there was a time my father suggested I should move to australia. they’re like us, just 20 years behind, he said. now? no thanks. my liberty and individual freedoms (that extend far beyond firearm ownership) are much more important to me.
additionally, you may not have firearm deaths, but homicides grew by 300% after you outlawed guns. tell me again how you’re somehow safer.
there was a time my father suggested I should move to australia. they’re like us, just 20 years behind, he said. now? no thanks. my liberty and individual freedoms (that extend far beyond firearm ownership) are much more important to me.
additionally, you may not have firearm deaths, but homicides grew by 300% after you outlawed guns. tell me again how you’re somehow safer.
there was a time my father suggested I should move to australia. they’re like us, just 20 years behind, he said. now? no thanks. my liberty and individual freedoms (that extend far beyond firearm ownership) are much more important to me.
additionally, you may not have firearm deaths, but homicides grew by 300% after you outlawed guns. tell me again how you’re somehow safer.