Trump recently said that many Canadians would love to become the 51st state of Amerika.

As an Aussie, I really can't believe that any Canadian would want to see your public health system demolished and to be thrown on the not so tender mercies of rapacious Amerikan corporations. And who knows how far Trump would expand the tar sands.

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I can't understand it but there definitely are some here that would welcome it, some including the part about the tar sands

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One of Michael Moores' films ( I think it was 'Sicko' ) showed ordinary Americans going to Canada to get, through subterfuge, free medical treatment that they could't possibly afford in the US.. Perhaps those welcoming types should sit and watch it on loop a few times.

Aerial footage of the tar sands, plus the raging bushfires last year, should be enough to convince anyone with a handful of functioning brain cells that it's not a great idea.

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I recently saw two Israeli women asked the same question: "What do you think about all the Palestinian) children being killed?" The first woman, a bit heavy set,

looked as if she led a peasant lifestyle, answered, "The grow up to be Arabs," meaning it's just fine to kill little kids. The other woman was slender, elegantly dressed, educated, smiling. Her answer, "I don't care. I just don't care." This is typical Israeli attitudes. They have no moral core. Neither do American Congress people. US presidents think they are World Presidents, and rule the planet. They must be stopped.

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On your incisive Dec 23 2024 report, "How Fascism Came," the subtitle reads, "America’s democracy was destroyed by the two ruling parties who sold us out to corporations, militarists and billionaires. Now we pay the price."

Here, today, you starkly expose the warmongering evil that is the rough beast's heartbeat of the corporations, the militarists, and the billionaires.

Over Christmas dinner with friends hopelessly enthralled by the global dirge -- its siren song and its death knell cadence -- they spoke in reverent condescension of Israel's unassailable rights of self-defense. They basked in pseudo-aristocratic privilege, eyes wide shut to the permanent lies pouring out of a dozen tiny screens alongside our plates. Tethered there as if genocidal fascism paves our way to a heavenly exit from Sartre's "hell of other people."

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Powerfully expressed. Let us not forget that public spending on war - or preparation for it - has been a major plank in the USA's development mode for decades

All those wars 'for democracy and freedom' werent. They were a means of transferringvpublic funds into private hands. One examplevis Musk - look at his very lucrative govt contracts. And why is he flying here and there in preparation for the Trump II (actually Musk et al) white house?

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I would vomit on the serving plates of THAT holiday dinner and get the hell out. I won’t maintain civility with people like that anymore, except for the briefest, shallowest of encounters.

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Powerful words Chris Hedges! For some reason I keep thinking of Dylan’s words “A Hard Rain is Gonna Fall”. The USA has been falling apart for years and lots of us will pay for the damage the autocrats have done and keep on doing around the world.


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Mr. Fish is the most versatile illustrator I have ever seen.

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In this, we are reminded of the ethnic cleansing of Zamojszczyzna by Nazi Germany. Any moral superiority of any single group is heinous and suspect. The West bows down before the great god of money. We have failed the Palestinians and we have failed the Ukrainians. Shame, shame, shame.

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We have and are failing our children...and children everywhere....all children....and the best of ourselves and our earth, our wondrous most mysterious Earth.

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"...this will be a Hobbesian world..." Most likely; which is why beliefs and philosophies matter.

The neolib econopaths and lust for empire neocons think like Hobbes. So they see the world as a scorpions in a jar fight to the death with only one winner. 'Unipolar' in PolSpeak.

But the natural world isn't simply vicious competition. An example is the obligate symbiosis of trees with the fungi on their roots. This alone makes cooperation the dominant mode of life on Earth and there are many other symbioses.

Many rural and Indigenous people know this by deep experience. They don't live like the elites do--on top of the land with no roots in it and thus no feel for it.

It is One Earth--the interconnections of the Wood Wide Web. In reality, it's not that abstract illusion of the power mad few bedazzled by the nasty world of Hobbes.

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not the "culmination of". No,...

instead, ... it is the beginning of the viscous horror of jewish Zionist dream.

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From the ashes the Phoenix will be born as will Palestine. From destruction come renewal.

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A great article as usual. Informative. Very frightening, which offers no hope.

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I’ve utterly given up on humanity. The USA is fully facilitating genocide now. There is no crime worse than genocide. And all the so-called “civilized” countries are just sitting by watching or facilitating this genocide too. Humanity is nothing but a suicidal cult now. I suspect it always was from the first caveman who held the biggest club up against everyone else. And now that caveman has morphed into psychopathic corporate oligarchs who literally make a killing off of killing people around the world, to say nothing of destroying the very environment upon which all life depends. 2025 is the year that everything circles down the drain into oblivion. Homo Sapiens are a failed species who can’t go extinct fast enough. Too bad we are going to take most if not all flora and fauna too. As if genocide wasn’t enough for these fools, they now are hell bent on ecocide on top of it all.

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We should be clear about one thing: when it comes to American foreign policy, average citizens have almost no say. There's no anti-war, anti-imperialist party to push back against Congress. Since 2023, I've written to my elected representative dozens of times, begging him to oppose additional aid and support for Israel. His replies are laughable, and they do not change, it's all Hamas and only Hamas. Here's another axiom: there's always funding for war.

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This is pure, unbridled hatred pushed by Netanyahu and the Likkud Party. One must conclude when it is exterminating "the other", that is quite okay.

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Why are we supporting it? AIPAC has to much control over our politics and those we elect into office. They have got to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wars, chaos and killing is all the evil empire has left as its reign is coming to an end. It is dying on the battlefield field that is Ukraine and in the factories, industry and vision that is now China, and in the hearts and minds of the billions in the Global South that are finally seeing a way to break free of the Colonial chains that have exploited them 700 years. As Putin said in his Carlson interview…..”you can’t stop the sun from rising in the East”

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