Boy, the conservatives are going to love this one Chris. I haven’t even started reading the comments, but I’m sure there will be something about how taking away the guns will mean only criminals have guns. The unspoken part being, they’re afraid only urban blacks and latinos will have the guns, but they couldn’t care less if a white teen…
Boy, the conservatives are going to love this one Chris. I haven’t even started reading the comments, but I’m sure there will be something about how taking away the guns will mean only criminals have guns. The unspoken part being, they’re afraid only urban blacks and latinos will have the guns, but they couldn’t care less if a white teenager can walk into a local gun store and load up with an AR-15 and go shoot up a school, that’s of course freedom.
Then of course there will be the people parsing your gun terminology and pedantically pointing out that most civilian AR-15s are chambered for the 223 cartridge not the 5.56. It’s endless how the gun proponents fetishize the particulars in this regard as a way to idealize themselves as gun intellectuals that know better than some journalist, no matter how many guns he has fired.
There will be the idiots that declare they and their guns are what keep government overreach in check. If they understood history at all, they would realize that is completely absurd. Waco? Anyone that sets up a little compound and declares themself in defiance of USA law will get taken down by the feds. The feds can listen in on every piece of communication in the USA with no real restrictions. The only thing that will stop the USA government from annihilating a rebellion instantly is whether the public is watching and then the propaganda machine will have anyone dumb enough to join labeled as domestic terrorists such that even if they live they’ll find themselves being waterboarded in some hellhole while people forget that they exist.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” is a phrase attributed to Communist leader Mao Zedong. The irony is that gun zealots agree with that and yet everything good about the USA is in opposition to that idea and to the very structure it entails. Democracy cannot be sustained with violence and endless war, we’ve tried that in dozens of countries and never succeeded.
Pay people a living wage. Stop funneling trillions to arms manufacturers to sustain foreign wars while people go hungry and homeless here in the USA.
I live in a liberal democracy. Arms are still weapons of war and guns well the second amendment being about guns; in a slave owning 83% illiterate rural society is simply shit coming out of Scalia's ass.
As Dickens said. "The law is an ass---an idiot."
Of course Dickens' family were miscreants and deserved to live in debtor's prison but poor farms were so much more humane than poor houses.
I love Chris but I wish he did satire. Rolling on the floor laughing and dying with tears in one's eyes or singular in my case is an awfully good way to go.
Anyone understand why pierce followed me here? I followed Chris since before he left the Newspaper of Record. Pierce is not exactly a Chris aficionado. Chris makes Aaron Matte look like a conservative.
Listen Humpty!!! Your words mean nothing they are labels that suit your purpose. Why don't you read Alice's Adventure's Through the Looking Glass and what she found there. Charles Dodgson was the Oxford Don of the Logic Department.
I know you know what you want your words to mean; but they are meaningless in any meaningful discussion. Finish High School and decide where you go from there.
In my humble opinion this world already has too many crazy psychologists, too many professors of law and far too many ideological lunatics.
Maybe some things need to be conserved and some things need to be changed it is all scientific THEORY.
It took me almost 70 years to find a way to write.
I fear many things but I never feared clowns or the truth.
Clowns are not funny, the are not scary they are just effing clowns just like all of us . We put on our make-up before we go out into the world.
Fools step in where wise men fear to tread.
I don't know who said what.
"I am standing on the shoulders of giants." Issac Newton who doesn't need my citation. He is a measure of mass and energy
Boy, the conservatives are going to love this one Chris. I haven’t even started reading the comments, but I’m sure there will be something about how taking away the guns will mean only criminals have guns. The unspoken part being, they’re afraid only urban blacks and latinos will have the guns, but they couldn’t care less if a white teenager can walk into a local gun store and load up with an AR-15 and go shoot up a school, that’s of course freedom.
Then of course there will be the people parsing your gun terminology and pedantically pointing out that most civilian AR-15s are chambered for the 223 cartridge not the 5.56. It’s endless how the gun proponents fetishize the particulars in this regard as a way to idealize themselves as gun intellectuals that know better than some journalist, no matter how many guns he has fired.
There will be the idiots that declare they and their guns are what keep government overreach in check. If they understood history at all, they would realize that is completely absurd. Waco? Anyone that sets up a little compound and declares themself in defiance of USA law will get taken down by the feds. The feds can listen in on every piece of communication in the USA with no real restrictions. The only thing that will stop the USA government from annihilating a rebellion instantly is whether the public is watching and then the propaganda machine will have anyone dumb enough to join labeled as domestic terrorists such that even if they live they’ll find themselves being waterboarded in some hellhole while people forget that they exist.
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” is a phrase attributed to Communist leader Mao Zedong. The irony is that gun zealots agree with that and yet everything good about the USA is in opposition to that idea and to the very structure it entails. Democracy cannot be sustained with violence and endless war, we’ve tried that in dozens of countries and never succeeded.
Pay people a living wage. Stop funneling trillions to arms manufacturers to sustain foreign wars while people go hungry and homeless here in the USA.
I live in a liberal democracy. Arms are still weapons of war and guns well the second amendment being about guns; in a slave owning 83% illiterate rural society is simply shit coming out of Scalia's ass.
As Dickens said. "The law is an ass---an idiot."
Of course Dickens' family were miscreants and deserved to live in debtor's prison but poor farms were so much more humane than poor houses.
I love Chris but I wish he did satire. Rolling on the floor laughing and dying with tears in one's eyes or singular in my case is an awfully good way to go.
Anyone understand why pierce followed me here? I followed Chris since before he left the Newspaper of Record. Pierce is not exactly a Chris aficionado. Chris makes Aaron Matte look like a conservative.
The totalitarians/ILLIBERALS on the cultural-left main tactics include psychological violence and gaslighting.
Listen Humpty!!! Your words mean nothing they are labels that suit your purpose. Why don't you read Alice's Adventure's Through the Looking Glass and what she found there. Charles Dodgson was the Oxford Don of the Logic Department.
I know you know what you want your words to mean; but they are meaningless in any meaningful discussion. Finish High School and decide where you go from there.
In my humble opinion this world already has too many crazy psychologists, too many professors of law and far too many ideological lunatics.
Maybe some things need to be conserved and some things need to be changed it is all scientific THEORY.
It took me almost 70 years to find a way to write.
I fear many things but I never feared clowns or the truth.
Clowns are not funny, the are not scary they are just effing clowns just like all of us . We put on our make-up before we go out into the world.
Fools step in where wise men fear to tread.
I don't know who said what.
"I am standing on the shoulders of giants." Issac Newton who doesn't need my citation. He is a measure of mass and energy