As a Columbia alum and veteran of the '68 protests, I was initially uplifted by the pro-Palestinian student support, then appalled but unsurprised by the corporate administration's response.

Re: research other than the disgusting drone swarm and other computer, AI, and physical science from MIT, let's not forget numerous bio-research institutions funded by agencies like DARPA. Biowarfare research is alive and well in academia because the tools are available -- both the tools of molecular biology, and the human tools, bioscientists with somewhat compromised ethical foundations. Unlike Chris' interviewees.

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I wish enough students would refuse to attend these genocidal institutions so they would be completely shut down. They aren’t teaching anything of real value now.

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This is a sophisticated and significant piece about the hypocritical and insidiously imperial behavior of our institutions. But as another poster has noted, that behavior is entirely consistent with past history. Government, universities, mainstream media always serve their owners' interests, and those owners are not the people.

I would add that the difference between institutional behavior in the '60s vs. now is, the right wingers cleverly if unfortunately have learned to apply some of the rhetoric and tools of the left against itself, i.e. through claims of or for "safe spaces," "hate speech," racist bias, etc.

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the confluence of science w/tech is the downfall patenting of life and if you don't recognize the funding of your "expertise" before a post/graduate degree you may not be smart but complicit

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