Marc Lamont Hill discusses the future of liberal democracy under Trump with Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former war correspondent Chris Hedges.
Chris, you covered so much ground with Marc, and you did it so pithily, clearly, and forcefully. A seminar in half an hour. I hope it will reach the huge audience that it deserves.
I became aware of the lack of democracy when I realized it was the party bosses who decided who we could vote for in elections. Truman became president only because the party bosses removed vice president Henry Wallace from the ticket within a few months of the president's expected death.
In 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court halted the vote recount in Florida and made GW Bush president whose incompetence led to the success of the 9-11 Saudi hijackers led by bin Laden who was a friend of the Bush and Prescott families and a contractor under GH Bush when he headed the CIA.
The party bosses give us people like the war monger Hillary Clinton and genocide Joe as candidates and ignore the anti worker aspect of these people. It is actions that matter and not rhetoric by politicians. The DNC as with the Republican party works for the affluent elites in the country and not for working men and women or their families.
Oh, what a great explanation of why fascists use Christianity as they've already entered into the portal of magical thinking --so they no longer need unions, health care insurance coverage, an old-age social safety net.... Thanks Chris!
Thank you again to Chris Hedges. This interview alone would provide the basic understanding necessary for anyone who cared to see the reality of where we are.
The closing statements, and their emotional impact, were devastating (in a powerfully inspirational way) after the informational interview.
-edit: I just want to add something, to repeat something written just now to a friend:
I am very grateful for the work of Chris Hedges Report. Light amid the darkness, even given the difficult things that are seen by that light.
'This interview alone would provide the basic understanding necessary for anyone who cared to see the reality of where we are." I couldn't agree more Bill. I've been following Chris for over twenty-years now, in the beginning I tried to share his work with others who consider themselves on the Left (whatever that used to mean) and have been cancelled and ignored for the effort. The problem is is that he is correct and has been correct in warning us about where this shit-show was headed -- we have arrived and many still have no idea how we got here. Most of these folks think it's because we didn't elect Democrats. Thank you BA.
Chris, your amazing knowledge, wisdom, insight and let's not forget your prolific humanity are all on display in this most enlightening interview. Thank you so much for all magnificent work that you do.
Chris, I have to admit it was so much easier living in a bubble of belief. A belief that being an American, raised Catholic and in an all white neighborhood felt like everyone else was doing it wrong. It fueled righteousness and a sense of superiority, and the thought everyone else, especially our poor black neighbors down the hill were just doing wrong. It’s taken years of work and due diligence to break through with the help of people like you. Please continue your efforts, because now more than ever we need to band together against these oligarchs and authoritarians. Thank you!
What a moving comment...yes, it is so much easier in that brainwashed bubble, and it´s a painful shedding of layer after layer that takes a long time and a big courageous heart. 🌻
"With Donald Trump back in the White House many are questioning whether the age of liberal democracy is coming to an end." Like supplying bombs to Israel to implement a genocide, or killing some 6 hundred thousand Ukranians in a proxy war to bring down Putin doesn't answer his question. What a biased an idiotic intro.
Well, at least we eventually got a balanced perspective on this issue. To introduce this talk with that one sided perspective no doubt would turn off a whole lot of people. Trump's four years in office and the biased take many liberals adopted, as they supported the anti-Trump mantra of the democrats didn't nothing but undermine our so called democracy even further. Encourage black and white thinking and you have no thinking at all.
This was a great conversation, and I finally subscribed! 🙏🏽 Every sentence is a chiselled statue of fearless truth-telling. I was especially touched by the end when you spoke about "more than the material". Even though things will probably go down the drain, we have to keep resisting for the sake of our soul.
Chris, you covered so much ground with Marc, and you did it so pithily, clearly, and forcefully. A seminar in half an hour. I hope it will reach the huge audience that it deserves.
What a tour de force! I miss Chomsky desperately, but you Chris, make up for that gaping hole left by his absence.
I became aware of the lack of democracy when I realized it was the party bosses who decided who we could vote for in elections. Truman became president only because the party bosses removed vice president Henry Wallace from the ticket within a few months of the president's expected death.
In 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court halted the vote recount in Florida and made GW Bush president whose incompetence led to the success of the 9-11 Saudi hijackers led by bin Laden who was a friend of the Bush and Prescott families and a contractor under GH Bush when he headed the CIA.
The party bosses give us people like the war monger Hillary Clinton and genocide Joe as candidates and ignore the anti worker aspect of these people. It is actions that matter and not rhetoric by politicians. The DNC as with the Republican party works for the affluent elites in the country and not for working men and women or their families.
To imagine democracy as having ever existed in the United States requires both imagination and ignorance. The one thing one might say in favor of this political moment is that has ripped the liberal mask off the brutality of an unapologetic empire finally exposed to the world for what it has long been.
it never did.
so VERY convincing again, chris hedges. thank you both! and be safe!
Did it ever ??
Oh, what a great explanation of why fascists use Christianity as they've already entered into the portal of magical thinking --so they no longer need unions, health care insurance coverage, an old-age social safety net.... Thanks Chris!
Bourgeois capitalist empire cannot afford democracy lol
Except as theater
Thank you again to Chris Hedges. This interview alone would provide the basic understanding necessary for anyone who cared to see the reality of where we are.
The closing statements, and their emotional impact, were devastating (in a powerfully inspirational way) after the informational interview.
-edit: I just want to add something, to repeat something written just now to a friend:
I am very grateful for the work of Chris Hedges Report. Light amid the darkness, even given the difficult things that are seen by that light.
'This interview alone would provide the basic understanding necessary for anyone who cared to see the reality of where we are." I couldn't agree more Bill. I've been following Chris for over twenty-years now, in the beginning I tried to share his work with others who consider themselves on the Left (whatever that used to mean) and have been cancelled and ignored for the effort. The problem is is that he is correct and has been correct in warning us about where this shit-show was headed -- we have arrived and many still have no idea how we got here. Most of these folks think it's because we didn't elect Democrats. Thank you BA.
Chris, your amazing knowledge, wisdom, insight and let's not forget your prolific humanity are all on display in this most enlightening interview. Thank you so much for all magnificent work that you do.
Cris, is there a written transcript available
Chris, I have to admit it was so much easier living in a bubble of belief. A belief that being an American, raised Catholic and in an all white neighborhood felt like everyone else was doing it wrong. It fueled righteousness and a sense of superiority, and the thought everyone else, especially our poor black neighbors down the hill were just doing wrong. It’s taken years of work and due diligence to break through with the help of people like you. Please continue your efforts, because now more than ever we need to band together against these oligarchs and authoritarians. Thank you!
What a moving comment...yes, it is so much easier in that brainwashed bubble, and it´s a painful shedding of layer after layer that takes a long time and a big courageous heart. 🌻
Powerful interview. Let's begin anew countering the radical MAGA malarkey
"With Donald Trump back in the White House many are questioning whether the age of liberal democracy is coming to an end." Like supplying bombs to Israel to implement a genocide, or killing some 6 hundred thousand Ukranians in a proxy war to bring down Putin doesn't answer his question. What a biased an idiotic intro.
Well, at least we eventually got a balanced perspective on this issue. To introduce this talk with that one sided perspective no doubt would turn off a whole lot of people. Trump's four years in office and the biased take many liberals adopted, as they supported the anti-Trump mantra of the democrats didn't nothing but undermine our so called democracy even further. Encourage black and white thinking and you have no thinking at all.
This was a great conversation, and I finally subscribed! 🙏🏽 Every sentence is a chiselled statue of fearless truth-telling. I was especially touched by the end when you spoke about "more than the material". Even though things will probably go down the drain, we have to keep resisting for the sake of our soul.
Brilliant, brilliant & more brilliant! Thanks Mark & Chris.