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Let me respond from a left wing secular humanist liberal democracy north of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York. The best way I know how. I am under the care of the Department of Autistic Affairs. They know more of what I am than I do. I only know who I am. I am very inspired and very angered by idiots like yourself who choose nonsense over what you know to be the the truth. The only cure for hatred is love and I understand that is your most inconvenient truth.

We are the only possible future we are about the welfare of the individual in a democratic tyranny. Democracy is hard but unfortunately democracy is far from free it requires tremendous sacrifice.

I love the debate Milton started after his boss Cromwell destroyed English Civilization.

In Quebec race, gender and religion are on the church side of the impenetrable wall between church and state. And it is good.

I'll take Milton, Locke Newton and Edmund Burke and you have a pretty impressive lineup in Chaucer Shakespeare, More, and Johnson.

Of course I have Twain and Frederick Douglas and you have Machiavelli.

makes you wonder if Socrates really existed or Plato had to invent him.

Benjamin Franklin is our George Washington. He was fluently bilingual in the languages of Voltaire and Johnson. He was a light during the enlightenment. He was a scientist, a philosopher a secular humanist (Deist), journalist and satirist when people were reading Swift, and Bonhomme Richard. Gulliver's Travels is in diary form just like Robinson Crusoe and Bonhomme Richard had a daily Almanac.

Oh I forgot only 17% of the population could read and more than half of them weren't fully human.

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!!! *** ANOTHER MOE-GASM *** !!!

MOE is a Known SuperTroll that emits enormous, galaxy size clouds of intellectual flatulence and mental diarrhea.


Facts. Evidence.

Rational, objective, systematic thinking and analysis.

Try it some time.


The totalitarians/ILLIBERALS on the cultural-left main tactics include psychological violence and gaslighting.

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Revolutionaries have known the exhilaration of being sure that they are instruments of destiny. They feel that, with ridiculous ease, they are sweeping away the delusions of centuries. Now, at last, the world is being made real. Truth is flowering.

But as has almost always been the case, it is the revolutionaries that are the tyrants in waiting. They shroud themselves in branding for being of the benevolent and not the nasty... whether vogue in religious or secular alignment... but it is generally the complete opposite. They are only "virtuous" imposters of virtue pursuing corrupted and corrupt-able self-interest.

Those heroes defeating the tyrants once again have to travail both the trials of the enemy, and the trials of a broken and backwards narrative against the hero. It has always been and it will always be. People like me just see that truth. You should try too.

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We had a revolution. The revolution is flourishing and our society is conservative and we like a well run economy by the best experts available under the supervision of ethical philosophers not corporate managers

Mark Twain said it best about politics and we love our Mark Twain. He is our 21st century philosopher. The best defense of freedom is a free and independent press.

"Politicians like diapers need to be changed regularly, for exactly the same reason."

Americans forget Philadelphia and Boston were not Franklin's only home. Our history books tell us that it was Montreal's merchants under Franklin's persuasion that dumped the tea into Boston Harbour. Franklin was fluent in the language of Voltaire.

Poor Richard or Bonhomme Richard was the World's George Washington.

Franklin emancipated his own slaves. Lincoln had no slaves to emancipate.

There is a reason Chris Hedges wrote the forward to Voltaire's Bastard's twentieth anniversary edition.

It subtitle is the The Dictatorship of Reason in the West and is dedicated to Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil.

The intersection of Christianity and Greco/Roman values has not been a great success.

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Que sera sera,

Do you have a friend who can teach you how to fact check?

How do you teach history to those for whom Everything they know is wrong.

Benjamin Franklin was a world renowned ethical humanist liberal enlightenment philosopher. Second only to Voltaire. He was as liberal as liberal got when he started writing Poor Richard's Almanac in 1732.

He was Zelensky not Adams or Jefferson.

"If you want a faithful servant and one that you like--- serve yourself."

Marx wasn't even born and Franklin was very very rich. Maybe even richer than Zelensky when he entered politics with his own media company.

They say it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter paradise.

Franklin not only preached equality for all he freed his slaves and tied his own shoes.

The American revolution was a Marxist revolution long before Marx was born.

Marx studied Franklin and Voltaire before writing his manifesto.

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Who Canceled Roland Fryer?

Roland Fryer was an unlikely Harvard superstar. Abandoned by his mom at birth and raised by an alcoholic dad, Fryer became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard and won the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal, the prize for the best economist under 40 in the world.

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!!! *** ANOTHER MOE-GASM *** !!!

MOE is a Known SuperTroll that emits enormous, galaxy size clouds of intellectual flatulence and mental diarrhea.


Facts. Evidence.

Rational, objective, systematic thinking and analysis.

Try it some time.


The totalitarians/ILLIBERALS on the cultural-left main tactics include psychological violence and gaslighting.

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Who Canceled Roland Fryer?

Roland Fryer was an unlikely Harvard superstar. Abandoned by his mom at birth and raised by an alcoholic dad, Fryer became the youngest black professor to ever secure tenure at Harvard and won the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal, the prize for the best economist under 40 in the world.

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