I hesitated to read this. I hated to read this. I had to read this. Now I will do my best to make others do the same, by sharing with people less fortunate in their choices than Chris Hedges readers.
The film mentioned, “The Act Of Killing”, was so horrific that I couldn’t watch more than ten minutes or so. But, like any student of human nature, I have always to bear in mind deeper truths:
“I am human. Nothing human is alien to me.” Attributed to Roman playwright Terrance
“No person is more different from another than they are from themselves at another time” Pascal
Biden has always been a war monger.........I remember when he was in the Senate and yelling for Bush Jr to start the war on Iraq....there is a reason he is the highest receiver of AIPAC $$.
Ah, Dick Cheney the guy the Democrats have grown to love - by moving so far to the right, that even such a dark force as this Dick now fines a home with Democrats.
Bush's brain. Secured oil rights from the Kurds as a gift to Haliburton. Is my memory correct on that one? On a Barbara Walters special when asked by Walters about our 4+ KIA in Iraq, Cheney's smug reply: "Well, they volunteered." In Dick Cheney's eyes Military personnel are expendable. Cheney also was Bush's brain (not Karl with a 'K' Rove). Imagine how that response set with me as a Veteran whose family has served as far back as the American Revolutionary War.
I'm an American and I am not fond of Americans either - for being so stupid and gullible for so long - connect the dots - what D-leaders say we are isn't the same as what we are. I'm continually told - "vote Blue, the other side is worse." These same Blue supporters seem unwilling and afraid to hold their inauthentic opposition party to account in an honest effort to reform and improve the party. Instead, they continue on a rightward slide; while those of us that do not support these charlatans are then blamed for Democratic loses because we MADE a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to NOT VOTE FOR THEM.
I am old enough to remember when the D Party was the self proclaimed party of free speech, and anti-war. They are probably more captured by the Zionist money than the Rs at this point, but that’s probably just splitting hairs at this point. When 70% of our federally elected officials are receiving sizable Zionist donations, and large numbers have dual citizenship with Israel, is there any doubt who owns this country?
Thomas Massie has repeatedly tried to get a bill out that would force any member of Congress, who has dual citizenship to report that publicly.
Then we must act to disempower those that scapegoat us for their failures to select with us in open conventions wise savy presidential candidates and work harder to 1/demolish obstacles to recognizing third and more parties 2/ dismantle the electoral college 3/ cap wealth accumulation 4/ vivify on going civic engagement 5/ fuel the reach and power of today’s “alternative media” 6/ influence alternative media to include for every critique of current failure (governmental -legislative, executive and or judicial) an inspired vision of a more just form 7/ ….you add to this…
Even less honorable persons in Congress today. The Dems might look at how they treated Bernie Sanders when they wouldn't let him run for President....and now, many of his supporters did not vote for Harris who said she would do nothing different than Biden........
Which Nixon sought to win by by expanding the war into Laos and Cambodia. If you are intent on parsing the subject values of the two fake parties, you will miss the overwhelming evidence that renders that exercise pointless.
What you say is true. I am no admirer of the duopoly. I generally vote Green and will be voting for Jill Stein in this election. It would be good if we could make the Greens a viable party for winning elections. My comments on Democrats getting us into wars and Republicans eventually getting us out was as a retired professor of U.S. history. Nixon indeed was responsible for expanding the Vietnam War, but because of the immense growth of the antiwar movement, he felt he had to get us out of the war, which he started to do with his so-called "Vietnamization" program, wherein he withdrew several hundred thousand troops while trying to turn the conduct of the war over to the South Vietnamese. This did not work, but it gave him a fig leaf which he called "peace with honor." I did not support Nixon in the Vietnam War. I voted for George McGovern in 1972, the peace candidate. McGovern, a genuinely good man who hated the war, won only my home state of Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.
Eliminating choice is something they absolutely have to do....and it is interesting that the only choice now is to not vote.....or perhaps vote for a crazy person and speed the dissolution of your own republic.
Exactly correct. Actually creating and expanding antisemitism, especially for folks who have a limited understanding of the issues. All they see is “the Jewish state” torturing, raping and murdering everything in sight.
The Jewish state, Israel, has never represented the support and loyalty of anywhere near all Jews. Many Orthodox Jews, for example, opposed its creation and continue to oppose it today. Also Jews whose personal philosophy tends toward pacifism oppose Israel, which has waged continuous wars instead of conducting diplomacy.
One caveat to my statement about Israel's wars. President Jimmy Carter, a strong Christian, was able to negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt, bringing Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat together to sign the Camp David Accords. It took great energy and skill for Carter to accomplish this peace. It is too bad that we now have Neocon warmongers festering American politics. They are the very opposite of Jimmy Carter. Carter is often called a weak president. That assessment could not be more wrong. We need more presidents like him if we are to ever have real peace and avoidance of nuclear war. God bless Jimmy Carter, as he nears 100 years old.
Jimmy hit 100 on October 1st. He's the longest living President. And had been married for 77 years, when his wife, Rosalynn, died. He made mistakes as President, but I will always honor his memory for issuing the unconditional amnesty for Vietnam War draft evaders, giving the Panama Canal back to Panama, and signing the Salt II nuclear arms treaty, with Breshnev. I can't imagine either of this year's two major party candidates doing any of those acts. We've been going downhill, rapidly, since Reagan. It's so sad.
I appreciate your comments on the Carters, two wonderful people. In the Seventies I visited Americus, Georgia, next to Plains, where the Carters had their peanut farm. It was in Americus that an attorney, Millard Fuller, started Habitat for Humanity (building houses for the poor). I remember Carter's working on those homes, putting in"sweat equity." Habitat is still going strong. Thanks for reminding me of some of the great accomplishments of Jimmy Carter's presidency. He has never been adequately appreciated. He was a good president and is a fine man who lives his Christian faith.
Agreed. Carter is a good Christian not like the other born-again George W. Bush. Mr. Carter is probably one of the very few presidents in our whole history that left the White House poorer than when he became president. His legacy around the world is the great charity and peace works through the Carter foundation. Another thing that I admire of him is that his first act when he moved to the White House was to install solar panels on it but later, and as an indication of what was going to happen to our ecology, Regan removed the panels when he moved in.
The following are some quotations from Jimmy Carter's book "The Virtues of Aging":
"Experience is what you’ve got plenty of when you’re no longer able to hold the job."
"The scary thing about middle age is knowing that you are going to outgrow it."
I think Zionism is a cult that used the myths of the scriptures to sell and justify the invasion of Palestine, but true Judaism or Christianity are quite different and consider genocide immoral and unjustifiable. The problem is how one interprets the bible. Following are some statistics from the PEW Research on the religious landscape study finished in 2014:
To the question how to interpret scriptures:
Total religions US population
Word of God S/B taken literarily 31%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 27%
Not the word of God 33%
Evangelical Protestants
Word of God S/B taken literarily 55%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 29%
Not the word of God 8%
Word of God S/B taken literarily 11%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 24%
“Stop Profiting Off Genocide”: 200 Arrested at Jewish Voice for Peace Protest at NY Stock Exchange
"AMY GOODMAN: The protest was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, which said the action was the largest act of civil disobedience in history outside the New York Stock Exchange. Participants in the protest included descendants of Holocaust survivors, as well as Emmy Award-winning comedian Eric André, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Laura Poitras, the acclaimed artist Nan Goldin, the Oscar-nominated actress Debra Winger and the artist Molly Crabapple. Police forcibly removed many of the peaceful protesters, including our next guest, Elena Stein. She’s director of organizing and strategy for Jewish Voice for Peace. She was arrested, held for eight hours.
Welcome to Democracy Now! It’s great to have you with us, Elena. There’s a very dramatic picture of you being taken out, held, carried by police on your back. You’re wearing the T-shirt you’re wearing right now, “Stop Arming Israel.” Explain what this action was all about.
ELENA STEIN: The day that my grandmother’s entire family and village was massacred in a different genocide, the Holocaust, my grandmother just happened to be absent. I grew up knowing this fact and understanding that it means that, first of all, I’m not supposed to be here. My life is a fluke. And I also grew up agonizing over the question of “Where were the neighbors?” Why did they just stand by? Why didn’t they hurl their bodies between the killers and my family? And so, today, it’s with all of my Jewish ancestors at my back, the one who survived, my grandmother, and all those who didn’t, that we, I and all of them together, say loudly, more profoundly than ever before, “We refuse to be neighbors who just stand by.”
And I think so many of us in these demonstrations, especially as we watch the Israeli government cynically use the excuse, use the conflation of Judaism and Zionism — let’s be clear, Judaism is our rich thousands-year-old tradition; Israel is a 76-year-old apartheid state. The cover has been pulled off Israel. People can see it for what it is and for the Zionist project and the project of ethnic cleansing and genocide and the full, the full expansionist goals that it has, and it will use any means it can to make that project a reality. And the only excuse they have left, the only cover they have left, is to call any resistance to it antisemitism. We refuse this. There is nothing antisemitic about fighting for people’s right to live, to live on their land, to thrive, to be safe at home. We refuse to let our traditions, our identities, our histories be used to allow for the mass torture, the mass starvation, the massacre and the erasure of Palestinians."
I have life-long Jewish friends. I do not broach this topic with them. It bothers me considerably how anti-Semitism is on the rise. It is created through a false narrative and a host of lies and misrepresentation. The growing Christo-Fascism in the U.S. is not helping.
It has to be possible to oppose what Israel is doing without being charged with anti-Semitism. Perhaps more of us should look up the meaning of Semitic...tell everyone we know that Palestinians...and Arabs...qualify.
It's one more reason why I despise Zionism and all its supporters. The arrogance and stupidity involved in taking an ethnic label and insisting it only applies to Jews.
Truth likely is that the people who never left Palestine are more Semitic than European/American Jews who left that homeland region centuries ago.
The anti-Semites are the warmongers allowing a genocide in Gaza to expand to another Semitic people in Lebanon. In that sense, Zionists are the purest form of anti-Semite.
The Jews did very well building a civilization for thousands of years without having a modern nation state. All the endless wars began after the creation of the state of Israel. Those who founded the state of Israel were not religious people. They were founding a state for ethnic Jews, though religious Jews could come there. In my opinion, if Israel had from the beginning been Israel/Palestine with the Palestinians having equal rights with the Jews, we would not have the horrors between them that we have had in one form or another since 1948.
So it just goes to prove once again, what our poet laureate in Canada wrote during the second Gulf War.....I forget the name of the poem, and would have to look up the name of the black Maritime poet...but his last stanza celebrating the American bombing of Iraq went like this...from memory:
A woman running, on fire, repents of her flesh\
Collateral damage: the first casualty of war, is language.
I'm a retired English teacher, with an MA from Massachusetts...came back to Canada to live thank the goddess. The lies we tell when we want to kill people, or steal what they have, are legion.
None of them fool me...nor I suspect, do they take in many poets.
The vast majority of Christians are not fascists. Indeed, fascism and Christianity are opposites. Thus Hitler substituted a perverse version of Norse war gods (Wotan) for Christianity. Fascism is based on power and domination of as much of the world as possible. It is wholly given to aggressive war. No true Christian is a fascist. Christianity is based on humility and love of all being.
While that should be true.......you've got a lot of fundamentalist Christians down in the US of A backing a genuine fascist in Donald Trump....and I'm afraid more nominal Christians than you might imagine resent being called out on residential schools or any of the crimes of colonialism...........from which primarily the Christian nations benefited.
Inga, both parties are fascist by the dictionary definition. One party has rainbow flags, but the difference between the two is slim. If you abide by the adage ‘by their works you shall know them’ the Gazan genocide is a powerful indicator as to which side our leaders are on. Hint: it’s not our side.
Why I said a few weeks ago it doesn't really matter who wins the election in Nov. from a planetary perspective. By the time Americans have to call all their military bases home, our natural world will likely be in free fall. Wars are fun for a certain demographic.......but deadly for rising greenhouse gases.
American's penchant for world domination is going to leave us all cooked.
And there are more Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, mainline Protestant) who are not at all fascist. And I would also say that the majority of evangelical Christians are not fascist. None of these denominations and other groups of Christians are Christian nationalists. Christian nationalism is one group of misguided Christians whose beliefs are very different from historic Christianity in any of the above named denominations.
I'd like to believe you. But in Canada, the damage done to native children by residential schools run mostly by Christian denominations, has convinced me that there is more than a speck of white supremacy in many parts of the Christian universe. Canadian Conservatives still resist admitting that what was done by state and church was a genocidal act...they'd prefer to bury the evidence, claim there are no unmarked graves.
That doesn't mean that they are self conscious fascists. Often it just means they think well of themselves, do good works in their own communities and stay apolitical. We have friends and relatives just now who don't mention what's happening in Gaza....if we were the people we think we are, if we followed the teachings of Jesus...there's be hundreds of thousands of us out in the streets now.
Instead, the general silence in your country and mine.......the degree to which it's a bit dangerous to speak plain truth about genocide, defines us more than any of our assertions to the contrary. Living the good, private life isn't fascist.
But it's not enough to qualify as Christian, either.
The reason antisemitism is rising is because, with the media and Israel Lobby's great influence, Judaism has been conflated with Zionism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism is a great religious/moral tradition, the original monotheistic religion born in the Middle East (Fertile Crescent). Zionism is Jewish nationalism and has nothing to do with real Judaism. It is a movement started in the late nineteenth century for a modern Jewish state. That was to be and is a wholly secular state. Some Israelis like to conflate Zionism with Judaism because it sanctifies a secular nationalistic movement.
Well, you can call it a great religion, and I suppose it is from a historical perspective. But when I heard it said that Jewish men thanked Jehovah every day for not being born a woman, they lost me.
Caregivers are the holy people; that patriarchy turned them into some dorks free housekeeper still riles me.
Zionism is entirely a political movement involving loyalty to a secular state, Israel, created three years after WW2 ended. While the movement has nineteenth century roots, it did not come to fruition until 1948. It was and is a secular movement. I believe the evangelical Christians who see it as a fulfillment of scriptural prophesy are probably incorrect. The traditional Orthodox Jewish belief is that the re-creation of Israel, as prophesied in the Bible would only be true if the Messiah leads the Jewish people there. This was not the sentiment of those who created the state of Israel, who spoke for the very secular Zionist movement.
Biden is lapsing into dementia. You could see that at the so-called debate. Harris, who stands for the same warmongering policies as Biden, is the one has replaced him. She was given a coronation without ever entering a primary by the War Party Democrats. Harris will of course fully support Netanyahu's continuous atrocities against the Palestinian people (not just Hamas).
Yes it certainly is. And it is so utterly unnecessary. We need diplomacy and love of life. Irrational aggressive behavior does not come from Eros, or love of life, but Thanatos, the death wish.
Remember Blinken is a neocon, a full fledged neocon, as was Biden's under secretary of state, Nuland, you know the one on the phone deciding who will be the next president of Ukraine after the US during the Obama administration helped implement a coup in Ukraine. The neocons moved over to the democrats during the Trump years, and there they remain. Nuland by the way is married to a very influential, rich neocon, Robert Kegan, another pimp for war. So as a result of their influence and continued influence on our political policies we have something like this. https://www.aljazeera.com/videos/documentary/
I wholly agree with you, Fran. The Neocons are the most dangerous people in the world today. They have a completely wrongheaded idea that the U.S. should totally dominate the world. And in this interest, they have started lots of wars, from Iraq and Afghanistan to the 2014 coup in the Ukraine, which has turned into a U.S. backed war on the Russian border that could turn into a Third World War. Everything rotten and dangerous about the highly aggressive, anti-diplomatic foreign policy since George W. Bush's presidency has been engineered by the Neocon warmongers.
I like Jeffrey Sachs. He is a brilliant economist, goes to countries the world over advising them on their economies and how to make them better. He strongly opposes the Neocon habit of not talking to "adversarial" heads of state, and has often advised Biden to call and/or meet with Putin. Biden ignores him, and I believe Harris will too. They are both Neocons.
I wrote this in 2014: “In Gaza the cycle of violence and retribution has no end. The United States and Europe could intervene, if they had the will, but no point holding our collective breath. Israel has a blanket pass and a get-out-of-jail-free card with no expiration date. Even when Israel’s policies are dead wrong, they are deemed right because the lives of Jews have been weighed and metered and determined to be of more value than the lives of Palestinians.”
Every day I feel shame for the complicity of the US in this genocide, and every day I know we will do nothing to stop it, and every day I marvel -- that's the only word that fits -- at how thoroughly Israel, a tiny country, has captured the US political system. It just boggles my mind that we allow, encourage, Bibi Netanyahu to yank our chain and make us dance.
Israeli Middle East policy is American policy. It's that simple. Israel is a limb of the United States. They see it as another state and they see this as part of their persistent effort to maintain hegemony across the entire globe. So it's not Bibi Natenyahu yanking the chain, it's the Americans and it's the Israelis and it's been this way since America decided to make Israel its pet project.
It used to be said that Israel was a “client state” of the US. I think we can more accurately say, today, that the US is little more than Israel’s bitch.
Very sad and very true. Their pet project is to drag us into multiple wars to make the Middle East safe for Zionism. I had a colleague at the university where I taught U.S. history. She taught Jewish history. We were in complete agreement that the state of Israel has been bad for the Jews.
I know about the lobby. The lobby cares about the US's existence and power as much as Israel's. They're on and the same. Israel doesn't exist without the US.
The Israel lobby is extremely powerful. They influence American politics by getting any senator or Congress member who speaks out against Israel's excesses out of office. If our politicians in Washington were interested in espousing truth and good legislative and executive policy, they would not merely be interested in getting reelected. Our founders did not see politics as a profession but as a public service.
In the U.S. the Zionist lobby (better term than Jewish lobby, because there are many, probably a majority of Jews against it) promotes what they see as Israel's interest. In other words they promote the interests of a foreign state, something the American founders and their tradition were wholly against.
Israel, especially with Netanyahu, who is using the war to escape being tried for corruption, is nothing but a racist warfare state. The U. S. uses Israel as its hammer in the Middle East.
I’ve given up on humanity as a whole. While there are those who have empathy and kindness for others, they are certainly in the minority with little to no power to make the world better as a whole. When you have the USA giddily cheering on and enabling genocide there is no hope left. For me genocide is the absolute worst crime humans can do to one another. And here we are now with genocide being normalized. I wouldn’t be here on earth if it wasn’t for my mother’s parents who literally escaped the Armenian genocide. I take the act of genocide more personally than many others given my family history. Call me a misanthrope if you wish, but I think extinction is the best outcome for humanity as we apparently refuse to learn how to get along with each other in this day and age. And the one worse crime humans can do over and above genocide is ecocide to all flora and fauna and we are certainly rampaging along that track as well now. That old saying about the meek inheriting the earth forgot to say that the earth will be uninhabitable by that point. What a waste of a species humans turned out to be. Good riddance to humans, and I say that from a place of compassion and kindness in a most paradoxical way.
I am an atheist, but I always interpreted “the meek shall inherit the Earth” as only insects will be left, because we have destroyed everything else. It is depressing to see how little we have done to make this world a compassionate place for all living beings. Hope is hard to come by. America is depraved, and I am ashamed of much of our true History. The first step is admitting what you are, then work on changing it. Most Americans can’t even take that first step, they are in denial. We are the monsters, you are fooling yourself if you can’t see that.
Oddly, that is not the actual meaning of meek. Meek, as in Jesus's statement that the meek shall inherit the Earth, means those who love God and one's neighbor and keep the Commandments. An atheist could be meek by being helpful, kind and gracious to others.
This will be remembered by the world as the beginning of the end for the US. Unless, we use our wisdom and compassion, like Eisenhower said, “beware of the military industrial complex…”. He had vision.
Agreed, the beginning of the End, however, Eisenhower never mentioned the dangers of over-consumption of Blue-Kool-Aid and herd like behavior of the American public. I'm not so sure about our supposed wisdom or compassion - not seeing that in the land of Me & we're number 1 - a lifetime of twisted propaganda.
Blue Cool Aid tastes better than the Red Poison some folks are consuming. However, I agree that wisdom and compassion are in short supply. Let’s see how a new President and Vice President might change that vision. Hopefully someone might be able to overcome the corporate Great Wall of the US.
If the Dems win the election - the new POTUS and VP will continue along the war path and support for Israel - likely will do little for those sleeping in tents or cars if they have one. The Dems have shown they are only slightly "better" than the R's - if the Dems actually offered anything this election would not be so close. I won't vote for either duopoly candidate.
Yeah, but they are better than a Dictator. We would still have a chance to change this country. I realize that there is firm support for the genocide in Gaza and now Lebanon. I would vote for Jill Stein but that is throwing my vote in the trash. I hate the war machine but in this case realism is my only option.
The killing will continue - while a blue vote is "your only option", Palestinians have no options - genocide in this case is Palestinian Realism and has been since 1967 and beyond to the Nakba. We may end up with a would be Dic-tator, because the Dems lack a moral backbone and with no soul. Thank you, RN.
Yes the killing will continue because we have a military industrial complex driven by power and greed. Just how are we to stop this madness? Tell me your answer. I will respect an honest reply.
I consciously refuse to support D or R - they are both complicit in the war machine. When enough of us refuse them change will be possible. It's always been up to us, but we are afraid to break the chains and move in a new direction. Genocide is way beyond MY red line.
I just finished watching the recently released Al Jazeera video about the genocide - I had never watched such a film as this one - I feel it more deeply connected to it now. We need to stop fighting each other first - we need to connect. Be well Robin.
Thanks John. I feel much the same way except I must vote. I find our world a very sick place. I do hope that Harris and Walz may make a difference. Is it voting for a woman president that also seems a waste of time? I know our corporate culture runs the show yet just maybe there will be change. Hope is a dangerous thing. Best to you.
The U.S., my country, murdered 90% of its indigenous population and settled the remainder on reservations. It enslaved millions of Africans and treats non-white citizens with contempt. Endless wars are waged to dominate and subdue other nations. Martin Luther King was most vilified for speaking out against the Vietnam war (and war in general). Now we are cranking up the nuclear weapons machine, an unimaginable stupidity. Those who oppose the hatred, racism and cruelty often despair for a lack of progress against the hideous death machine, but the most important thing is not whether we win or lose, but that we do the right thing, and live to tell our children and grandchildren that we did and that it is their legacy to live lives of honesty, integrity and kindness to all peoples. Rage against the darkness, and light a candle, my friends.
Thank you, Chris. You're one of the few people I know who put humanity's inhumane so powerfully, trenchantly, and painfully into print. I find it so heartbreaking to read, and feel mostly helpless to do anything to stop the ongoing horrors; which means that I am complicit in what the US is doing. But reading what you write is one thing I can do. Along with weeping, wailing, and raging. You penetrate my denial and thus enable me to join the heartache of the Soul which I believe yearns for islands of hope and peace. Thanks for the risks you take to write like this!
Excellent analysis, as always. I live in Greece and would like to say that Israel is, as you say, is internationally despised for the atrocities it commits. The Greek government is absolutely committed to grovelling before Israel, presenting this alliance as crucial for our national security opposite Turkey and citing profitable common oil interests. With few exceptions, the Greek media are mere translators of American and Zionist narratives. Hence the pitiful turnout at our demonstrations.
I hesitated to read this. I hated to read this. I had to read this. Now I will do my best to make others do the same, by sharing with people less fortunate in their choices than Chris Hedges readers.
The film mentioned, “The Act Of Killing”, was so horrific that I couldn’t watch more than ten minutes or so. But, like any student of human nature, I have always to bear in mind deeper truths:
“I am human. Nothing human is alien to me.” Attributed to Roman playwright Terrance
“No person is more different from another than they are from themselves at another time” Pascal
Netanyahu is on a tear, and Biden is coaxing him onward. As I see this, it is increasing the hatred of Jews; and, Americans.
Biden has always been a war monger.........I remember when he was in the Senate and yelling for Bush Jr to start the war on Iraq....there is a reason he is the highest receiver of AIPAC $$.
Well, in fairness regarding Iraq: One cannot omit Dick Cheney from that conversation.
Ah, Dick Cheney the guy the Democrats have grown to love - by moving so far to the right, that even such a dark force as this Dick now fines a home with Democrats.
Bush's brain. Secured oil rights from the Kurds as a gift to Haliburton. Is my memory correct on that one? On a Barbara Walters special when asked by Walters about our 4+ KIA in Iraq, Cheney's smug reply: "Well, they volunteered." In Dick Cheney's eyes Military personnel are expendable. Cheney also was Bush's brain (not Karl with a 'K' Rove). Imagine how that response set with me as a Veteran whose family has served as far back as the American Revolutionary War.
Very true.
I'm an American and I am not fond of Americans either - for being so stupid and gullible for so long - connect the dots - what D-leaders say we are isn't the same as what we are. I'm continually told - "vote Blue, the other side is worse." These same Blue supporters seem unwilling and afraid to hold their inauthentic opposition party to account in an honest effort to reform and improve the party. Instead, they continue on a rightward slide; while those of us that do not support these charlatans are then blamed for Democratic loses because we MADE a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to NOT VOTE FOR THEM.
I am old enough to remember when the D Party was the self proclaimed party of free speech, and anti-war. They are probably more captured by the Zionist money than the Rs at this point, but that’s probably just splitting hairs at this point. When 70% of our federally elected officials are receiving sizable Zionist donations, and large numbers have dual citizenship with Israel, is there any doubt who owns this country?
Thomas Massie has repeatedly tried to get a bill out that would force any member of Congress, who has dual citizenship to report that publicly.
He can’t even get it out of committee. QED
Then we must act to disempower those that scapegoat us for their failures to select with us in open conventions wise savy presidential candidates and work harder to 1/demolish obstacles to recognizing third and more parties 2/ dismantle the electoral college 3/ cap wealth accumulation 4/ vivify on going civic engagement 5/ fuel the reach and power of today’s “alternative media” 6/ influence alternative media to include for every critique of current failure (governmental -legislative, executive and or judicial) an inspired vision of a more just form 7/ ….you add to this…
We must have open ended consciousness raising groups on capitalism, socialism, variations thereof…
S U P E R B comment / great suggestions - thank you SS.
The Democrats are the war party back to Vietnam, which they escalated under LBJ. Republicans more often get us out of these wars.
My immediate family in Mississippi were McGovern supporters. He was an honorable man. Honorable men in congress are few!
Always glad to hear about old McGovern supporters.
Even less honorable persons in Congress today. The Dems might look at how they treated Bernie Sanders when they wouldn't let him run for President....and now, many of his supporters did not vote for Harris who said she would do nothing different than Biden........
Which Nixon sought to win by by expanding the war into Laos and Cambodia. If you are intent on parsing the subject values of the two fake parties, you will miss the overwhelming evidence that renders that exercise pointless.
What you say is true. I am no admirer of the duopoly. I generally vote Green and will be voting for Jill Stein in this election. It would be good if we could make the Greens a viable party for winning elections. My comments on Democrats getting us into wars and Republicans eventually getting us out was as a retired professor of U.S. history. Nixon indeed was responsible for expanding the Vietnam War, but because of the immense growth of the antiwar movement, he felt he had to get us out of the war, which he started to do with his so-called "Vietnamization" program, wherein he withdrew several hundred thousand troops while trying to turn the conduct of the war over to the South Vietnamese. This did not work, but it gave him a fig leaf which he called "peace with honor." I did not support Nixon in the Vietnam War. I voted for George McGovern in 1972, the peace candidate. McGovern, a genuinely good man who hated the war, won only my home state of Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.
I supported McGovern as well, and I continue to support peace candidates.
Leverage is worthless if they know you never will use it.
Eliminating choice is something they absolutely have to do....and it is interesting that the only choice now is to not vote.....or perhaps vote for a crazy person and speed the dissolution of your own republic.
Exactly correct. Actually creating and expanding antisemitism, especially for folks who have a limited understanding of the issues. All they see is “the Jewish state” torturing, raping and murdering everything in sight.
The Jewish state, Israel, has never represented the support and loyalty of anywhere near all Jews. Many Orthodox Jews, for example, opposed its creation and continue to oppose it today. Also Jews whose personal philosophy tends toward pacifism oppose Israel, which has waged continuous wars instead of conducting diplomacy.
One caveat to my statement about Israel's wars. President Jimmy Carter, a strong Christian, was able to negotiate peace between Israel and Egypt, bringing Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat together to sign the Camp David Accords. It took great energy and skill for Carter to accomplish this peace. It is too bad that we now have Neocon warmongers festering American politics. They are the very opposite of Jimmy Carter. Carter is often called a weak president. That assessment could not be more wrong. We need more presidents like him if we are to ever have real peace and avoidance of nuclear war. God bless Jimmy Carter, as he nears 100 years old.
Jimmy hit 100 on October 1st. He's the longest living President. And had been married for 77 years, when his wife, Rosalynn, died. He made mistakes as President, but I will always honor his memory for issuing the unconditional amnesty for Vietnam War draft evaders, giving the Panama Canal back to Panama, and signing the Salt II nuclear arms treaty, with Breshnev. I can't imagine either of this year's two major party candidates doing any of those acts. We've been going downhill, rapidly, since Reagan. It's so sad.
I appreciate your comments on the Carters, two wonderful people. In the Seventies I visited Americus, Georgia, next to Plains, where the Carters had their peanut farm. It was in Americus that an attorney, Millard Fuller, started Habitat for Humanity (building houses for the poor). I remember Carter's working on those homes, putting in"sweat equity." Habitat is still going strong. Thanks for reminding me of some of the great accomplishments of Jimmy Carter's presidency. He has never been adequately appreciated. He was a good president and is a fine man who lives his Christian faith.
Agreed. Carter is a good Christian not like the other born-again George W. Bush. Mr. Carter is probably one of the very few presidents in our whole history that left the White House poorer than when he became president. His legacy around the world is the great charity and peace works through the Carter foundation. Another thing that I admire of him is that his first act when he moved to the White House was to install solar panels on it but later, and as an indication of what was going to happen to our ecology, Regan removed the panels when he moved in.
The following are some quotations from Jimmy Carter's book "The Virtues of Aging":
"Experience is what you’ve got plenty of when you’re no longer able to hold the job."
"The scary thing about middle age is knowing that you are going to outgrow it."
"When you’re pushing seventy, that’s exercise enough."
I think Zionism is a cult that used the myths of the scriptures to sell and justify the invasion of Palestine, but true Judaism or Christianity are quite different and consider genocide immoral and unjustifiable. The problem is how one interprets the bible. Following are some statistics from the PEW Research on the religious landscape study finished in 2014:
To the question how to interpret scriptures:
Total religions US population
Word of God S/B taken literarily 31%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 27%
Not the word of God 33%
Evangelical Protestants
Word of God S/B taken literarily 55%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 29%
Not the word of God 8%
Word of God S/B taken literarily 11%
Word of God not everything S/B taken literarily 24%
Not the word of God 55%
This is an example of true Jews:
Democracynow.org 10/15/2024
“Stop Profiting Off Genocide”: 200 Arrested at Jewish Voice for Peace Protest at NY Stock Exchange
"AMY GOODMAN: The protest was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, which said the action was the largest act of civil disobedience in history outside the New York Stock Exchange. Participants in the protest included descendants of Holocaust survivors, as well as Emmy Award-winning comedian Eric André, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Laura Poitras, the acclaimed artist Nan Goldin, the Oscar-nominated actress Debra Winger and the artist Molly Crabapple. Police forcibly removed many of the peaceful protesters, including our next guest, Elena Stein. She’s director of organizing and strategy for Jewish Voice for Peace. She was arrested, held for eight hours.
Welcome to Democracy Now! It’s great to have you with us, Elena. There’s a very dramatic picture of you being taken out, held, carried by police on your back. You’re wearing the T-shirt you’re wearing right now, “Stop Arming Israel.” Explain what this action was all about.
ELENA STEIN: The day that my grandmother’s entire family and village was massacred in a different genocide, the Holocaust, my grandmother just happened to be absent. I grew up knowing this fact and understanding that it means that, first of all, I’m not supposed to be here. My life is a fluke. And I also grew up agonizing over the question of “Where were the neighbors?” Why did they just stand by? Why didn’t they hurl their bodies between the killers and my family? And so, today, it’s with all of my Jewish ancestors at my back, the one who survived, my grandmother, and all those who didn’t, that we, I and all of them together, say loudly, more profoundly than ever before, “We refuse to be neighbors who just stand by.”
And I think so many of us in these demonstrations, especially as we watch the Israeli government cynically use the excuse, use the conflation of Judaism and Zionism — let’s be clear, Judaism is our rich thousands-year-old tradition; Israel is a 76-year-old apartheid state. The cover has been pulled off Israel. People can see it for what it is and for the Zionist project and the project of ethnic cleansing and genocide and the full, the full expansionist goals that it has, and it will use any means it can to make that project a reality. And the only excuse they have left, the only cover they have left, is to call any resistance to it antisemitism. We refuse this. There is nothing antisemitic about fighting for people’s right to live, to live on their land, to thrive, to be safe at home. We refuse to let our traditions, our identities, our histories be used to allow for the mass torture, the mass starvation, the massacre and the erasure of Palestinians."
I have life-long Jewish friends. I do not broach this topic with them. It bothers me considerably how anti-Semitism is on the rise. It is created through a false narrative and a host of lies and misrepresentation. The growing Christo-Fascism in the U.S. is not helping.
It has to be possible to oppose what Israel is doing without being charged with anti-Semitism. Perhaps more of us should look up the meaning of Semitic...tell everyone we know that Palestinians...and Arabs...qualify.
It's one more reason why I despise Zionism and all its supporters. The arrogance and stupidity involved in taking an ethnic label and insisting it only applies to Jews.
Truth likely is that the people who never left Palestine are more Semitic than European/American Jews who left that homeland region centuries ago.
The anti-Semites are the warmongers allowing a genocide in Gaza to expand to another Semitic people in Lebanon. In that sense, Zionists are the purest form of anti-Semite.
Very, very true. I have said this for years (taught American Religious History) at Cal. State Long Beach.
The Jews did very well building a civilization for thousands of years without having a modern nation state. All the endless wars began after the creation of the state of Israel. Those who founded the state of Israel were not religious people. They were founding a state for ethnic Jews, though religious Jews could come there. In my opinion, if Israel had from the beginning been Israel/Palestine with the Palestinians having equal rights with the Jews, we would not have the horrors between them that we have had in one form or another since 1948.
So it just goes to prove once again, what our poet laureate in Canada wrote during the second Gulf War.....I forget the name of the poem, and would have to look up the name of the black Maritime poet...but his last stanza celebrating the American bombing of Iraq went like this...from memory:
A woman running, on fire, repents of her flesh\
Collateral damage: the first casualty of war, is language.
I'm a retired English teacher, with an MA from Massachusetts...came back to Canada to live thank the goddess. The lies we tell when we want to kill people, or steal what they have, are legion.
None of them fool me...nor I suspect, do they take in many poets.
The vast majority of Christians are not fascists. Indeed, fascism and Christianity are opposites. Thus Hitler substituted a perverse version of Norse war gods (Wotan) for Christianity. Fascism is based on power and domination of as much of the world as possible. It is wholly given to aggressive war. No true Christian is a fascist. Christianity is based on humility and love of all being.
While that should be true.......you've got a lot of fundamentalist Christians down in the US of A backing a genuine fascist in Donald Trump....and I'm afraid more nominal Christians than you might imagine resent being called out on residential schools or any of the crimes of colonialism...........from which primarily the Christian nations benefited.
Inga, both parties are fascist by the dictionary definition. One party has rainbow flags, but the difference between the two is slim. If you abide by the adage ‘by their works you shall know them’ the Gazan genocide is a powerful indicator as to which side our leaders are on. Hint: it’s not our side.
Vote Green. They are the antidote to fascism, and Jill Stein is a fine woman and would make an excellent president.
Why I said a few weeks ago it doesn't really matter who wins the election in Nov. from a planetary perspective. By the time Americans have to call all their military bases home, our natural world will likely be in free fall. Wars are fun for a certain demographic.......but deadly for rising greenhouse gases.
American's penchant for world domination is going to leave us all cooked.
A famous Canadian author, Margaret Lawrence, in her book THE DIVINERS... had this modern take on that by their works phrase. It went like this:
By their Christ Almighty garbage shall ye know them.
The third world knows more about us than we have the wit to imagine. It is watching now........and frankly....I suspect it prefers China.
And there are more Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, mainline Protestant) who are not at all fascist. And I would also say that the majority of evangelical Christians are not fascist. None of these denominations and other groups of Christians are Christian nationalists. Christian nationalism is one group of misguided Christians whose beliefs are very different from historic Christianity in any of the above named denominations.
I'd like to believe you. But in Canada, the damage done to native children by residential schools run mostly by Christian denominations, has convinced me that there is more than a speck of white supremacy in many parts of the Christian universe. Canadian Conservatives still resist admitting that what was done by state and church was a genocidal act...they'd prefer to bury the evidence, claim there are no unmarked graves.
That doesn't mean that they are self conscious fascists. Often it just means they think well of themselves, do good works in their own communities and stay apolitical. We have friends and relatives just now who don't mention what's happening in Gaza....if we were the people we think we are, if we followed the teachings of Jesus...there's be hundreds of thousands of us out in the streets now.
Instead, the general silence in your country and mine.......the degree to which it's a bit dangerous to speak plain truth about genocide, defines us more than any of our assertions to the contrary. Living the good, private life isn't fascist.
But it's not enough to qualify as Christian, either.
The reason antisemitism is rising is because, with the media and Israel Lobby's great influence, Judaism has been conflated with Zionism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Judaism is a great religious/moral tradition, the original monotheistic religion born in the Middle East (Fertile Crescent). Zionism is Jewish nationalism and has nothing to do with real Judaism. It is a movement started in the late nineteenth century for a modern Jewish state. That was to be and is a wholly secular state. Some Israelis like to conflate Zionism with Judaism because it sanctifies a secular nationalistic movement.
Well, you can call it a great religion, and I suppose it is from a historical perspective. But when I heard it said that Jewish men thanked Jehovah every day for not being born a woman, they lost me.
Caregivers are the holy people; that patriarchy turned them into some dorks free housekeeper still riles me.
That is an old world idea. It was never a part of biblically based Judaism
Jews of all kinds of backgrounds and beliefs support lots of different things, many of which have no special relationship with Judaism as a religion.
Zionism is entirely a political movement involving loyalty to a secular state, Israel, created three years after WW2 ended. While the movement has nineteenth century roots, it did not come to fruition until 1948. It was and is a secular movement. I believe the evangelical Christians who see it as a fulfillment of scriptural prophesy are probably incorrect. The traditional Orthodox Jewish belief is that the re-creation of Israel, as prophesied in the Bible would only be true if the Messiah leads the Jewish people there. This was not the sentiment of those who created the state of Israel, who spoke for the very secular Zionist movement.
Biden is lapsing into dementia. You could see that at the so-called debate. Harris, who stands for the same warmongering policies as Biden, is the one has replaced him. She was given a coronation without ever entering a primary by the War Party Democrats. Harris will of course fully support Netanyahu's continuous atrocities against the Palestinian people (not just Hamas).
Yes it certainly is. And it is so utterly unnecessary. We need diplomacy and love of life. Irrational aggressive behavior does not come from Eros, or love of life, but Thanatos, the death wish.
Remember Blinken is a neocon, a full fledged neocon, as was Biden's under secretary of state, Nuland, you know the one on the phone deciding who will be the next president of Ukraine after the US during the Obama administration helped implement a coup in Ukraine. The neocons moved over to the democrats during the Trump years, and there they remain. Nuland by the way is married to a very influential, rich neocon, Robert Kegan, another pimp for war. So as a result of their influence and continued influence on our political policies we have something like this. https://www.aljazeera.com/videos/documentary/
I wholly agree with you, Fran. The Neocons are the most dangerous people in the world today. They have a completely wrongheaded idea that the U.S. should totally dominate the world. And in this interest, they have started lots of wars, from Iraq and Afghanistan to the 2014 coup in the Ukraine, which has turned into a U.S. backed war on the Russian border that could turn into a Third World War. Everything rotten and dangerous about the highly aggressive, anti-diplomatic foreign policy since George W. Bush's presidency has been engineered by the Neocon warmongers.
Also remember many like Jeffery Sacks identify Biden as a neocon, or he very much likes their hegemonic agenda
I like Jeffrey Sachs. He is a brilliant economist, goes to countries the world over advising them on their economies and how to make them better. He strongly opposes the Neocon habit of not talking to "adversarial" heads of state, and has often advised Biden to call and/or meet with Putin. Biden ignores him, and I believe Harris will too. They are both Neocons.
I think I gave you the wrong link or it was changed. I think it was the link to Gaza https://www.aljazeera.com/program/investigations/2024/10/7/war-crimes-in-gaza-i-al-jazeera-investigations Sorry about that.
I wrote this in 2014: “In Gaza the cycle of violence and retribution has no end. The United States and Europe could intervene, if they had the will, but no point holding our collective breath. Israel has a blanket pass and a get-out-of-jail-free card with no expiration date. Even when Israel’s policies are dead wrong, they are deemed right because the lives of Jews have been weighed and metered and determined to be of more value than the lives of Palestinians.”
Every day I feel shame for the complicity of the US in this genocide, and every day I know we will do nothing to stop it, and every day I marvel -- that's the only word that fits -- at how thoroughly Israel, a tiny country, has captured the US political system. It just boggles my mind that we allow, encourage, Bibi Netanyahu to yank our chain and make us dance.
Israeli Middle East policy is American policy. It's that simple. Israel is a limb of the United States. They see it as another state and they see this as part of their persistent effort to maintain hegemony across the entire globe. So it's not Bibi Natenyahu yanking the chain, it's the Americans and it's the Israelis and it's been this way since America decided to make Israel its pet project.
It used to be said that Israel was a “client state” of the US. I think we can more accurately say, today, that the US is little more than Israel’s bitch.
Absolutely right.
And what exactly has “America’s greatest ally” ever done for us?
I’m waiting…
Very sad and very true. Their pet project is to drag us into multiple wars to make the Middle East safe for Zionism. I had a colleague at the university where I taught U.S. history. She taught Jewish history. We were in complete agreement that the state of Israel has been bad for the Jews.
I know about the lobby. The lobby cares about the US's existence and power as much as Israel's. They're on and the same. Israel doesn't exist without the US.
I know this stuff intuitively. I'll read more on it. I have a few books on this subject.
The Israel lobby is extremely powerful. They influence American politics by getting any senator or Congress member who speaks out against Israel's excesses out of office. If our politicians in Washington were interested in espousing truth and good legislative and executive policy, they would not merely be interested in getting reelected. Our founders did not see politics as a profession but as a public service.
In the U.S. the Zionist lobby (better term than Jewish lobby, because there are many, probably a majority of Jews against it) promotes what they see as Israel's interest. In other words they promote the interests of a foreign state, something the American founders and their tradition were wholly against.
Israel, especially with Netanyahu, who is using the war to escape being tried for corruption, is nothing but a racist warfare state. The U. S. uses Israel as its hammer in the Middle East.
I’ve given up on humanity as a whole. While there are those who have empathy and kindness for others, they are certainly in the minority with little to no power to make the world better as a whole. When you have the USA giddily cheering on and enabling genocide there is no hope left. For me genocide is the absolute worst crime humans can do to one another. And here we are now with genocide being normalized. I wouldn’t be here on earth if it wasn’t for my mother’s parents who literally escaped the Armenian genocide. I take the act of genocide more personally than many others given my family history. Call me a misanthrope if you wish, but I think extinction is the best outcome for humanity as we apparently refuse to learn how to get along with each other in this day and age. And the one worse crime humans can do over and above genocide is ecocide to all flora and fauna and we are certainly rampaging along that track as well now. That old saying about the meek inheriting the earth forgot to say that the earth will be uninhabitable by that point. What a waste of a species humans turned out to be. Good riddance to humans, and I say that from a place of compassion and kindness in a most paradoxical way.
I am an atheist, but I always interpreted “the meek shall inherit the Earth” as only insects will be left, because we have destroyed everything else. It is depressing to see how little we have done to make this world a compassionate place for all living beings. Hope is hard to come by. America is depraved, and I am ashamed of much of our true History. The first step is admitting what you are, then work on changing it. Most Americans can’t even take that first step, they are in denial. We are the monsters, you are fooling yourself if you can’t see that.
Oddly, that is not the actual meaning of meek. Meek, as in Jesus's statement that the meek shall inherit the Earth, means those who love God and one's neighbor and keep the Commandments. An atheist could be meek by being helpful, kind and gracious to others.
I prefer my interpretation of the phrase. Thanks, though.
This will be remembered by the world as the beginning of the end for the US. Unless, we use our wisdom and compassion, like Eisenhower said, “beware of the military industrial complex…”. He had vision.
Agreed, the beginning of the End, however, Eisenhower never mentioned the dangers of over-consumption of Blue-Kool-Aid and herd like behavior of the American public. I'm not so sure about our supposed wisdom or compassion - not seeing that in the land of Me & we're number 1 - a lifetime of twisted propaganda.
Blue Cool Aid tastes better than the Red Poison some folks are consuming. However, I agree that wisdom and compassion are in short supply. Let’s see how a new President and Vice President might change that vision. Hopefully someone might be able to overcome the corporate Great Wall of the US.
If the Dems win the election - the new POTUS and VP will continue along the war path and support for Israel - likely will do little for those sleeping in tents or cars if they have one. The Dems have shown they are only slightly "better" than the R's - if the Dems actually offered anything this election would not be so close. I won't vote for either duopoly candidate.
I wholly agree with you, John.
Yeah, but they are better than a Dictator. We would still have a chance to change this country. I realize that there is firm support for the genocide in Gaza and now Lebanon. I would vote for Jill Stein but that is throwing my vote in the trash. I hate the war machine but in this case realism is my only option.
The killing will continue - while a blue vote is "your only option", Palestinians have no options - genocide in this case is Palestinian Realism and has been since 1967 and beyond to the Nakba. We may end up with a would be Dic-tator, because the Dems lack a moral backbone and with no soul. Thank you, RN.
Yes the killing will continue because we have a military industrial complex driven by power and greed. Just how are we to stop this madness? Tell me your answer. I will respect an honest reply.
I consciously refuse to support D or R - they are both complicit in the war machine. When enough of us refuse them change will be possible. It's always been up to us, but we are afraid to break the chains and move in a new direction. Genocide is way beyond MY red line.
I just finished watching the recently released Al Jazeera video about the genocide - I had never watched such a film as this one - I feel it more deeply connected to it now. We need to stop fighting each other first - we need to connect. Be well Robin.
Thanks John. I feel much the same way except I must vote. I find our world a very sick place. I do hope that Harris and Walz may make a difference. Is it voting for a woman president that also seems a waste of time? I know our corporate culture runs the show yet just maybe there will be change. Hope is a dangerous thing. Best to you.
I made a reply to your post but it popped up in a different location.
The Hind Rajab Foundation has filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
I think they might could use our help. Please read the article and join me in making a contribution. https://buy.stripe.com/cN228hbY5g7jaM84gg
The U.S., my country, murdered 90% of its indigenous population and settled the remainder on reservations. It enslaved millions of Africans and treats non-white citizens with contempt. Endless wars are waged to dominate and subdue other nations. Martin Luther King was most vilified for speaking out against the Vietnam war (and war in general). Now we are cranking up the nuclear weapons machine, an unimaginable stupidity. Those who oppose the hatred, racism and cruelty often despair for a lack of progress against the hideous death machine, but the most important thing is not whether we win or lose, but that we do the right thing, and live to tell our children and grandchildren that we did and that it is their legacy to live lives of honesty, integrity and kindness to all peoples. Rage against the darkness, and light a candle, my friends.
Thank you, Chris. You're one of the few people I know who put humanity's inhumane so powerfully, trenchantly, and painfully into print. I find it so heartbreaking to read, and feel mostly helpless to do anything to stop the ongoing horrors; which means that I am complicit in what the US is doing. But reading what you write is one thing I can do. Along with weeping, wailing, and raging. You penetrate my denial and thus enable me to join the heartache of the Soul which I believe yearns for islands of hope and peace. Thanks for the risks you take to write like this!
Excellent analysis, as always. I live in Greece and would like to say that Israel is, as you say, is internationally despised for the atrocities it commits. The Greek government is absolutely committed to grovelling before Israel, presenting this alliance as crucial for our national security opposite Turkey and citing profitable common oil interests. With few exceptions, the Greek media are mere translators of American and Zionist narratives. Hence the pitiful turnout at our demonstrations.