Deeply moved by the ways in which you taught us that if we do nothing , we become the crucifiers, if we don’t face and assume the costs of peacemaking - that are no less than the costs of war - we doom ourselves as actors and participants in radical evil. To act from truth and justice and care at whatever the cost is the soulful imperati…
Deeply moved by the ways in which you taught us that if we do nothing , we become the crucifiers, if we don’t face and assume the costs of peacemaking - that are no less than the costs of war - we doom ourselves as actors and participants in radical evil. To act from truth and justice and care at whatever the cost is the soulful imperative. What do I stand for? Comfort? Or taking risks for what most matters? Will I choose the way of the narrow gate? Let go of outcome and choose what I am most made of? Because that is what I truly love the most and choose to serve? Am I not that which is the sum of what I choose? The way of soul blighting or soul deepening? Give me the strength and courage to be true.
Deeply moved by the ways in which you taught us that if we do nothing , we become the crucifiers, if we don’t face and assume the costs of peacemaking - that are no less than the costs of war - we doom ourselves as actors and participants in radical evil. To act from truth and justice and care at whatever the cost is the soulful imperative. What do I stand for? Comfort? Or taking risks for what most matters? Will I choose the way of the narrow gate? Let go of outcome and choose what I am most made of? Because that is what I truly love the most and choose to serve? Am I not that which is the sum of what I choose? The way of soul blighting or soul deepening? Give me the strength and courage to be true.