This piece summarizes the history of why the US and Israel, are what they are. Mirror images of each other. The genocidal destruction is almost too much for me to grasp, just from reading Chris's summarization of the numbers of dead and wounded, of the number of homes, hospitals and other structures, both historic and of common use, which have been obliterated. It's beyond Hell on earth. And we, the US, are making it possible. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, and so many in this nation will put on their finest dress, take their children by the hand, and walk into an untold number of churches nation-wide to celebrate the resurrection of their Savior, Jesus Christ. And yet, if Jesus were here, in human form, He might easily be one of those many nameless souls buried under rubble or torn limb from limb lying lifeless in the dystopian hell which was once Palestine. And we here will sing the praises of a loving God who guides us to be great. What unthinkable hypocrisy.

We are become death, the destroyer of worlds. Just as Oppenheimer once said

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The pre-planned genocide included the sale of land belonging to Palestinians (and in some cases their actual homes) when "Settlers" accompanied by armed Israeli soldiers forcibly displaced homeowners and olive grove owners from Palestinian land. How many Americans know or are related to or know about American families moving to land they "bought" in Palestine and became complicit in the theft of Palestinian land and subsistence? When are they going to leave and return to the rightful owners their homes and lands and olive groves?

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Do you know how many times Palestine was offered to them? With land much greater than they have now? Due to their blind hatred, they ignored it.

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Actually Craig that is not true. You again are believing all kinds of propaganda that you are being paid as a troll to be on here! Never mind— garbage.

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Actually the opposite is true and you know it! Read a book!! These are all lies you and probably being a paid troll are supporting genocide and by the way— Shame on you!

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On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain's former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948.

Resolution 181, passed by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on November 29, 1947, suggested the creation of two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The plan to partition Palestine would have established the Jewish state on an area of approximately 14,100 square kilometers, or 56.47 percent of the total land, to be inhabited by five hundred thousand Jews, four hundred thousand Arab-Palestinians, and ninety-two thousand Bedouins (in the Negev desert). This means that the Jewish state was expected to host an almost equal number of Jews and Arab-Palestinians. At the time, in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, Jews accounted for about 30 percent of the total population, and owned approximately 6.7 percent of the land (“land ownership” was not common in the region: in 1951 Iraq, for instance, only 0.3 percent of the registered land was owned as “private property”). It is history. The Arabs would not accept the offer.

They became official in 1988 as a country and are considered an observer Country by the UN. The government was administered by Egypt. After 1988 they were governed by the PLO.

The US fully supported the 1947 deal and the other offers that were rejected. They hate Israel. They can't live side by side with Israel, while Israel hosts 1.7 million of them.

What is your alternate view of the 1947 deal?

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Here is NORMAN FINKELSTEIN's view in "A Brief History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" Brooklyn, NY 17 October 2023

"At some point, the General Assembly had to find some sort of resolution. And that resolution came in the form of UN Resolution 181. It's sometimes called the partition resolution. And the partition resolution, you can say, I think it's fair to say it wasn't attempting to find a formula based on justice. It wasn't a moral inquiry or a moral resolution. It was very much approached as a practical, pragmatic problem. There are these two communities here. They don't get along. Their fundamental aspirations differ in fundamental ways. And there doesn't seem to be any prospect that they can get along. And so, the decision was made by the majority. The majority opinion was to partition Palestine between those two communities, the Palestinian Arab and the Zionist Jewish communities. According to the partition, the Jewish community would comprise approximately 56% of Palestine. That is to say, 56% was allocated to the Jewish community, even as the population was 600,000. And 44% was allocated to the Arab population, even as its population was about 1,300,000. The Arab side formally did not accept the partition resolution on two grounds. Ground number one, they were the indigenous population. Ground number two, they were

the majority population. The Jewish side formally accepted the partition, but they were still determined to control or gain territorial control over the whole land of Israel, which the Zionist movement regarded as belonging to it."

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I find it interesting that we witnessed the Oscars being supported by the Military industrial complex and instead of Lily Gladstone, getting the Best Actress Oscar, we had a nice white woman and mediocre woman, actress win. Additionally the movie that is about the violent beginnings of America, globally doomed all human beings to an ultimate doomed end of all humanity. With the advancement of this ridiculous nuclear weapon. Scorsese and his movie Killers of The Flower Moon, who told the true story of the violence of White Settler Colonialism in America and how devastating it was, and they are still is stealing wealth and a good lives from Native Americans. We seem to be heading into a downward spiraling phase in-the US, and it is more insidious than we initially thought. We are starting to make people believe that our military might is the thing to believe in. People are on line surmising what to do to rid the Earth of Hamas, and these people,

sadly, are Democrats who never had a peace platform that was worth anything since before JFK. But Democrats are becoming trained and brainwashed into being small military commanders in their own living rooms, and they must enjoy being armchair soldiers and commanders because they sit and watch television and cheer on the bad guys! It’s insensitive and insane we allow our fellow Americans act like this. We are telling our own young people that drones are the thing to use in war because it doesn’t take courage to be a soldier any longer — it only takes money and technical training, so killing becomes so impersonal— that is why these Israelis can handle killing about 50,000 people. It’s like they destroyed everything, but as we faced the reality what true cowards the IDF forces appear to be. Historically, when Germany faced their plan that shooting Jews was not so good after a while it caused severe PTSD and trauma for German soldiers beciae it is hard killing humans to their faces. So the Nazis reverted to gas chambers because the soldiers couldn’t handle it emotionally. We are making wars everywhere!! Our nation is crumbling from the violence, and we need to do something about changing this world for the better. Our children and descendants deserve better lives. How are our civilizations ever going to progress with the huge amount of violence that has enveloped

Our world. How much violence does America perpetrate in-the world. Why do our children have to grow up in this shot. Are we the end game of White Settler Colonization and this is what it looks like? Gosh let’s give back American to the Indians right now! And we need send ourselves back to Europe to make America Great Again. I am not a supporter of Trump at all, FYI!

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To the extent that anyone paying attention to the history of Israel should have seen the genocide in Gaza coming, the same could be said of anyone paying attention to US history. Biden’s support for genocide strikes many Americans as outrageous, even though genocidal violence towards indigenous native Americans continued in the supposedly progressive state of California until barely over 100 years ago. I wrote about this history a few weeks after the Israeli escalation after October 7, and have noticed that many righteously outraged observers seem to have overlooked how much genocide unfortunately fits Washington like a glove. https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/indigenous-lives-matter-from-north

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When asked recently whether Israel had a right to exist, Miko Peled, born into that Zionist society, now a fervent anti-Zionist/pro-Palestinian, answered: "no apartheid state has the right to exist." By that standard, not only the former South Africa, but several other states should not have existed, including the USA until maybe the very late 20th Century --from the perspective of African Americans -- and not at all -- from the perspective of Native Americans. Look closely and you'll see how apartheid seems fundamentally woven into human societies. And AI, created by such minds, is going to save us?

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If the US didn't settle America some other country would have and the Native Americans would have paid a much higher price. Or do you think they would still be here today, living in the stone age, roped off by do-gooder leftists?

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"The US settled America". Now there's a statement to chew on. How 'bout the Spanish, Dutch, French, Brits, and whatever other European slimebaqs brought over the microorganisms that wiped away 20 million. Not a high enough price for you?

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Hello — Many nations did settle the in the US and it doesn’t appear as if you have read a history book to me. Also the type of suffering they endured was tremendous. You can see it today quite clearly the PTSD and Trauma caused by White Settler Colonization— creates bigger problems in societies. The first thing you need to think about is why you think any of you had the right to settle here. And just because you spared lives did you realize there are 356 Tribes in the US and also there originally were something like 100 Million Indians lived here. Research by some scholars provides population estimates of the pre-contact Americas as high as 112 million in 1492, while others estimate the population to have been as low as eight million. In any case, the native population declined to less than five million by 1650. So they did kill many by disease and war and displacement. So if you are able change your attitude by starting to see life differently and try and steer clear of your brainwashing (which is not all entirely your fault) and read some history.

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Why the hell are you preaching to me? Did you totally misconstrue my comment about how many native brothers/sisters were killed by my fucked up European Caucasian race; I especially understand, because I live among the results in the southwest. But I'm fortunate that it was not directly by my ancestors who didn't come here from Italy until early 20th century. Nonetheless I share the guilt. But NOT the racism, my friend. I love all Nature lovers and genuine human beings; not many of those among those still carrying the stigma of the settler colonial mind. But I'm not one of those; So please save your history lesson for someone who needs it. Thanks

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Grab a good history book and learn, Verdi. You are embarrassing yourself.

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I am daily stunned by the depths humanity has reached. I would not believe it possible if not for the blind hubris exhibited by the openly and proudly supportive international mob now ruling by naked force. Anyone who denies that payment will come due by we who impotently witness this man made hell is living in a fantasy. This soulless masacre establishes a new “normal” that other nations will mimic. Who can doubt that Trump and his supporters are taking notes and developing strategies patterned after his political doppleganger, Herr Netanyahu? We who survive will pay for this, as will our children and grandchildren.

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it'll sure be worse when Trump does what BIDEN is doing?

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Probably just more overt and obvious: spoken out loud!

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Chris I have followed you since I first discovered your books in the American Colony Bookshop. We met once in Calgary at a book signing. Your summary of the Palestinian American Israeli complex is right on the mark. Horrifyingly so. Keep on speaking your truths. Thank the gods for your work. I’m very grateful for it.

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Israel is...."pure evil."

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Are you a nazi?

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When your supposed holy book outright calls for the total annihilation of tribe after tribe after tribe, and the seizure of their land - well - maybe there is a relationship to the behavior of their state.

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The Israeli government has finally descended into a complete psychosis, and it appears the US government is not far behind. Both countries possess nuclear weapons so I think our future is bleak.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate Let us do it to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Let us call for a No Fly-Zone over Gaza!

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Many believe Pope Francis to be a puppet of the New World Order and a satanist -- for example, https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-15-pope-francis-vows-usher-one-world-religion.html

So will he actually do anything to bring peace?

I'm not Catholic so I don't know what to think.

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We can ask, and that's all we can do with respect to this. The rest is up to him.

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Pope Francis is a leftist. He would be perfect for this crowd.

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I'm sorry, but seriously what can the Pope do?

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I don't believe in the power of prayers and the Pope, although a good Catholic, is an old man and should not go there but....many people believe in his authority and he could impose penalties, even excommunication from the church, if they contribute to the genocide. In another infamous age the popes were so powerful that they were able to interdict a whole nation until their king repented. Fortunately that age of spiritual terrorism has passed but there is still some authority left. No that I believe that our Catholic president Biden will change if we gets excommunicated (bribes are more powerful than faith) but there are many people who are sincere in their faith.

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Mobilize the Swiss Gaurd to support Hamas in their armed struggle.

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Thanks for posting, and I am in love with Code Pink! When that little tiny grandma snatched that Israeli flag from that protestor, I just loved it. It was too cute!! After watching the death and destruction in Gaza, I believe we are in line for some humor. I used to believe in a 2 state solution but now I believe Palestine should get all their land back. “Land Back Now!”

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It is becoming more obvious that the world is heading for another global conflict. The difference this time is that the U.S. would not come out victorious again. The U.S. has lost the capability to mass produce weapons of war on the scale of WWII anymore. They are having trouble just making bullets for rifles and pistols. These bombs they are sending over are from their stockpile, which they can't maintain anymore. So, if a major conflict were to breakout requiring boots on the ground on a mass scale, the U.S. would be in big trouble. They don't have the equipment or troops right now to handle a major conflict in more than one theatre anymore. I am retired military and this has been coming for years. They don't advertise this for obvious reasons. So, the U.S. tries to fight proxy wars, like this one in Gaza and Ukraine. See how that is working out for them. If NATO makes the call in Europe, the U.S. may not heed the call, depending on who is in the white house next year. The same in the middle east. If NATO made a call to step in and try and halt Israel by force, the U.S. will probably step back, throw their hands up and swear to everyone that they had nothing to do with any of it. Nor would they send in any peacekeepers to help the Europeans who are already in Lebanon taking casualties even now. This is the new world order. Get used to it.

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If there is another global conflict, chances are that we will not need more rifles or tanks etc. because the total annihilation will be nuclear. the leaders of the world have already shown their madness.

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There is some truth to that but they will use conventional weapons first and escalate upwards. The one thing that can be predicted about generals, they don't like change and the U.S. takes decades to change their battle doctrine. Nukes are a last choice, especially for the U.S. If Israel should use one in Gaza, the world will come down on them hard, including the U.S. If Russia breaks out a low yield warhead and uses it in Ukraine, NATO will step in, which will include the U.S. and Russia will either have to put up or shut up. I think they will back off in the face of total annihilation. Putin doesn't want to go down in history as the one who was responsible for the destruction of the motherland.

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"Putin doesn't want to go down in history as the one who was responsible for the destruction of the motherland". Nobody will care about history since it will also finish with the exchange of nuclear bombs. MacArthur wanted to use nuclear bombs on China and North Korea and I frequently have heard the complaint that we had our hands tied to fight the Vietnamese, possibly, implying that we should have nuked them. I never was in the military so I can not say how much time they dedicate to think but what I have learned about our species is that we usually follow our low impulses and rarely the better part of us.

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Also true. The generals only want to win at any cost. They rarely think too much beyond that. This is why most sane countries don't let the military make political decisions like that. The military minds are brainwashed into just winning wars, not the aftermath so much. They leave that to the politicians to clean up. There have been a few exceptions, like Eisenhour, but they are few and far between. This is one of the main reasons I changed my outlook on things after I spent a year in Afghanistan living amongst the people there, rather than living on a FOB and not interacting with them. My eyes were opened into seeing these people as people and not the faceless enemy we had been trained to see for all of those years. Then I really started to get into the mentality of the U.S. military industrial complex and I learned a whole lot more. Now, I rant against it whenever I get the chance. I feel like I have run away from a cult and now I want to speak out against it to tell the world how bad they are. This military industrial complex has no conscience. All they care about is making more billions on the dead bodies their products produce. Nothing else matters. Since the majority of it lives in the U.S., the U.S. is the instigator for most of the world's conflicts. Russia being a close second. And Israel a third with the help of the U.S. All of this death and anguish is mostly due to the Americans providing the world with the means to accomplish this massive amount of death and destruction to anyone who has the money. It has been this way since the end of WWII. Now, several other countries have gotten into the game, like Israel, who used American money to build up their surveillance industry and sell those products to the war makers who can afford it. It's all about the money. It always has been. Israel wants that land in Gaza and the West Bank because they have financial plans for it and the Palestinians are in the way. That is what it really is all about. Hamas gave them the excuse and now they are going to try and score the final goal and win the football game they have been playing since 1917. Will they get away with it? That is the question since the main referees are Americans and the British.

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Americans and British have always been the referees and very biased too. You are right, when I was young I was so utterly brainwashed and naive that when the politicians and the media talked about the importance of defending American interests abroad, I was convinced they were referring to democracy, justice and freedom. Latter when I matured and learned some true history I realized that those lofty aspirations of us were the least they were interested in and, that all what they were protecting with our economic, political and military might was the nefarious interests of our multinational corporations.

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All very true. I saw that first hand in Afghanistan back in 2002 and that was what got my head out of the military cloud and into the real world. I haven't looked back since. I am all about exposing them for what they all are.

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What does Hamas have to do with democracy, justice or freedom. We have those things here and Israel has them also at least to the extent possible with mankind.

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Yeah, if you all were in charge the world would be peaceful, and we could lay in the grass with the pastel bunnies and love one another. Go read Animal Farm.

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Beautiful scenario when you find it tell me. And remember "four legs good. two legs bad." Animal Farm.

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I am pretty confident that the US will never start an armed conflict against Russia or China.

Historically, we only pick on smaller states. And we don't get involved in large wars (WW1 or WW2) until they are pretty much already over.

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Agreed. Americans are cowards as far as the politicians are concerned. They wait until they know they can win before making any big commitments.

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Chris, the 25,000 bombs is from the December or January count. We are now over 45,000 bombs. To believe there are only 32,000 dead means the bombs alone are killing less than a single person per explosion.

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Thank you, as always, Mr Hedges. When you write that "The world outside of the industrialized fortresses in the Global North is acutely aware that the fate of the Palestinians is their fate." it brings to mind one of Naomi Klein's masterful takes on this. Essential reading:


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It's masterful but misleading writing because the climate crisis has been manufactured and the Global Green New Deal is part of the New World Order structure meant to enslave humanity. (It's why farmers are up in arms, as the green new deal is being used to shut them down and destroy traditional agriculture.) See for example:



I agree that the earth is experiencing unprecedented changes (floods, fires, droughts, etc), but they have been brought about not by climate change but by ongoing, almost constant, geo-engineering (exacerbated by 5G which is killing off species at an alarming rate).

If there is climate change, what is the evidence? I'm not seeing it myself and I used to be an avid supporter of climate change policies until I began to delve deep into it about two years ago. I'm willing to carefully consider any evidence.

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"If there is climate change, what is the evidence?" Perhaps you have been lucky enough not to have the cost of the insurance of your home blown up along with your A/C bills. Perhaps you have not read that large cities by the coast are dedicating large portions of their budgets to bill walls to contain the flooding. I don't need more evidence.

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Absolutely agree with you that there are dramatic weather changes that are wreaking havoc and destroying property and hitting us with extreme temperatures and costing us money in insurance, property repair, etc. But until the daily geo-engineering and modification of global weather patterns is put on hold, how can we possibly know if there's any provable climate change? The governments have the technology to control and change the weather worldwide, and they are doing it every single day now. (People post photos of geo-engineering being done in their countries every day on X/twitter.)

If you were around in the 1980s, you might remember that the news media kept warning that the earth was cooling and we might be entering an ice age. After the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, all of a sudden we're told that we're facing global warming and climate change. We went from entering an ice age to global warming overnight. It was because the military-industrial complex no longer had a reason to expect the huge budgets it had been getting to fight the big bad Soviets, and they already knew through many decades of experiments that they could modify the weather and create heat waves and flood surges. Vice President Al Gore came out with his alarmist 'An Inconvenient Truth' documentary to sell the public on global warming, and the military-industrial complex continued to get its huge budgets to fight this new enemy.

I can assure you that we are suffering where I live too, from very wild weather swings -- spring weather one day and a snowstorm the next, which is destroying gardens and farms -- as well as floods that have taken out roads, destroyed homes and farms , etc.

We need to pressure the government to stop weather modification. Until they do that, their claims of climate change are not believable because they're up there spraying the skies with toxic chemicals (that are very bad for us) and engaging in climate modification activities every single day. Some states are moving to ban geo-engineering in their skies. We need that to happen everywhere.

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The Geo-engineering you mention puts particles in the atmosphere. These particles deflect incoming sunlight and have a cooling effect.

Your thinking is not based on science.

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There are no walls. There is no erosion of the sea shore according to the IPPC.

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Keep dreaming, Verdi.

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Geo-engineering slows the rate of warming, so if it is happening it only makes the case for climate change stronger (by your own logic).

Take a trip to Glacier National Park - you can see it with your own eyes.

The "New World Order" "theory" you suggest is a perfect example of how Big Oil, Big Chem, Big Ag, et al have used the culture wars and populism to deny climate science. Wake up, you're being played.

The European farmers are suffering from cheap unregulated imports - that's Neoliberal capitalism, not environmental policy.

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As I'm not an expert myself, I will defer to an expert and suggest that you watch this interview with Jim Lee who's been studying this issue for the past 15 years and who has also talked to other experts in government etc --https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/eye-on-the-sky/

Also see climateviewer.com and climateviewer.org.

From my understanding of the science involved as he explains it, geo-engineering and weather modification are polluting the stratosphere with a slew of pollutants and chemicals and trapping heat in a blanket around the earth. This is the cause of global warming, but looking at long-term trends in solar activity, the earth's climate would otherwise be on a cooling trajectory at this time, according to climate scientists studying those trends.

Exacerbating this heat trapping is the fact that many commercial jets are traveling just below the stratosphere and most corporate jets are traveling in the stratospere itself, and when their pollutants and toxic metals are released in or near the stratosphere, they do not float down to earth but remain trapped there and build up over time.

The contrails/chemtrails released from commercial aviation and in geo-engineering activities release toxic chemicals like aluminum, barium, and strontium and nano-particles, including graphene oxide, which when released in the troposphere float down and pollute air, water and soil, creating a hazard to all life on earth.

The most alarming thing he talked about was that the biggest risk with the buildup in the stratosphere is not global warming but actually the opposite -- that with two or three major volcanic eruptions the earth could be plunged into another ice age, which would be far worse than global warming in terms of its effect on us and the planet. The Little Ice Age in the 13th century was brought on by volcanic activity and brought advancing glaciers and cold summers in the northern hemisphere.

So I completely agree that heat-related events and effects are happening and wreaking havoc, but it appears that the geo-engineering and weather modification are the cause and not the solution.

Again, I'm not an expert myself, but I find Jim Lee's evidence quite convincing and also have little trust for 'experiments' with the earth's climate using toxic chemicals, particularly when they are being done under a cloak of secrecy and often with a warfare objective behind them (as Jim explains).

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I watched until 1:20 - this is an example of a little knowledge confusing someone who does not understand the basic science.

Everything the man says about geo-engineering would all tend to reduce the rate of global warming.

Yet he completely ignores global warming (by man made emissions) and dismisses those who follow that science "climate cultists".

A warmer planet puts more water vapor in the air, which creates more clouds and more rainfall. The particles the man mentions only enhance the rainfall and cloud cover.

A warmer planet puts more energy in the air, which means stronger storms and more rapid creation of storms and formation of clouds.

The issue he is focused on is the federal government's failure to regulate the airline industry. Because there is no alternative to reduce CO2 emissions from aviation and aviation fuel (no electric planes, no fuel switching to hydrogen, et al), the only solution is to reduce overall aviation. Period. But that is politically infeasible because of the power of the airline industry, its significant economic role, and public opposition to limiting flights. That dilemma drove the biofuels fraud to create the false appearance that the industry and government were doing something. There is a very similar phenomenon going on with animal agriculture: the government can't tell people to reduce meat consumption ad the climate activists are afraid of the political backlash of telling the truth.

The geo-engineering impacts of aviation are merely a symptom of all this, not the cause. The government is trying to avoid the politics of regulating the airline industry to mandate flight reduction AND is unwilling to openly acknowledge that they are using that failure to extract a "win", e.g geo-engineered cooling, which is something they could never openly admit supporting because it is far too controversial.

The man has everything exactly backwards. It's not the clouds that are driving warming its warming that is driving the clouds. Particles in the atmosphere reduce warming they don't increase it.

And the host tipped his ideological cards when he blasted "global warming insanity" and the "WEF agenda".

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Looking at your substack, I think we're in synch in terms of being concerned about what's happening to the climate and environment, but our differences are around what's causing it. You believe it's man-made global warming and I believe it's man-made geo-engineering and weather modification in addition to emissions and pollution. Given the complex factors affecting the earth's climate, it's likely it's all of these factors and how they interact is mutually reinforcing and destructive no matter how one looks at it.

My major concern is the poisoning of the environment with toxic chemicals in combination with 5G that appears to be having devastating effects on wildlife and human health. All of my carpenter bees dropped dead this year, all of a sudden. Hardly see any bees or butterflies anymore, not to mention other insects. As we know, insects are critical to life on earth.

So whatever the mechanism causing this devastation, my feeling is that we need to figure it out fast and address it. Because who in their right mind would consider fake bees to be a replacement for the real ones except someone who's lost all reason? I'd like to keep the real world intact. I'm also completely against experiments with the atmosphere surrounding planet earth, like sun dimming, that could go massively wrong and that are robbing us of vitamin D, another essential for human and animal health. So that's where I'm coming from.

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Did you notice large parts of the the south of Australia burn down the summer before last? Have you seen any pictures of fat polar bears frolicking on the sea ice recently? Neither have I. I visited Florida about ten years ago and they had the hottest day they’d ever had and the coldest day they’d ever had, in the same WEEK. Have you had nothing like that, clues that tell you it’s all wrong? Just call it climate chaos if you’re not willing to follow the trend.

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As I'm not an expert myself, I will defer to an expert and suggest that you watch this interview with Jim Lee who's been studying this issue for the past 15 years and who has also talked to other experts in government etc --https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/eye-on-the-sky/

Also see climateviewer.com and climateviewer.org.

From my understanding of the science involved as he explains it, geo-engineering and weather modification are polluting the stratosphere with a slew of pollutants and chemicals and trapping heat in a blanket around the earth. This is the cause of global warming, but looking at long-term trends in solar activity, the earth's climate would otherwise be on a cooling trajectory at this time, according to climate scientists studying those trends.

Exacerbating this heat trapping is the fact that many commercial jets are traveling just below the stratosphere and most corporate jets are traveling in the stratospere itself, and when their pollutants and toxic metals are released in or near the stratosphere, they do not float down to earth but remain trapped there and build up over time.

The contrails/chemtrails released from commercial aviation and in geo-engineering activities release toxic chemicals like aluminum, barium, and strontium and nano-particles, including graphene oxide, which when released in the troposphere float down and pollute air, water and soil, creating a hazard to all life on earth.

The most alarming thing he talked about was that the biggest risk with the buildup in the stratosphere is not global warming but actually the opposite -- that with two or three major volcanic eruptions the earth could be plunged into another ice age, which would be far worse than global warming in terms of its effect on us and the planet. The Little Ice Age in the 13th century was brought on by volcanic activity and brought advancing glaciers and cold summers in the northern hemisphere.

So I completely agree that heat-related events and effects are happening and wreaking havoc, but it appears that the geo-engineering and weather modification are the cause and not the solution.

Again, I'm not an expert myself, but I find Jim Lee's evidence quite convincing and also have little trust for 'experiments' with the earth's climate using toxic chemicals, particularly when they are being done under a cloak of secrecy and often with a warfare objective behind them (as Jim explains).

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Israel's old bible: "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

Israel's new bible: "A thousand Palestinian eyes for an Israeli eye, and a thousand Palestinian teeth for an Israeli tooth"...!!!

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Israel's "leaders" call Palestinians "sub-humans". That is all I need to know to understand how Israel feels about others.

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Thank you Chris. As my liberal friends suffocate the ugly truths with their rationalizations, evasions, self-serving denial and selective evocation of history , I come to you for sanity and truth to be able to go on.

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Thank him for what? ...

Haven't you noticed - he deserted the U.S. working class!

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No Pita we try to not notice your delusional comments! But you make it impossible. I am amazed you didn't dig deep into your shallow mind and mention COVID! Do the MAGA sheep lap up your stupidity? My father said there is ALWAYS one "Pr-ck" in the crowd, Proud "Pr-cks" at that! He added without them or you now, how would we gauge our own conscience. Chris has not forgotten the working class. The working class are Gazan's, we are Gazan's!

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That LIKE you just got was my mistake ...

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"Apology" accepted, you must have freaked out at your faux pas. Click the heart again it will cancel it out, if you didn't already remove the stain from your confused conscience!

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I say this with all due respect . . . . every article, every interview, every speech, talks about what is happening or already happened. Where are the articles and interviews regarding what the options are to end this immediately? Thus far it appears that Sam Husseini is the only one talking about solutions:


That said, I personally have gotten to the point I no longer believe anything I read for this very reason. How many experts have been interviewed or written articles yet all they talk about is everything that has already transpired.? For those of us who follow this religiously and pray every single minute of every single day, something good will have finally happened - we already know everything that is being written. It's been five months of non-stop recaps. The same exact facts and oftentimes words practically verbatim.

Where is the talk and articles or discussion about putting and end to this and how? Embargo's, boycotts, what? You're the experts which is why we read your articles. and subscribe to Substack. Are you telling me the Israel lobby is so strong they have silenced every single expert and left them completely stupefied as to what can be done?

Picture living in an apartment house/building while a gang of thugs is running roughshod and have taken over. Yet there are police officers in this same building and all everyone is talking about about how much damage this gang is done and how many they've killed and injured? Imagine the joy the people perpetrating these crimes are experiencing and tell me Israel is not experiencing the same?

How can people talk and complain about the rampant crime here in the US as Israel is allowed to wipe out an entire population and State? That's some example we're setting.

Here's my answer, let Iran or Hezbollah do what needs to be done! Because we all know what the answer is! I am so sick and tired of reading article after article after article that simply lists what has transpired. I truly have a hard time believing any of these writers are not controlled opposition because all they're doing is reporting on what's happening rather on the myriad options to end it. Imagine being a bully of this magnitude where you can savagely murder this many innocent people and no one is talking about the ways to stop you?

We live in a society that suffers from serious issues of control. People (friends neighbors relatives) demanding you take the vaccine - people (friends neighbors relatives) telling you who to vote for and yet how ironic - everyone is now entirely silent when it comes to opinions how to end this! Bizarre!

Supposedly, Biden has now been flying all these illegals into the US to make it appear less severe on the boarders. Perhaps the time has come to empty our prisons and start flying all these murders over to fight the Israel's instead!

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"Where is the talk and articles or discussion about putting and end to this and how?"

The UN has clearly demanded a cease fire and free flow of humanitarian aid but, of course, we don't listen. The case is not a lack of solutions but an absolute lack of humanity. We threw morality to the sewer.

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AGREE! But where are all the experts when it comes to writing about other solutions? We've been talking about the UN and the ICJ for months and still the murder continues.

I read the USA's greatest fear is Russia would intervene and bring peace to the middle east. It's why I personally believe NATO et al have now ramped up the attacks against Russia. To deliberately keep them bogged down in Russia in order to prevent them from moving on into the middle east. However this has not deterred Russia from now sending war ships to the Red Sea.

The only one that can and will finally put an end to this carnage is Russia along with it's allies in the middle east. That's what this war was always all about. The shipping lanes - trade and of course the new canal and the gas fields off Gaza.


Meanwhile, Moscow is now coordinating both its oil export strategy and approaches to Middle Eastern conflicts with Saudi Arabia. Finally, Russian troops have not left Syria: still home to Russia’s only military base outside the former Soviet Union. Willingly or unwillingly, Moscow remains a direct participant in the resolution of the long-running Syrian conflict.

Then there are all the large-scale Russian projects in the Middle East that are already being implemented, or will be launched in the near future. These include the North-South transport corridor through Azerbaijan and Iran to the Indian Ocean, and a gas hub in Turkey.

One new element in Russia’s relations with the Middle East is the emergence of an enormous Russian diaspora in the region. In 2022, Turkey and the UAE were among the top ten most popular destinations for Russians who chose to relocate following the outbreak of the war. There are no precise statistics on the number of people who have emigrated, but Turkey alone issued more than 150,000 residence permits to Russian nationals last year. In 2023, they became much more difficult to obtain or renew, but the number of Russians in the country is still far higher than in the prewar years.

The UAE saw a significant increase not only in the number of Russian tourists and emigres in 2022–2023, but also in the number of companies registered by Russians. Another key destination was Israel, to which more than 60,000 Russians fled from the beginning of 2022 to mid-2023. In total, the war in Ukraine led to several hundred thousand Russians moving to live in the Middle East.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that Russian media coverage of Middle Eastern conflicts has grown. The latest conflict between Israel and Hamas has shown that Moscow can no longer afford to sit on the fence, and the Kremlin is increasingly aligning itself with the Islamic countries of the Middle East. That’s no coincidence, given their growing importance for Russia.

Although the rhetoric of the Russian authorities is not yet openly anti-Israeli, the consequences of this alignment have already shocked the world, with mobs of aggressive demonstrators storming hotels and airports under anti-Israeli slogans in Russia’s North Caucasus.

The proliferation of connections at various levels, the large diaspora of Russians, and the increased role of the region for Russia all mean that Middle Eastern culture will inevitably penetrate Russia more than ever before, including in business and finance. A two-year Islamic banking experiment got under way in Russia on September 1. The economic component of the project is dubious, but the symbolic significance is undeniable. Russian officials are also now increasingly in contact with the Middle East, meaning the influence will also be felt across government institutions.

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The Superpower playing most effectively in the Middle East is China. They just cut a huge deal with Saudi



The currency and oil deals mean the US Empire is doomed - dead man walking.

The reason Hezbollah and Iran and Russia are on the sidelines is because Israel has a lot of nukes and would invoke the Samson Option in a heartbeat.

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So they announced Netanyahu is undergoing hernia surgery WITH anesthesia - do you find announcing anesthesia a bit odd or in fact the entire announcement? Only because we now live in a world completely devoid of all truth - one has to wonder if they will claim there were complications during the procedure and or he died during it in order to usher in a new regime?

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I know I saw and read everything you wrote. The good news is Hezbollah managed to attack military sites and officers in Israel so they are in fact making headway. If you read up on it and really do some thorough research you'll find Israel is in bad shape. They have already lost hundreds if not thousands of soldiers in Gaza in addition to some of their most elite brigades. The moral is not only at an all time low - but many of these soldiers that have been called up are not actually trained, per se for this type of warfare. Granted don't get me wrong - some of these younger soldiers have taken enormous and sickening pride is savagely murdering the Palestinian's. However I think it's extremely telling how desperate Israel is becoming that they are now ending the exemption for ultra-Orthodox Jews and demanding conscripts. I believe if you do to Israel what they have done in Gaza they won't be able to defend themselves. Also keep in mind how bad the Israel economy is right now because everyone has been called up to fight the war AND that close to a million citizens have already fled the Country to Europe and the USA knowing that total annihilation of Israel is becoming more and more probable. As you say the USA Is in it's final throws - while China and Russia are the exact opposite. I believe the desecration of the US was deliberate and they have sold us out to China. There is no other reasonable or rational explanation how this Country could be totally destroyed in two short years. Look at NYC where I live - GONE! Crime? Bring in the National Guard and yet just the opposite holds true - now they encourage crime (no bail and steal $1000 or less and no arrests) - the open boarders and of course the end of western Civilization a.k.a the woke revolution. Russia and China are about to take over. Will the US and Israel resort to nukes? In all probability yes.

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like another freedom flotilla at the least

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I suggested a pathway ending the Israeli genocide a few months ago, noting the essentiality of labor in the US and its recently rediscovered capacity for mobilization. Three particular labor leaders have prolifically challenged capital and emerged victorious. Might they be in a position to help their rank-and-file recall the broader meaning of solidarity? https://shahidbuttar.substack.com/p/we-the-people-can-unplug-the-war

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Mar 31Edited

I personally believe you place entirely to much credence in todays work force especially when comparing it with years gone past. Keep in mind I am NOT being disrespectful and merely the way I perceive what you wrote. You mention three unions, you know China is overtaking the automobile industry in this Country when it comes to making and selling cars? The flight attendants - the airline industry is going the way of everything else in this Country. I believe it was France (correct me if I am wrong) that actually passed an implemented a law that began banning certain domestic flights in order to encourage rail travel instead. I believe I read something similar eventually happening here in the States. Trying to discourage traveling. If you're looking for Amazon workers to save us, there's a reason they work for Amazon to begin with so I wouldn't hold my breathe. Lastly with the enormous influx of illegals entering this Country breaking these unions is exactly what they want. No one is going to risk their job when the vast majority of these workers haven't even a clue about Gaza and or Israel.

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Hedges has praised the Houthis. They are the only ones doing anything, perhaps also including minor actions by Hezbollah.

Israel has nukes and would invoke the Samson option immediately - that's what explains Iran and other sitting on the sidelines.

But I get the sense, based on your immigration attack comments, that you're not serious.

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Norman Finkelstein also praised the Houthis which made me feel better because lately I have noticed my admiration for them.

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with regard to what, not serious?

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Thanks again Chris. Albanese said it best about Collective Punishment and Orwell World double speak language's, use of "Human Shields" can be described as no more than "Genocidal Camouflage"! She went on to say the Genocide and indifference to Palestinian suffering is the "Bitter Fruit of Impunity" given Israel by US Hegemony and British. French, Imperialism! The crazy Evangelical End Timers are in ecstasy for the 2nd coming of Christ and Armageddon and the mythical Rapture! Genocide Joe, Bloody Blinken and their support of Zionist Fascism will go down in history as the worst of the worst of Genocidal leaders, comparable to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Napoleon, Pol Pot, Nixon, Kissinger, Saddam, Bush Jr. and Dick Chaney! The announcement last night of 1800 2000 pounders and 500 500 hundred pounders can only be for two things. The OBLITERATION of Lebanon in the guise to wipe out Hezbollah dug in under ground, and an INSANE attack on Iran and their bunkers of rockets, missiles and Nuclear technology. The Machiavellian in me, thinks Hezbollah should attack Israel before their arsenal is destroyed and they are left defenseless, like Gaza! At the very least Iran could deliver ICBM Dirty bombs making Israel a Chernobyl! US and Zionist Neo Cons have a death wish! John Bolton like Dr. Strangelove thinking, does not bode well for the future of humanity or life on earth. The Samson Option Awaits! AHHHGGGG!!!!

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P.S. an attack on the US armament supply lines if possible seems inevitable. How large would the explosive power of a shipment of 2000 ponders landing or shipped to Israel if hit by missiles is anyone's guess. The WW1 Explosion in Halifax Canada is the only example to date, of an armament laden ship to explode while in port. It was the largest explosion in history until the Nukes, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki !

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Thank you Chris! Keep writing your insights helping us to see the truth. We have mountains to move with your help, huge mountains!! But we must work together and not give up hope!! A young soldier came back from Vietnam and said to me "I know the command was to kill anything that moves, but why do we have to shoot the beautiful dogs!??" And I promised him we would never let this happen again!

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