Do I real need to cite the Western canon of literature or should I cite today's ersatz flavour of semi intellectual thought. Giraffes have long necks because they have stiff penises not because they want sour grapes. Benjamin Franklin is tomorrow's philosopher and Washington was one of Tennyson's six hundred.
His was not to reason why, h…
Do I real need to cite the Western canon of literature or should I cite today's ersatz flavour of semi intellectual thought. Giraffes have long necks because they have stiff penises not because they want sour grapes. Benjamin Franklin is tomorrow's philosopher and Washington was one of Tennyson's six hundred.
His was not to reason why, his was but to do and die.
Franklin was about reason. Franklin didn't only talk about the philosophy of emancipation. Franklin freed his slaves and fomented revolution. Benjamin Franklin led the Boston Tea Party. It was Franklin's Montreal Merchants who threw the East Indian Company tea into Boston Harbour, it was Bejamin Franklin's Montreal Newspaper that boarded the East Indian Company ships bearing the East Indian Company flag in Boston Harbour. It was Bonhomme Richard who edited the Montreal Gazette that chased the East India Company out of much of British North America.
Parliament had taken control in 1688 and the King had no real power.
In 1773 the East India Company ran the British Colonies and they owned the British Parliament. The London Stock Exchange is late 17th century.
So much for the history you learned in school.
Mark Twain said:
"Politicians like diapers must be changed regularly, for the exact same reason."
In 2022 a well trained militia is called the police, fire and health department. In 1773 the East India Company ran health, education, and welfare as well as police and fire departments and parliaments ran armies.
In 1773 Franklin was about as liberal as a man can get. Franklin was right up there with Voltaire and Burke as far as enlightenment humanist liberal philosophy can get.
How did Orwell lose America to Franco Fascists?
That is what pierce is afraid of.
Orwell fought against the Franco Fascists and lost but retained his sanity.
Roland Fryer was an unlikely Harvard superstar. Abandoned by his mom at birth and raised by an alcoholic dad, Fryer became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard and won the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal, the prize for the best economist under 40 in the world.
Do I real need to cite the Western canon of literature or should I cite today's ersatz flavour of semi intellectual thought. Giraffes have long necks because they have stiff penises not because they want sour grapes. Benjamin Franklin is tomorrow's philosopher and Washington was one of Tennyson's six hundred.
His was not to reason why, his was but to do and die.
Franklin was about reason. Franklin didn't only talk about the philosophy of emancipation. Franklin freed his slaves and fomented revolution. Benjamin Franklin led the Boston Tea Party. It was Franklin's Montreal Merchants who threw the East Indian Company tea into Boston Harbour, it was Bejamin Franklin's Montreal Newspaper that boarded the East Indian Company ships bearing the East Indian Company flag in Boston Harbour. It was Bonhomme Richard who edited the Montreal Gazette that chased the East India Company out of much of British North America.
Parliament had taken control in 1688 and the King had no real power.
In 1773 the East India Company ran the British Colonies and they owned the British Parliament. The London Stock Exchange is late 17th century.
So much for the history you learned in school.
Mark Twain said:
"Politicians like diapers must be changed regularly, for the exact same reason."
In 2022 a well trained militia is called the police, fire and health department. In 1773 the East India Company ran health, education, and welfare as well as police and fire departments and parliaments ran armies.
In 1773 Franklin was about as liberal as a man can get. Franklin was right up there with Voltaire and Burke as far as enlightenment humanist liberal philosophy can get.
How did Orwell lose America to Franco Fascists?
That is what pierce is afraid of.
Orwell fought against the Franco Fascists and lost but retained his sanity.
Of course I am just an autistic literary critic.
Who Canceled Roland Fryer?
Roland Fryer was an unlikely Harvard superstar. Abandoned by his mom at birth and raised by an alcoholic dad, Fryer became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard and won the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal, the prize for the best economist under 40 in the world.
You could not "cite" the difference between your ass and a hole in the ground.
Your inability to understand Orwell is classically Orwellian!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a grossly incompetent, brain damaged, psychotic, delusional LIAR and idiot that is seeking disgusting EGO GRATIFICATION.
Your public intellectual masturbation is revolting and disgusting.
Your apparent glee at intellectually masturbating in front of a bunch of other psychotic, low IQ leftists is appalling, but not surprising.