1.5C is way back in the rearview mirror, we are on our way to 3 C in the near future . EVs, solar panels, wind farms, recycling have failed to stop what has already arrived. "Free market capitalism" has won the day, to our ruin. Greenwashing frauds like Al Gore and Bill McKibbon have helped make things worse while making bank.

"At the edge of extinction, only love remains", McPhearson.

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CApitalism is a system which is founded on greed and greed even amongst intelligent well informed people can be blinding to deadly consequences

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I would lie to add that I have served two short prison sentences for nonviolent offences one for the environment and one against war and I feel honoured to be following in the footsteps of such a great person in even in a minor way

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The simple fact is that humanity long ago overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the planet to support human beings.

The World Wildlife Fund recently reported that since 1970, the vertebrate animal population of this planet has decreased by almost 75 percent (referring to the wild creatures, not dogs, cats, cattle, pigs, chickens, etc). In this same 50+ year period, the human population doubled from four billion to over eight billion. Humanity's voracious appetite for natural resources and massive expansion of agriculture has destroyed global biodiversity.

Wind turbines, solar panels, green hydrogen, Carbon Capture and Underground Storage, batteries and EVs are all too little, too late. Humanity simply consumes too much energy. The typical American believes that he will continue to live life exactly as we do now, only everything will be powered by ‘clean’ renewable electricity.

Five hundred years ago, humanity lived in an idyllic renewable energy economy, powered entirely by solar energy. Sunlight was the photosynthetic basis for the food crops which provided the energy for human and animal muscle. These were the prime movers which performed most of the work in the world at that time. Wood and charcoal biomass also provided primary energy. Solar energy drove the circulation of the atmosphere, resulting in wind and rainfall to power sailing ships, windmills (for grinding grain and pumping water out of the Dutch polders), and waterwheels, also for grinding grain and other purposes.

And the world population in 1500 CE is estimated to have been only about 500,000,000 (roughly six percent of the current global population of eight billion plus) and it grew very slowly until the mid-eighteenth century, when the industrial revolution (read carbon-based energy revolution, the steam engine plus coal) began. Half a billion people was all that renewable energy-based agriculture and technology could support at that time.

Humanity has greatly overshot the carrying capacity of the biosphere, thanks to the trillions of hydrocarbon slaves that we have had working on our behalf for over two centuries. The climate crisis is a symptom, but not the main event.

Nature is now in the driver’s seat and the ghost of Malthus is nature’s co-pilot. Degrowth and massive population decline is our destiny. The ride is not going to be pretty.

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Today Roger Hallam's enchanting words echoed by Eunice Wong lit up my heart. It is good to hear the truth breaking through the deafening silence of climate change denial.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Our atmosphere contains 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other trace gases. The same amounts that I recall from like elementary school science in the 1960's. Do you really believe that increasing that .04% or .0004 to .0005 is destroying the planet?

I also note that everyday when I check the weather for the day it alsways seems to be listed a bit hihger in temperature than we really ever get. 91 for the high that barely makes it to 84, etc. Why is that? Is someone trying so desperately to make a case for global warming because it's their grift?

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