The difference is the intolerance to historical criticism. The master race was effectively parodied by Mel Brooks in The Producers, with the biggest complaint that maybe it was a little crude (I laughed my derriere off). In contrast, the moment Woody Allen parodied the chosen people in his movies (Radio Days etc.), he was instantly labeled a self-hating Jew.
More similarities than differences - both wanted "lebensraum and were prepared to massacre civilians to expand into their territory, both regard 'the other' as inferior, to be wiped from the earth ('human animals'), both use inhuman, evil levels of brutality
forceOfHabit, they both are self-appointed roles. The latest archeological digs have found that the Chosen People were chosen by themselves, not by God. What they chose was to be free.
"The Bible's Buried Secrets" NOVA's science documentary shows that the Israelites were Canaanites. Canaan consisted of well-fortified city-states, each with its own king, that in turn served Egypt and its pharaoh. These city-states contained elite upper-class Canaanites as well as lower-class commoners, serfs, and slaves. Archeological evidence suggests that, rather than conquering the Promised Land from outside territories as a separate people (as described in the book of Joshua), the Israelites were actually disenfranchised Canaanites who joined in a revolt to overthrow the elites. Out of these people who overthrew the ruling class, a culture of Israelites emerged which worshiped the Canaanite god EI (Elohim) who presided over a divine consul of other gods including his wife the goddess of fertility Asherah and others like Baal, Anat and Astarte. Later when the Israelites wanted a separate identity, they created the myths of Abraham coming from Ur, the exodus, Moses and Joshua. The word Israel means "EI perseveres". Only much later after the Babylonian captivity the prophets established a true monotheism.
Can anyone explain to me, in light of the events in Gaza and the West Bank, the difference between the Chosen People and the Master Race?
I assume this is Expert Sarcasm at it's best. Love it and thank you.
Free Palestine. Vote NO on Genocide Joe. Stein/West ticket 24?
The difference is the intolerance to historical criticism. The master race was effectively parodied by Mel Brooks in The Producers, with the biggest complaint that maybe it was a little crude (I laughed my derriere off). In contrast, the moment Woody Allen parodied the chosen people in his movies (Radio Days etc.), he was instantly labeled a self-hating Jew.
More similarities than differences - both wanted "lebensraum and were prepared to massacre civilians to expand into their territory, both regard 'the other' as inferior, to be wiped from the earth ('human animals'), both use inhuman, evil levels of brutality
forceOfHabit, they both are self-appointed roles. The latest archeological digs have found that the Chosen People were chosen by themselves, not by God. What they chose was to be free.
"The Bible's Buried Secrets" NOVA's science documentary shows that the Israelites were Canaanites. Canaan consisted of well-fortified city-states, each with its own king, that in turn served Egypt and its pharaoh. These city-states contained elite upper-class Canaanites as well as lower-class commoners, serfs, and slaves. Archeological evidence suggests that, rather than conquering the Promised Land from outside territories as a separate people (as described in the book of Joshua), the Israelites were actually disenfranchised Canaanites who joined in a revolt to overthrow the elites. Out of these people who overthrew the ruling class, a culture of Israelites emerged which worshiped the Canaanite god EI (Elohim) who presided over a divine consul of other gods including his wife the goddess of fertility Asherah and others like Baal, Anat and Astarte. Later when the Israelites wanted a separate identity, they created the myths of Abraham coming from Ur, the exodus, Moses and Joshua. The word Israel means "EI perseveres". Only much later after the Babylonian captivity the prophets established a true monotheism.