"And we only need one to five percent of the population actively working for the overthrow of a system, history has shown, to bring down even the most ruthless totalitarian structures." A pivotal statement to remember and act from. Excellent essay.

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“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”

From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare >>> Release date: Dec 19, 1979

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As I contemplate all the horrific events of the past quarter-century or so, and the abominable waste and harm that is being inflicted on the planet and >99% of its peoples, I continually wonder about those <1% who hold the reins of power here in The West. Are they certifiably insane, sociopaths and psychopaths not only little concerned with anyone else's welfare and happiness but actively displaying sadistic, or suicidal and ecocidal tendencies?

Is there method in their madness?

The <1% May Have a Plan - But it is not good news


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I’m 90 - I shall try to demonstrate - if I want to leave the world a better place I haven’t much time left so I shall try to PROTEST

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Wow Rosemary..well done. I am 75yrs and struggling to get to protests. Energy is going BUT like you I feel I have to do something.

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Thank you Rosemary! I will try to be like you. I'm only 70 but I too want to PROTEST. I object to what my Senators, Senator Tim Kaine and Senator Mark Warner are doing. I do not think they actually mean to harm anyone/anything. But they are allowing our public money to keep right on flowing into the extractive and warist military-industrial complex. They could and should stop the money. And we ordinary constituents here in Virginia or anywhere must force them to channel our public money toward meeting the real needs of Mother Earth.

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When humans created the concept of artificial wealth commodifying everything imaginable, including the very environment upon which we depend for life itself, there was no turning back from the suicidal path we are now on, like a bunch of bulls in a china shop. Humans were never an intelligent species, but rather a clever one that wantonly did things without having the ability to think things through beforehand, or even worse simply did not care as long as it brought them more and more of their make believe wealth. Enjoy the remaining days we have left as they are running out exponentially now.

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“Man joined the eternal abyss - When food became a commodity”

- Paul Vonharnish - (January 2, 2020)

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I want to apologize to the internet and Truth for previously posting comments that questioned Israeli plans to exploit the off shore gas reserved as a cause of the Gaza genocide. I was ignorant of the facts and lazy and viewed this as a diversion. I just read the Malm links and agree that gas is no doubt a significant issue. I don't think I posted those comments here, but I do know I posted them somewhere!

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In the even larger picture, the reason the U.S. supports Israel is because it sees it as its proxy in the Middle East to control the oil and oil routes there. (As Biden said, if Israel didn't exist, we'd have had to invent it." It's been called "Our unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the region. No exaggeration to say the existence and persistence of Israel is all about oil. And no accident it is being used by the U.S. as our proxy against Iran, not to mention Russia and the BRICS.

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Chris writes a great article again. Thanks Chris. I see voting for Jill Stein as an act of resistance against our own ecocide, genocide regime. If Jill gets 5% of the vote, which she can, we can throw a wrench into the Uniparty system. For people of conscience, there is no real excuse to vote for either national party. Their scare tactics are silly arguments to ignore genocide and our endless war machine, while domestic needs for fighting climate change, building affordable housing, and a dozen other needs, are ignored. A woke 5% can change history, if we vote smart, and continue building the movement for change which students across the world have begun. We must act now.

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In my nearly 80 years of life I have seen one climate prediction after another fail to deliver as promised. It is politics, not science. I clearly remember the impending Ice Age from the 1970s. That one didn't happen either.

A computer model is a STATEMENT OF A HYPOTHESIS. It is not proof of ANYTHING. Our entire civilization is built on fossil fuels and has been since prehistoric times.

End fossil fuels and civilization dies. You will starve to death in the freezing darkness.

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Models are the curse of our time. People who don't understand the concept of models treat them as having come down the mountain with the 10 commandments. Written in stone, and from "God". They are neither. At best they are a way to conceptualize the world. Good models allow predictive action such as being able design a bridge, because you have a model that allows you to predict the strength of the steel & concrete structure and at what point it will fail.

(even that is suspect, because there are always unknowns such as manufacturing flaws, etc.)

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It all feels so hopeless…🥀🥀🥀

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I agree Julia. BUT we HAVE to do something especially protest.

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In Ithaca, NY, surrounded by trust funders and families still well protected, still msm informed, believing themselves progressive in a sea of signs for Kamala et al, my generation of boomers perseverating on self and wealth! Having been protesting on and on and on…voting Green since Nader…now supporting SteinWare however much I can….it would take millions of young people putting themselves on the line to even make a dent…🥀🥀🥀

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I just read Robert Scheer ...............all we need is 5% of the population.

I shared it on notes if you are interested.

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Effects on agricultural productivity and reduction in food supply will force famine, death, and even more migration. This likely will be the first mass casualty event.

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A bunch of us wrote about the oil fields off the coast of Gaza and Lebanon and how Israel is justifying the genocide to get that oil last November. The only thing that has changed is the resistance fighters who are hanging on a year later with little signs of defeat. Hezbollah is joining the fray so Netanyahu's plans to get even wealthier are now going up in missile smoke. This is the unsaid reason why the U.S. and the E.U. have been supporting this war. Oil or the promise of such, if Israel can secure the coastlines and much of the lands going eastward. France has now backed off completely, with others soon to follow. Germany's government is under pressure to stop the arms sales as their industrial economy is collapsing. That leaves the U.K. and the U.S. as standalone supporters, with an ever growing restlessness within the general public.

As someone aptly wrote in the comments, without the constant flow of oil to the west, it will collapse. Germany is a good example since they lost access to Russian oil and gas in the last couple of years. The U.S. will be another one if they lose access to the oil they think they need. Their history with oil embargoes from the last 50 to 60 years is their example.

The end of the fossil fuel age is at hand. One way or another, societies and cultures will be remade as the oil flows become diminished. The flow of oil will diminish because it is a finite commodity and it is starting to run low in traditional places in the middle east. This is one of the reasons why the west is fighting so hard against Maduro in Venezuela, and other places outside of the middle east in order to maintain their unipolar hegemon. They need to keep the oil flowing in order to prop up their failing economy, which maintains their failing military prowess.

It won't be much longer, maybe within the next twenty years or so, if not less, before the U.S. empire and its proxies will fade out and a new world order will rise in its place. Whether it will be something better remains to be seen. In the meantime, expect more wars over oil.

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The link between ecocide and militarism is especially useful. I'll make sure to get it out to my networks. Thank you especially for the link to Malm's blog post.

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CO2 is not the problem. The First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics should be read and understood by anyone studying atmospheric heating. The primary causes of atmospheric heating are directly related to energy usage. The overt and easily calculated *heat* includes ALL forms of energy conversion to physical work. Human populations consume more energy than any other life form on planet Earth. THAT is the problem.

Do we need to erect massive amounts of infrastructure for our singular and obviously alienated survival? No. Do we need to fly around in commercial aircraft 24/7? No. Do we continue to destroy whole cities in insane quests for more control, more toys, more resources to exploit? Yes. Humans are energy slobs, period. Face it.

Geoengineering (weather warfare) has been ongoing since prior to the Vietnam war. How many steered hurricanes will it take to wake civil populations up? Three? 10? 100? Quit playing stupid suicide games.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

CO2 is not the problem. Agreed

However, thinking that we have a good understanding of the energy systems of the earth. We don't have a clue. We have only scratched the surface level of understanding and have much to learn before we can begin to claim even a basic level of knowledge.

Fundamentally that is the issue with the whole global warming trope. They present as fact the actions of a single variable, in an extremely complex system, on the entire system. They torture the data to make the "Data fit the narrative" and ignore any counter narrative data. (Recent learnings are showing that plants like a High CO2 atmosphere which means that increasing CO2 is promoting plant growth, and remember your grade school education on what plants do with CO2)

Prudence on the part of those of us live on the planet would say that we should be extremely conservative in our actions, simply because we have no idea what doing this, or that, will have in the long term on our environment. As always, the biggest issue we face is hubris & greed.

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Correct. Hubris and greed has gotten us to where we are today...

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"steered hurricanes". Your implication that mankind is steering hurricanes (by means other than the coincidental effects of massive energy consumption--which is NOT a conscious act of steering) is absolutely absurd. Such comments are part of the problem, not part of a solution. The problem is human overpopulation within a finite biosphere. Experimental "vaccines", class warfare, and State sponsored genocide are the elites attempt to rectify that problem (not via hurricane "steering"). Will they win that race against overpopulation? If the birth rates in Gaza, or in general the global south, over the past 40 years are any indication of the results of that tact, then I doubt it. Doesn't mean they aren't giving it their best "shot" though.

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Hello WW11. Steering hurricanes is not new. I've been aware of these operations for nearly two decades. Patents have been awarded for many years. >>>

Method For Controlling Hurricanes

October 5, 2024 | ZeroGeoengineering.com |US Patent 20100072297A1 |


Also see: https://zerogeoengineering.com/2024/surface-modification-control-stations-and-methods-in-a-globally-distributed-array-for-dynamically-adjusting-the-atmospheric-terrestrial-and-oceanic-properties/

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I've been aware of them as well. So what? I have no doubt plenty of scientists have been hired to work toward such a holy grail. There are also plenty of plans, hypothesis, and yes, patents for "systems" hoping to be used for colonizing the Moon or Mars; doesn't mean any have been used or will prove that any more practical as well. I will bet you dollars to donuts that by the time any of these ideas marry with a technology that will make them so, mankind will have become virtually extinct.

All the patents you reference have nothing to do with "steering" hurricanes. They are ideas that seek to seed the core of a hurricane weather system with energy that hopes to counteract natures course. Just about all of them likely used far, far more energy than they could ever hope to dissipate or "steer". This foly reminds of of the "science" of alchemy that fooled people like you centuries ago.

I'll tell you what Vonharnish: Why don't you cite an actual study that documents an actual hurricane that has been "steered" successfully by any of the patented process you claim have done so. If you can, I will be happy to admit you've made a convert of me to your wild belief system.

Seems to me that the energy that some wish to use to control hurricanes would be far more wisely spent figuring out ways to reuse, recycle, and repurpose the energy we currently are wasting. The basic problem with hurricanes is most of the human infrastructure damage is caused by flooding. Just look at the cost--if you can ever get it in coastal areas-- for flood insurance vs. wind damage insurance -which all can easily get. But folks have historically chosen to build dwelling very near (and upon) rivers and oceans--for obvious reasons. This advantage inevitably becomes a disadvantage at some point. That juxtaposition may be over years, it may be over decades, and in some cases it may be over centuries. The sad truth is mankind has a very short collective memory, and a tendency to repeat his mistakes due to faulty belief systems. Understanding how most folks get indoctrinated with these faulty belief systems is another story...but your comment about hurricane "steering" point us toward and understanding of that direction/distraction. Its no different than Musk going on and on about settling Mars --all the while his main goal being able to contract with NASA (on revenue guaranteed and subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer) to send rocketed satellites into space (a far more simpler venture) to better serve the State in surveilling the public. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/08/12/musk-embraces-trump-and-scorns-subsidies-but-tesla-still-lobbies-for-us-benefits.html.

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