
I was up in Blackburn with Craig yesterday. It is very moving to be in the resistance with a man of his quality.

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I would have liked to be there.

The last time I was in 'little' Britain I was in Hospital where most of the BEST nurses and doctors were from the colonies. They understood compassion whilst the white Matrons ruled the roost.

I have NO time for this white against brown rubbish. We are human beings.

Now in Europe we are going through an election in France and the FN (right wing) want to do away with any immigrants.

In many ways I hope this happens because white society know nothing about caring.

I am waiting to see if the FN get in:

Who will work in the fields in the Summer picking Strawberries?

Who will work in the Hospitals?

Who will work in France?

I have absolutely NO doubt that the French like little Britain will end up ruing the day they chucked out immigrants.

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So glad you had your world tour last year, and that I was able to see your first show in Lisbon! Keep on keeping on. We love you, your humanity, and yes, your music!

Oh, and I saw you in San Francisco, back in the day, when you opened for Procul Harum at the Filmore. Luckily, those of us still around, have all improved since then. RIP, Sid.

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I have known more than one lawyer who did criminal defense work and wound up in prison themselves. In each case, they became activists for prison reform. The reasons track Craig Murray’s reflections about his fellow prisoners. He is truly a great man. I hope that his genuine humility doesn’t blind his intellect to that fact. A beautiful piece of work. Well done, Chris and Eunice.

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I've admired Craig Murray for years for his writings, courage and dedication to helping others. Hoping enough voters recognize his honesty to vote him in. He and George Galloway are two of the best of Britain. [Glad to say Hamas is winning in Gaza.]

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One awakes at night in a cold sweat in terror realizing those who conduct this policy abroad would have no compunction about doing so within the nation.

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A moving report from a brave man...I hope he wins in the election. But more than that, I hope we all wake up, really..........to the multiple layers of wool the ruling wealthy have pulled over many of our lives.

The most interesting part of the report was what Murray learned by being in jail...and the compassion he elicits in his report, for children born into poverty and deprivation.....who have no chance of anything ressembling a good life.

If we call ourselves progressive, its past time we woke up. Gaza is an obvious genocide. But our drug crises, on all the streets of the major cities of the west is an obvious crime as well......we have collectively abandoned many of our most vulnerable....and until we acknowledge it and call for real social redress, all our pretentions of being 'good people', 'informed people', 'progressive people', etc. etc. etc......are hollow echos reverberating in a dying world.

Radical empathy is what more of us need to cultivate. If you feel nothing for the horrors being perpetrated by the Israeli armed forces in Gaza daily...........seek professional help. You likely stand in danger of damnation....or at least of a kind of living death, in which you fear everything, but love little.

Thank you Craig Murray, George Galloway and all the brave people of the real working class. Solidarity Forever.

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(and on the other side of my signs)





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Just how many of us know the REAL truth?

I have luckily been out of the UK for 28yrs plus, because the people are devoid of morality. SO scared of 'brown' people who they ruled over for years.

Now the UK is a new Kingdom I hope.

What is it that white people find SO scary with regard to different races?

YOUR Prime Minister 'Sunak' is Indian.

Little Britain is turning................

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That we, the US, spend billions on the CIA, harboring murderers and torturers….

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