It is difficult for me to understand the drive to power of the Republicans (with the connivance of Democrats and their accompanying decision to abandon of the working class). It seems obvious to me that if half the population is disenfranchised, their hope destroyed, their jobs lost that they will eventually turn on the elites and the ri…
It is difficult for me to understand the drive to power of the Republicans (with the connivance of Democrats and their accompanying decision to abandon of the working class). It seems obvious to me that if half the population is disenfranchised, their hope destroyed, their jobs lost that they will eventually turn on the elites and the rich and the country will descend into open violence. In the process the country itself will be destroyed, carved up into fiefdoms each fighting the others. It is not possible for me to intellectually conceive of a large group of people coming together to intentionally do that while having no awareness of the repercussions (history is full of examples).
Nevertheless, I see it happening all around me and getting worse month by month by month. Like so many others, I am terribly frightened. And like so many others, I feel abandoned by my country, betrayed by the people who are supposed to govern wisely for all the people.
A major trauma for the Jews in Germany, the ones who survived anyway, was the abandonment by those to whom they had given their trust. They kept believing that normal would return but it never did. Instead, bit by bit more laws were passed, more court decisions made, and soon there was nothing left for them at all. Many of those who survived were never able to restore their trust for their government and its various departments. I see that same process playing out here. Day by day, as the Supreme Court destroys decades of protections for the weakest among us, as Republicans in Congress refuse to pass any laws to help but rather become ever more complicit in the betrayal all of us are experiencing, as Democrats actively undo the compact FDR made with America and take the things Republicans have done even further, I see hope dying, see trust in government eroding. So many people walk around now with a look in their eyes that I have only ever seen in those who have suffered extreme trauma.
It is not hard to see what the future holds for us; it is as grim as any time we have ever faced as a nation. At the founding, in the years before the civil war, during the depression . . . it is like all of those rolled into one. I see no people of the caliber of the Founders, no Washington, no Lincoln, no FDR. All I can see is systemic collapse, riots, severe economic depression, and war. I grieve for my country and what could have been.
You must have been locked up in a psych ward or otherwise lost in an echo chamber for all of the decades since the 1960s that 100s/1000s of people have been working on a reboot of (western) civilization in a variety of ways.
Here is one entry point into one of the many networks of those kinds of people:
We'll be back. Ass kicked and back for more fun with Ronnies Kids, until the place is gone someone will put up a fight. It might be pretty hard now, since there is no such thing as truth anymore, we get maybes instead. Americans are going to keep their god awful weapons collections, not for sustenance, only for proof of what they don't have to put up with no matter what. It's the dying duck holding onto the reed at the bottom of the lake, I might die but you can't eat me. Compromise with them and cheat like they do.
It is difficult for me to understand the drive to power of the Republicans (with the connivance of Democrats and their accompanying decision to abandon of the working class). It seems obvious to me that if half the population is disenfranchised, their hope destroyed, their jobs lost that they will eventually turn on the elites and the rich and the country will descend into open violence. In the process the country itself will be destroyed, carved up into fiefdoms each fighting the others. It is not possible for me to intellectually conceive of a large group of people coming together to intentionally do that while having no awareness of the repercussions (history is full of examples).
Nevertheless, I see it happening all around me and getting worse month by month by month. Like so many others, I am terribly frightened. And like so many others, I feel abandoned by my country, betrayed by the people who are supposed to govern wisely for all the people.
A major trauma for the Jews in Germany, the ones who survived anyway, was the abandonment by those to whom they had given their trust. They kept believing that normal would return but it never did. Instead, bit by bit more laws were passed, more court decisions made, and soon there was nothing left for them at all. Many of those who survived were never able to restore their trust for their government and its various departments. I see that same process playing out here. Day by day, as the Supreme Court destroys decades of protections for the weakest among us, as Republicans in Congress refuse to pass any laws to help but rather become ever more complicit in the betrayal all of us are experiencing, as Democrats actively undo the compact FDR made with America and take the things Republicans have done even further, I see hope dying, see trust in government eroding. So many people walk around now with a look in their eyes that I have only ever seen in those who have suffered extreme trauma.
It is not hard to see what the future holds for us; it is as grim as any time we have ever faced as a nation. At the founding, in the years before the civil war, during the depression . . . it is like all of those rolled into one. I see no people of the caliber of the Founders, no Washington, no Lincoln, no FDR. All I can see is systemic collapse, riots, severe economic depression, and war. I grieve for my country and what could have been.
You must have been locked up in a psych ward or otherwise lost in an echo chamber for all of the decades since the 1960s that 100s/1000s of people have been working on a reboot of (western) civilization in a variety of ways.
Here is one entry point into one of the many networks of those kinds of people:
Also see:
The problem and the solution:
We'll be back. Ass kicked and back for more fun with Ronnies Kids, until the place is gone someone will put up a fight. It might be pretty hard now, since there is no such thing as truth anymore, we get maybes instead. Americans are going to keep their god awful weapons collections, not for sustenance, only for proof of what they don't have to put up with no matter what. It's the dying duck holding onto the reed at the bottom of the lake, I might die but you can't eat me. Compromise with them and cheat like they do.
worse than liberal I hope.