This is a must hear. Do you mean if one cannot attend in person, s/he can't hear the conversation. Won't it be recorded?

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Rob, I believe they will live stream it. Will post details if they do.

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Has anyone explored the real reason why tonight, BIDEN will propose building a port “to deliver humanitarian aid” while not calling for a ceasefire, stop the funding of genocide, or demand anything of Israel? I believe this is connected to the offshore natural gas reserves that belong to the PA. Coincidentally, this proposed port for aid is going to be serviced from Cyprus. And wouldn’t you know - a natural gas company called BURISMA just happened to be registered in Cyprus yet located in Ukraine. And that the PA was putting a ratchet in the development of a Port to resist the theft of the natural gas resources that were determined to be Palestinians per the Oslo Accords. This was happening in June- just months before the Oct 7th incident “justifying “ the clearing of land and the Palestinians. Oh and we have a secret US military base in Israel to “monitor missile attacks”. This now crosses beyond being complicit. The US has a vested interest in this genocide. It will never call to stop this . I think the connection is blaring. https://www.workers.org/2023/11/74864/amp/?fbclid=IwAR3TPHS4wN-Q7QKUT_YwkEzsYHEFy3Xgg3KOnanQXHoUbZNVuWGCMFXnGG8

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Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes. And this is why the U.S. is accelerating the demonizing of Iran (the next "terrorist") in the press as we speak and aggressively pursuing outright war with the big prize, Iran, for their vast oil fields and military profit. Hoping Iran will take the bait (the terrible genocide and starvation of the Gazans/Palestinians, the Houthis...) and step in to help Gaza and Yemen when all hell would break loose. Amazing how you can hide something so obvious and aggressive (blaring) in plain sight with emotional trigger words via the incessant daily controlled western press/propaganda machine. Gaslighting an entire U.S. population.

It's fairly easy to do a search online, linking the U.S. war machine and "national interests" with Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Ukraine, etc., with Oil, BP, Chevron, Shell Mobil, Halliburton, Boeing et al over the last 75-100 years at least. The "shipping" we are "protecting" (never named) are tankers stealing Oil and war ships sitting antsy to attack. The U.S./Britain/Allies/multinational oil companies now outright OWN the oil and resources in Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, and yes the Ukraine and many more while at the same time destroying them, making them buy lucrative weapons as part of their "aid package" and sealing their fate and future with huge growing debt to the IMF.

I've come to see the U.S. and Britain et al not as "complicit" but rather as the voracious Colonial Cause fueling (literally) the traumatized Jewish population become Zionists, militarily trained from the start to be our base of operations, our military base, and invading proxy and aggressively paranoid de-stabilizer (along with the CIA) in the center of the Middle East for the past 75-100 years at least. With unspeakably tragic consequences. But we are also witnessing increasing numbers of people who care and feel deeply about the suffering of the people of Gaza as well as all victims and martyrs to these destructive forces of greed and cold heartless power, and for all Life on our Earth, awakening and joining together both in growing consciousness and in growing significant actions.

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I hope it’s recorded and made available so those who can’t attend (I’m in NZ) can also find solace and comfort in conversation based on moral compassion and the truth.

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Never mentioned is that starving the children of Gaza will result in permanent brain damage and mental retardation for life. Rickets and similar deformity will impact their lives as adults should they by some miracle live that long.

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I have been missing Norman's voice lately. Thank you Chris for creating this future event. Sadly I live in WA state otherwise I would be there in person in a heartbeat.

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I've been missing Norman's voice too. I do hope this is recorded!

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I'm calling out Hedges on two points:

My research suggests he now has 85k SUBS here, up from 60k since OCT 7 ...

1) Why can't Hedges drop the names of several GAZA support orgs? ... why not?

He's in a perfect position to extend his influence by simply mentioning these orgs OR even better, leading an effort to establish a support fund in his name ...

2) Why can't he alternate his writings between Assange/Gaza and those issues that are now crushing "his" U.S. working class? ... I now count 70 pieces he has posted here since OCT 7, and all but 6 addressed issues other than the ISR-Palestinian conflict ... we the members of Hedges' U.S. working class have fallen off of his radar ...

Chris Hedges refused to stand with us against the illegal and unconstitutional mandates and passports, pushed the "safe & effective" narrative on us just 30 days after the explosive, court-ordered FDA FOIA release and continues to protect the phony climate existential threat narrative.

In 2009, Al Gore predicted the polar ice caps may disappear in 5-7 yrs ...



In 2022 Hedges referred to the now easily-disproven global warming narrative as ...

"the greatest existential crisis facing the human species."

SALON: https://www.salon.com/2022/07/26/dawn-of-the-apocalypse-existential-for-our-species-is-right-here-right-now/

There was a time when Hedges would set the record straight, but not anymore.

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Are there Aid Organizations you especially recommend for sending donations that will actually get through to them?

Thank you!

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I make donatations to the The Palestine Children's Relief Fund, but at this point not much is getting into Gaza.

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Thank you for this resource Chris. I did not think much if anything could be getting through but one must still act. It's more than hard to bear and to hold the reality of so many compassionate people and organizations worldwide wanting to help alleviate what the desperately suffering, starved and terrorized Gazans are enduring, only to have it held at arms length in warehouses or at the border because the aid itself and the brave people who try to deliver it are deliberately targeted. Torture. Such dehumanizing perversity and cruelty. Hard to know what to do with the pain and outrage that wells up in me, except to continue to send donations anyway, with hope, with love, and in solidarity, and to speak up and write these words to combat the weight of helplessness I feel.

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