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This ICJ ruling will be used as a Causus Belli by world nations to Isolate 'Israeli' society. Governments often look toward legal minutia to justify their actions, & now they have such a thing:
Bilateral Sanctions, Embargoes, Blockades, etc., will soon come into play & the so-called 'Jewish state' will suffer the same fate that Outremer &…
© 2025 Chris Hedges
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This ICJ ruling will be used as a Causus Belli by world nations to Isolate 'Israeli' society. Governments often look toward legal minutia to justify their actions, & now they have such a thing:
Bilateral Sanctions, Embargoes, Blockades, etc., will soon come into play & the so-called 'Jewish state' will suffer the same fate that Outremer & the Crusader entities of centuries ago did:
Namely, total isolation (commercial, diplomatic, etc.) followed by Demographic Implosion via Mass Emigration outward. This Death Spiral is all but guaranteed given the ICJ ruling!
'Israel' will cease to be. Palestine Will Live. Palestine Will be Free & it will be Prosperous!
It won't happen because there are too many moneyed Jewish people in the world. They control mostly everything.
they don't control civil society, this is where the push back will come from
They do not control the Trade Routes. American Seapower is Moribund & any Oil price over 200 USD per Barrel implodes the world economy.
This is why Iran is a Great Power: It alone has this ability to bring the Empire & its Moneyed interests to its knees should it pursue said path.
Good news.
BDS will scare them.
(For those interested)
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Thank You Kindly to everyone!
Amen. The Arabs need another Saladin capable of unifying the Sunys and the Shias
We will need to invest. The West will make this as hard as possible to rebuild and grow Palestine.